Avaya Client SDK

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Initializing SDK

This article discusses how to initialize the Avaya Client SDK Recording Management Package for JavaScript within your application.

Creating a Client

The central class of the Avaya Client SDK is AvayaRecordingClient. Each application using the Client SDK will have its own instance of AvayaRecordingClient and will maintain a reference to this object in order to access SDK features.

Creation of the Client object

The first part of the process is a creation of authorization ServerInfo instance object:

var authServer = new AvayaRecordingClient.Config.ServerInfo({
    host: window.location.hostname,
    port: window.location.port,
    isSecure: true,
    resources: new AvayaRecordingClient.Config.Resources.AuthorizationResources({
        authorizationUrl: "" // URL for get auth token for ACSR

The second part of the process is a creation of program ServerInfo instance object:

var serviceServer = new AvayaRecordingClient.Config.ServerInfo({
    resources: {
        get baseUrl() {
            return ""; //ACSR base url (fqdn or IP, for example)
        programResources: new AvayaRecordingClient.Config.Resources.ProgramResources({
            programsUrl: '/api/manager/programs',
            categoriesUrl: '/api/manager/categories',
            templatesUrl: '/api/manager/templates',
            reportsUrl: '/api/manager/reports'

And final part is a creation of client instance object:

var clientConfig = {
    authServer: authServer,
    serviceServer: serviceServer
var client = AvayaRecordingClient(clientConfig);