Avaya Client SDK

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Emergency calling


When a Vantage device is running a telephony application built using the communications package, user can initiate emergency call from Vantage device's login screen or lock screen. Platform receives list of emergency numbers from PPM. In case of no emergency numbers configured in PPM, emergency call button will be hiden on device's login / lock screen.

There are 2 modes to initiate emergency call: * Manual Mode - Manually dial the emergency number by pressing digits on dial pad. Platform validates the number against the emergency numbers received over PPM. If dialed number does not match against any of the emergency numbers from PPM then call is not initiated. If dialed number matches against any one of the emergency numbers from PPM list then platform sends ACTION_CALL intent to application. * Auto Mode - Platform initiates emergency call to first emergency number in list received from PPM by sending ACTION_CALL intent to application.

Platform sends (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_CALL" Android Call "Intent) to application built using communications package.

Support for Emergency calling in the Desk Phone Services Package

The desk phone services package configures communication package in appropriate mode to ensure emergency calls always work irrespective of login state. Platform sends login intent to desk phone services package to always put it in a state to support emergency calls.

Application Requirements for Emergency Dialing

Application manifest file should declare intent filter as:


Application should override lock screen so that application's call screen is accessible to user. User should not be allowed to switch to other apps or navigate to home screen from emergency call screen. Overriding lock screen in application's call activity ensures this behaviour.

Snippet to override lock screen:

    final Window window = activity.getWindow();

Application should use CallService and check call capability before initiating call.

    CallService callService = user.getCallService()
    // Initiate a call using communications callService.createCall(number)

Application should block mid call control features such as hold / transfer / conference for emergency call. Application to check if current call is emergency call by using isEmergency() method of Call object.

    boolean isEmergency = call.isEmergencyCall();
         // hide mid call control buttons on active call screen.

Vantage device will be on lock / login screen after emergency call is ended.