Avaya Client Services API Reference (iOS)
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CSCallFeatureService Class Reference

The CSCallFeatureService object is accessible from the CSUser object, providing access to additional business communication features. More...

#import <CSCallFeatureService.h>

Inherits NSObject.

Instance Methods

(NSArray *) - availableFeatures
 Gets all the calls features available to the user. More...
(NSArray *) - availableBusyIndicators
 Gets all the busy indicators available to the user. More...
(NSArray *) - availableAutodials
 Gets all the autodials available to the user. More...
(NSArray< CSFeatureStatusParameters * > *) - availableHuntGroupBusyPositionFeatures
 Gets a list of configured hunt-group-busy-position feature buttons for the user. More...
(void) - updateAutodial:completionHandler:
 Sends out a request in the network to update a configured Autodial button. More...
(BOOL) - isFeatureAvailable:
 Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified feature is available. More...
(CSCapability *) - capabilityForFeature:
 Returns a capability object indicating whether the specified feature is available. More...
(CSFeatureStatusParameters *) - featureStatusParametersForType:withExtension:
 Returns feature status parameters for a specified extension and feature type. More...
(CSFeatureStatusParameters *) - featureStatusParametersForFeature:
 Returns feature status parameters for a specified CSFeatureParameters object. More...
(void) - invokeFeature:completionHandler:
 Invokes a feature that takes no parameters. More...
(void) - invokeFeature:parameters:completionHandler:
 Invokes a feature. More...
(CSCapability *) - sendAllCallsCapabilityForExtension:
 A capability object indicating whether the send all calls feature is available for the specified extention. More...
(BOOL) - isSendAllCallsEnabledForExtension:
 Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the send all calls feature is enabled for the specified extension. More...
(void) - setSendAllCallsEnabled:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables sending all calls to coverage. More...
(void) - setSendAllCallsEnabled:forExtension:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables sending all calls to coverage for another extension. More...
(CSCapability *) - callForwardingCapabilityForExtension:
 A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding feature is available for the specified extension. More...
(BOOL) - isCallForwardingEnabledForExtension:
 Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding feature is enabled for the specified extension. More...
(NSString *) - callForwardingDestinationForExtension:
 Returns the call forwarding destination for the specified extension, if any. More...
(void) - setCallForwardingEnabled:destination:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables forwarding of all calls to the specified destination. More...
(void) - setCallForwardingEnabled:forExtension:destination:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables forwarding of all calls to the specified destination for another extension. More...
(CSCapability *) - callForwardingBusyNoAnswerCapabilityForExtension:
 A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is available for the specified extension. More...
(BOOL) - isCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabledForExtension:
 Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is enabled for the specified extension. More...
(NSString *) - callForwardingBusyNoAnswerDestinationForExtension:
 Returns the call forwarding busy-no-answer destination for the specified extension, if any. More...
(void) - setCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled:destination:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables forwarding of calls that receive a busy signal or are not answered to the specified destination. More...
(void) - setCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled:forExtension:destination:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables forwarding of calls that receive a busy signal or are not answered to the specified destination for another extension. More...
(CSCapability *) - enhancedCallForwardingCapabilityForExtension:
 A capability object indicating whether the Enhanced Call Forwarding feature is available for the specified extension. More...
(CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus *) - enhancedCallForwardingStatusForExtension:
 Returns the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the specified extension. More...
(void) - setEnhancedCallForwardingStatus:completionHandler:
 Sets the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the user's local extension. More...
(void) - setEnhancedCallForwardingStatus:forExtension:completionHandler:
 Sets the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for another extension. More...
(void) - limitCalls:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables Limit Number of Concurrent Calls feature. More...
(void) - setExclusionEnabled:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables exclusion for the active call. More...
(void) - setEC500Enabled:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables EC500. More...
(void) - setEC500Enabled:withDestinationNumber:completionHandler:
 Enables EC500 with the mobile phone number provided or disables EC500. More...
