Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager

Latest Release: 4.0.2 (October 2022)

Frequently Asked Questions

This topic provides answers to frequently asked questions about Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM), and the use of the POM Pluggable Data Connector (PDC) to build Dialog Designer VXML based applications that integrate with POM flows and campaigns.


Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager system can currently only be deployed on a Voice Portal platform. Voice Portal 5.1 and later versions support Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager as a managed application. Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager provides a solution for unified, multi channel, inbound and outbound architecture, with the capability to communicate through different channels of interaction, from Short Message Service (SMS) to e-mail to the traditional voice and video.

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager, 2.0 SP1, supports 4 distinct actions:

  1. Outbound call
  2. SMS
  3. Email
  4. Interaction with Java based applications flows (using an Avaya Dialog Designer plug in).

Scheduling in Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager is based on a customer's preferred time zone. For Example, if the settings MinContactTime and MaxContactTime are set to 9 am and 5 pm respectively, then these settings will be mapped according to a customer's time zone and the system makes outbound calls within that time interval.

Yes. Add more than one address node under the call action node, but do not set MinContactTime and MaxContactTime in the call action node. Instead specify a value for these parameters in address nodes.

For example, add one address node called HomePhone and another called OfficePhone, and in the first address node specify MinContactTime as 8 am and MaxContactTime as 10 am. In the second address node specify MinContactTime as 10:00:01 and MaxContactTime as 5 pm.

Dialog Designer applications can utilize a plug in, which utilizes the Pluggable Data Connector core framework, to interface and integrate with Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager flows and campaigns. The plug in enables seamless connectivity with Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager for various types of data exchange, and establishes a connection between Dialog Designer VXML based applications and a Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager server. This plug in can be incorporated in Dialog Designer applications in the same fashion as other available Dialog Designer connectors.

For additional information on the Dialog Designer plug in for Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager and the interfaces exposed by this component, refer to the document Developer's Guide for Pluggable Data Connector and Web Services, Release 2.0, June 2010.

Elements and Functionality

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager uses AvayaNotify and AvayaAgent applications to play text provided in the TextItem node under the NotificationText node. A configured Text to Speech engine can be used to play text in the NotificationText node. The notification ID in this node should be passed to the AvayaNotify or AvayaAgent applications.

Applications can use the multiple TextItem nodes with different language properties under NotificationText node. A default language can be set if a customer's preferred language does not match with any of the languages used in TextItem. If no preferred language is specified then application will use the default language.

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager enables multi-lingual flows through the addition of multiple TextItem nodes (under a NotificationText node). Based on a customer's preferred language, text from a respective TextItem node will either be played or sent via email or SMS. If the customer does not have a preferred language or there is no TextItem for the customer's preferred language then the notification will be played in the default language set in the NotificationText node.

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager uses the same NotificationText node for completing a Call & Mail or call & SMS action. The system, however, plays any HTML tags used in email during a Call action. Similarly if there are any SSML tags used for a Call action then the same literal text will be displayed in an email or SMS.

Subject property is only used with Email action. For SMS and Call actions this property is ignored. An email, however, transmits the value specified in the Subject property.

In a TextItem node, click on the Edit Text button and select an available attribute from the drop down. Select an attribute to be used in the notification and click on the Insert button.

For example: Type "Hello", select the Last Name attribute and click on Insert to add $lastName$ next to the "Hello". When the notification text is played, $lastName$ will be replaced by a corresponding value from the database.

ProactiveOutreach Manager Handler node is used to move execution from one action to another.

For example, if an outbound call goes unanswered after the specified number of retries then handlers can be used to direct the call to another action such as SMS. The above sequence can be accomplished by using two handler nodes; in the first handler node add a call action and in the second handler node add an SMS action.

For the call action, add results for Ring No Answer call dispositions and include an Add retry node under the result. Give appropriate values for all the properties for retry node. In the FailState property select the name of the handler added for the SMS action.


  1. Handler for the initial state is mandatory and contact strategy execution always starts from initial state handler.
  2. When multiple action nodes are used under the same handler, they all get executed at the same time.

$NOW can be used in restrict and exception under override nodes in Value, MinValue or MaxValue properties. $NOW is evaluated according to the data type of the attribute with which it is used.

For Example, if $NOW is used with date datatype then it is evaluated as current date. If it is used with time datatype then it is evaluated as current time. If it is used with timestamp datatype then $NOW is evaluated as current date and time.

The default retry value for the OnMediaServerFailure setting, in a call action node, forces the system to make infinite attempts until a voice server is available. Changing the OnMediaServerFailure to no_retry marks the contact with a Media_Server_Failure disposition and transitions the flow to the next contact.

Installation and Configuration

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager installation provides the four applications for deployment on a Voice Portal server.

