Avaya Client SDK

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Build and Runtime Environment

Build Environment

The SDK can be used with Xcode 12.4 or later and requires a deployment target of iOS 13.

App Transport Security (ATS)

As of January 1st 2017 Apple will require all app store submissions to have App Transport Security on by default (Apple will require HTTPS connections for iOS apps by the end of 2016).

Client SDK supports applications built with NSAppTransportSecurity on or off, however there are some things to consider when building your application with ATS on:

  • When ATS is enabled this limits the ability for your application to interwork with servers that either have older software releases or configurations that intentionally disable security features
  • When ATS is enabled additional security checks, such as certificate extended hostname validation, are enabled which requires the administrator of services that you will be connecting to have their certificates properly defined and kept up to date
  • When ATS is enabled the private trust store (Working with Certificates) feature is not supported

Runtime Environment

  • iOS 12
  • iPad mini 2 devices, and later.
  • iPhone 5S devices and later.

It is the responsibility of the application developers to ensure that applications are compatible and fully tested with devices which meet the minimum requirements.

Application Permissions

Users must grant applications permissions to access personal information. The table below shows the permissions that iOS exposes, and the Client SDK service impact if the permission is not granted. Your application should request permissions based on the Client SDK services consumed by your application. Your application may require additional permissions beyond what the Client SDK can use.

Permission Impact if not permission is not granted
Camera Video input will not be available for CSDK services, including outgoing video calls and video recording for messaging.
Contacts The Client SDK will not load device contacts into the Client SDK for the application to use.
Photos Photos and Pictures will not be available messaging attachments.
Location None
Calendars None
Reminders None
Bluetooth Sharing None
Homekit None
Motion and Fitness None
Notifications None
Microphone Audio input will not be available for CSDK services, including calls and recording.

Use of Undocumented/Internal APIs

Any APIs visible in the library that are not documented or are marked as for internal Avaya use only should not be used by third party applications. These APIs are internal to the Avaya Client Services library and their use by third party applications could result in unpredictable behavior of the resulting application.

No support will be provided by Avaya related to the use of any internal APIs.