Avaya Client SDK

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What's Changed in the Release

What's Changed in the 4.29 Release

  • The supported browser list has been updated. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.
  • The AvayaClientServicesWorker.min.js library no longer exists. The configuration for the worker location in userConfiguration.collaborationConfiguration is no longer needed and should be removed.
  • The third party library eventSource.js is no longer needed and can be removed.

What's Changed in the 3.2 Release

The onConferenceStarting callback execution

In prior versions of the CSDK, the callback function onConferenceStarting in the Conference object was executed when:

  • The Conference started in waiting-room state.
  • The Conference went out of waiting-room state and became active.

Starting in this release:

  • When the Conference starts in waiting-room state the callback function onConferenceWaitingToStart will instead be executed.
  • When the Conference leaves waiting-room state and becomes fully active the callback function onConferenceStarting will still be executed.