Avaya Client SDK

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Call Participant Information

Using the Avaya Client SDK, you can easily integrate the ability for users of your application to retrieve information about call participants.

The methods to retrieve participant information are different between a peer-to-peer call (P2P) and a conference call. For a P2P call, participant information is obtained from the Call object whereas, for a conference call, information for the participant(s) are obtained from the Conference object.

Retrieving participant info for a P2P call

To get the participant's name only, use the RemoteDisplayName property.

string RemoteParticipantName = call.RemoteDisplayName;

To get full participant's data, use the RemoteParticipant property which contains the Participant object.

Participant remoteParticipant = call.RemoteParticipant;

Retrieving participant info for a conference call

For a conference call, get a Conference object first using the Call.Conference property.

if (call.IsConference) {
    Conference conference = call.Conference;

From the Conference object, use the Participants property to retrieve an array which contains all the active participants in the Conference. From the array, information of an ActiveParticipant can be obtained by accessing the appropriate property (e.g., for display name, use the DisplayName property).

List participants = conference.Participants;
foreach (ActiveParticipant participant in participants)