Avaya Client SDK

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Credentials Management


User enters username and password on Vantage device's login screen to login. Platform and desk phone services ensures application receives credential data for login using communications package.

Support for Configuration in the Desk Phone Services Package

The desk phone services package receives LOGIN_SIGNAL intent from platform. The desk phone services reads the login data from platform in the form of 46XX configuration string. Desk phone services package notifies application about login event via the DeskPhoneEventListener interface. The application provides its implementation of this interface as a parameter when initializing the DeskPhoneService at startup.

When LOGIN_SIGNAL intent is received and credentials data is read from platform, the onLogin(String loginString,CompletionHandler configurationCompletionHandler) method is invoked on the listener.

Application Requirements for login processing

Application to declare the broadcast receiver in manifest file to receive LOGIN_SIGNAL intent from platform. Only active phone application receives this intent from platform.


Application implements DeskPhoneEventListener interface

Process the configuration change in onLogin(String credentialsString,CompletionHandler completionHandler)

Application to use communication package's SettingsFileParser object to parse received configuration.

Application notifies completion of login operation by invoking completionHandler.onFinish(). This is important and failure to notify about completion would block subsequent configuration / login events coming from desk phone services package.

Application to use the login data received to login to communication package various services.