Avaya Client SDK

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Using Player Library

Players Library provide html content of video player. The library allows you to select the type of player by yourself. It is also possible to select player automatically. Autodetecting depends on browser's capability. For using PlayerClient it must be configured.

Configuring Players Library

ClientConfig contain different players plugin paths and configuration paths. For example:

var playersConfiguration = {
    flashPlugin: 'assets/libs/flash/StrobeMediaPlayback.swf',
    hlsPlugin: 'assets/libs/flash/flashlsOSMF.swf',
    silverlightPlugin: '../../../assets/libs/silverlight/MediaPlayerTemplate.xap',
    playersConfiguration: 'assets/libs/jsplayerclient/playersConfigData.json',
    autoplay: true

Note: playersConfiguration.json file is already defined and supplied with the library.

Get player automaticaly

We recommend to use this method.

var playerClient = new PlayerClient(playersConfiguration);

var playerHTML = playerClient.getPlayer(options);

options is program's playback options defined in PlayerParams. Normally this parameter is a response from ProgramService.getProgramPlaybackAddressDetails method.

Select one of HTML5, WMP, Flash, Silverlight players

var playerClient = new PlayerClient(playersConfiguration);

document.getElementById(containerHTML5Id).innerHTML =

document.getElementById(containerFlashId).innerHTML =

document.getElementById(containerSilverlightId).innerHTML =

document.getElementById(containerWindowsMediaId).innerHTML =

Be careful, some browsers may not support manually selected player.