Avaya Client SDK

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Send All Calls (SAC)

Send All Calls (SAC) is a feature that allows a user to redirect incoming calls to their coverage path.

To enable or disable the SAC feature, you must complete the following activities.

  • Access the call feature service
  • Feature Capability Check
  • Implement the feature completion handler to manage the feature activation result
  • Enable Send All Calls
  • Disable Send All Calls

Access the call feature service

You can access the CallFeatureService object through the User object using getCallFeatureService() function.

CallFeatureService featureService = mUser.getCallFeatureService();

Feature Capability Check

You can check whether the SAC feature is available by getting the capability of the SAC feature. This can be achieved by using the getFeatureCapability() function.

boolean featureAvailable = 

Features supported vary based on the infrastructure your application will be connecting to, as well as by the configuration for that deployment. If this capability returns false unexpectedly, please consult your system administrator. They will be able to determine if this can be addressed by a configuration change or is a limitation of your target infrastructure.

Implement Feature Completion Handler

Your application can define an object that implements the FeatureCompletionHandler interface and use it to obtain the result for the feature invocation call.

Class AppFeatureCompletionHandler implements FeatureCompletionHandler
    public void onSuccess() {
       // Feature request has been successfully completed.
       // Add code to update the UI.

    public void onError(FeatureException error) {
        // Feature request has failed to complete.
        // Reason is described in the FeatureException code.
        // Add code to update the UI.

Enable Send All Calls

To enable SAC, you can call CallFeatureService.setSendAllCallsEnabled() function with the enabled parameter set to 'true'.

AppFeatureCompletionHandler completionHandler = 
    new AppFeatureCompletionHandler();
featureService.setSendAllCallsEnabled(true, completionHandler);

Disable Send All Calls

To disable SAC, you can call CallFeatureService.setSendAllCallsEnabled() function with the enabled parameter set to 'false'.

AppFeatureCompletionHandler completionHandler = 
    new AppFeatureCompletionHandler();
featureService.setSendAllCallsEnabled(false, completionHandler);