Avaya Client Services API Reference (iOS)
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CSAgentFeature Class Reference

Represents the contact center agent feature or the feature button administered on the contact center solution. More...

#import <CSAgentFeature.h>

Inherits NSObject, and <NSCoding>.


NSUInteger buttonNumber
 The unique button number for the agent feature exclusive for an application. More...
CSAgentFeatureType agentFeatureType
 Represents type of the agent feature. More...
NSString * label
 Represents label administered for the agent feature or button. More...
NSUInteger auxilaryWorkModeReasonCode
 Represents contact center elite Auxiliary work mode agent feature or feature button administered on signalling server. More...
NSUInteger skillId
 Represents contact center elite queue status feature or feature button administered on signaling server. More...
NSUInteger formatNumber
 Represents contact center elite view status feature or feature button administered on signalling server. More...
NSString * resourceId
 (VuStats) resource id associated with the view status feature button. More...

Detailed Description

Represents the contact center agent feature or the feature button administered on the contact center solution.

Property Documentation

- (CSAgentFeatureType) agentFeatureType

Represents type of the agent feature.

- (NSUInteger) auxilaryWorkModeReasonCode

Represents contact center elite Auxiliary work mode agent feature or feature button administered on signalling server.

An agent in auxiliary work mode means he or she is not on active call but might be busy with non call related work i.e. on break, in a meeting, or at lunch.
With reason codes, staffed agents can enter a numeric 1–digit or 2–digit code that describes the reason for change in work mode (to auxiliary in this case). Reason codes give call center managers information about how agents spend time.
The need for reason code is administered via a policy on signalling server.

Represents the reason code associated with the auxiliary work mode button if administered on signalling server.

- (NSUInteger) buttonNumber

The unique button number for the agent feature exclusive for an application.

- (NSUInteger) formatNumber

Represents contact center elite view status feature or feature button administered on signalling server.

With View Status feature (VuStats), contact center agents, supervisors, call center managers, and other users can view the statistics for agents, splits or skills, VDNs, and trunk groups. The statistics reflect information collected since the agent logged in, since the day began, or historical data accumulated over an administered number of intervals. View status feature can provide information on demand or update it periodically.
For example, for an agent object type, VuStats provides the total number of calls that an agent has answered since login, the average time that the agent has spent on ACD calls, the number of agents available to receive calls for a split or skill, and the percent of calls within the acceptable service levels.
For skill object types, VuStats provides skill description and performance information, such as Average Speed of Answer (ASA), number of calls in a queue, and agent work states. VuStats also provides the acceptable service levels or percent of calls answered within the acceptable service levels for a split or skill.
For trunk group object types, VuStats provides trunk group name and number, the average holding time for an incoming or outgoing trunk calls, the number of trunks in a specified trunk group and the percent of time all the trunks in a specified trunk group were busy during a specified period/day.
For Vector Directory Number (VDN) object types, VuStats provides VDN name and extension, the total time agents spent talking on skill calls and direct agent calls, the number of calls that have encountered a VDN, but have not been answered, abandoned, or outflowed and the time the oldest call has been waiting in the VDN.
Note: This feature can also be used without an agent login but post sip user login.

- (NSString*) label

Represents label administered for the agent feature or button.

- (NSString*) resourceId

(VuStats) resource id associated with the view status feature button.

It can be a skill (1-8000), a trunk (1-2000), a Vector Directory Number (VDN) or an agent id (extension).

- (NSUInteger) skillId

Represents contact center elite queue status feature or feature button administered on signaling server.

It provides information about particular skill or queue for the agent as administered on signalling server. Queue status feature can provide skill information on demand or update it periodically.
For example: The number of calls in a queue and the time the oldest call is in a queue.
Note: This feature can also be used without an agent login but post sip user login.

The hunt group/skill number associated with the queue.

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