These applications are invoked by Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager campaigns and enable notifications to be played during a call. The applications and their functionality are listed below:

  1. AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerAgent application plays a recorded welcome message, followed by a simple notification text (TTS) and performs a blind transfer.
  2. AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerAnnouncement application plays pre-recorded campaign announcement prompts.
  3. AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerDriver application enables call execution for a Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager campaign. The application launches calls and connects a called party to an appropriate application as specified in a contact strategy flow.
  4. AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerNotifier application plays a recorded welcome message followed by a simple notification text (TTS).

The steps outlined below are used to deploy Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) application on a Voice Portal 5.1 system:

  1. Login to the Voice Portal web administration portal using the URL: http://<IP address of VPMS>/VoicePortal.
  2. In the left hand pane, under System Management click on the Applications link.
  3. Click the Add button on the Applications page.

The steps involved in deploying POM applications are outlined below:

  1. Enter an appropriate name (for example: "Proactive Outreach ManagerAgent") in the Name Field
  2. Set the Enable radio button to Yes.
  3. Depending on the application installed, make the following selections:
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Agent, AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Announcement and AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Notifier applications, select Proactive Outreach Manager:Application from the Type drop down box.
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Driver, select Proactive Outreach Manager:Driver from the Type drop down box.
  4. In the URL section, set the radio button to Single.
  5. Depending on the application installed enter the following URI's:
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Agent, enter http://<application server ip>:7080/AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerAgent/Start
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Announcement, enter http://<application server ip>:7080/AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerAnnouncement/Start
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Driver, enter http://<application server ip >:7080/AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerDriver/Start
    • For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Notifier, enter http://<application server ip >:7080/AvayaProactive Outreach ManagerNotifier/Start
  6. Click the Verify button and confirm that the application page is displayed.
    Note:If Proactive Outreach Manager installation is co-resident on the VPMS then enter the IP address of the VPMS as the application server IP address.
  7. Select default values, by setting the radio button to No, for the Mutual Certificate Authentication and Basic Authentication fields.
  8. In the Application Launch section, select the Outbound radio button.
  9. For AvayaProactive Outreach Manager Driver application only:
    In the Speech Servers section, select a TTS from the TTS drop down box.
    Note: A TTS engine must be configured before making the above selection. Use the TTS tab under Speech Servers to add and configure a TTS engine.
  10. Click Save to confirm the updates.

As a prerequisite, users must download and install Avaya Dialog Designer 5.1 and download the Dialog Designer Proactive Outreach Manager plug in from http://support.avaya.com.

The steps involved in installing a Dialog Designer Proactive Outreach Manager plug in are outlined below:

  1. Launch Eclipse.
  2. From the menu options, select Help > Software Updates > Available software tab.
  3. Click Add Site.
  4. Click Archive.
  5. From the list of available software, browse to the plug in .jar file and click Open.
  6. Select the .jar file and click Install.
  7. The system displays the Progress Information screen, followed by the Summary Information screen.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. The system displays the Operation In Progress screen.
  10. Click Details to view the details of the installation. The system displays the Software Update screen and a message to restart the server.
  11. Click Yes to restart Eclipse for the changes to take effect.

The steps involved in configuring a Dialog Designer Proactive Outreach Manager plug in are outlined below:

  1. Create a Dialog Designer Speech Project if it does not exist already.
  2. Select the project name in the Speech Navigator tab.
  3. Right-click the project name and go to Properties.
  4. In the left pane, select Dialog Designer.
  5. Select Pluggable Connectors tab.
  6. Select Proactive Outreach Manager Connector from the list.
  7. Specify the configuration settings as:
    • Optional) Primary Host: Specify the IP address or host name of the primary Proactive Outreach Manager server.
    • (Optional) Secondary Host: Specify the IP address or host name of the secondary Proactive Outreach Manager server.
    • User: Specify the log in name of Voice Portal user. In case of multi-tenancy, the user should have privilege to access, update, and add data belonging to the user's organization.
    • Password: Specify the password of Voice Portal user.
  8. Click OK and confirm changes.

Data from an external database can be imported into the Proactive Outreach Manager database by creating a Database data source as outlined below.

Note: A contact group must be created as a pre-requisite step.

  1. On the Proactive Outreach Manager Web administration screen, click on the Contacts link.
  2. Click on the Add button. Select DataBase option. Enter an appropriate data source name and description and select a contact group to receive the imported data.
  3. Click the Next button. Select Oracle or Postgres, as appropriate, from the dropdown box.
  4. Provide a valid IP address of an external database server. Enter the database name. A corresponding port number will be automatically displayed.
  5. Provide a valid username/password for a user with permissions to create, update, select and drop tables.
  6. Click on Test Connection to test the connection to the added database and click Next.
  7. Construct and execute a query to fetch the desired records from the Database. Click Next to proceed.
    Note: It is not required to use a semicolon at the end of a query construct.
  8. Map the columns (of data) obtained from the resulting record set with the columns in Proactive Outreach Manager database. Click on the icon provided in the mapping column against the Id field. This action is mandatory.
  9. Then proceed to map the remaining fields as desired.
  10. Click Finish to create the data source.

Note: After a data source is created, subsequent data imports can be scheduled or obtained using the Run Now option.