(void) - extendCallWithCompletionHandler:
 Extends the active call to the off-pbx destinations configured for the user's extension, namely EC500. More...
(void) - cancelExtendCallWithCompletionHandler:
 Cancels a pending extension of the active call to the off-pbx destinations configured for the user's extension. More...
(void) - parkCallWithCompletionHandler:
 Parks the active call. More...
(void) - unparkCallWithCompletionHandler:
 Unparks a call previously parked at the user's extension. More...
(void) - unparkCallAtExtension:completionHandler:
 Unparks a call previously parked at the specified extension. More...
(BOOL) - isAutoCallbackEnabledForDestination:
 A Boolean value indicating whether auto callback feature is enabled for the specified destination. More...
(void) - setAutoCallbackEnabled:completionHandler:
 Enables an automatic callback for the last call if it received a busy signal or was unanswered. More...
(void) - setAutoCallbackEnabled:forDestination:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables automatic callback for the specified destination. More...
(void) - whisperPageToExtension:completionHandler:
 Starts a whisper page to another user that is on an active call. More...
(void) - pickupCallAtExtension:completionHandler:
 Picks up a call ringing at the specified extension (directed call pickup). More...
(void) - pickupGroupCallWithCompletionHandler:
 Picks up a call for the user's pickup group (group call pickup). More...
(void) - pickupCallForGroup:completionHandler:
 Picks up a call for the specified pickup group (extended group call pickup). More...
(void) - blockCallingPartyNumberToDestination:completionHandler:
 Starts a call to the specified destination with the user's calling party number information blocked if the call is made over a trunk. More...
(void) - unblockCallingPartyNumberToDestination:completionHandler:
 Starts a call to the specified destination with the user's calling party number information unblocked if it would normally be blocked. More...
(void) - startPriorityCallToDestination:completionHandler:
 Starts a priority call to the specified destination. More...
(void) - completePreemptionForCall:completionHandler:
 Completes call preemption after user acknowledges the continuous preemption tone. More...
(void) - setHuntGroupBusyPositionEnabled:forHuntGroup:completionHandler:
 Enables or Disables Hunt Group Busy Position feature for a specified hunt group number. More...
(void) - setPersonalizedLabel:forFeature:completionHandler:
 Updates the feature with personalized label given by user. More...
(CSCapability *) - huntGroupBusyPositionCapabilityForHuntGroupNumber:
 A capability object indicating whether the hunt-group-busy-position feature is available for the specified hunt group number. More...
(void) - activateMaliciousCallTraceWithCompletionHandler:
 Activate Malicious Call Trace feature for incoming active call. More...
(void) - makeNoHoldConferenceWithDestination:completionHandler:
 Start No Hold Conference for active call, or add new participant to existing conference. More...
(void) - cancelNoHoldConferenceWithCompletionHandler:
 Cancels the No Hold Conference invocation. More...
(void) - startServiceObserving:withType:withLocation:completionHandler:
 Starts service observing. More...
(void) - changeServiceObservingMode:completionHandler:
 Change the mode of service observing session. More...
(void) - stopCoachingSession:
 Stops coaching session. More...
(void) - stopServiceObserving:
 Stops service observing. More...
(CSCapability *) - callRecordingCapabilityForActionType:
 Returns a capability object indicating whether a particular call recording action is allowed. More...
(void) - performCallRecordingWithActionType:completionHandler:
 Perform call recording operation with specific action type. More...
(void) - moveCall:
 Call Handover to move a call to user's simultaneous/twin clients. More...
(void) - retrieveCall:
 Call Handover to retrieve a call from user's simultaneous/twin clients. More...
(void) - setSimRingCallbackStatusParameters:completionHandler:
 Enables or disables the callback / simultaneous ring feature with the specified parameters. More...
(void) - invokeCallbackCallFromDestination:toRemoteAddress:completionHandler:
 Initiates/places a call from the callback destination to the remote address. More...
(void) - invokeCallbackCallToRemoteAddress:completionHandler:
 Initiates/places a call to the remote address. More...


id< CSCallFeatureServiceDelegatedelegate
 The delegate responsible for handling call feature events. More...
BOOL isServiceAvailable
 A Boolean value indicating whether the Call Feature Service is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the send all calls feature is available for the user's local extension. More...
BOOL sendAllCallsEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the send all calls feature is enabled for the user's local extension. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding feature is available for the user's local extension. More...
BOOL callForwardingEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding feature is enabled for the user's local extension. More...
NSString * callForwardingDestination
 The call forwarding destination for the user's local extension, if any. More...
BOOL internalTwinningEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the internal twinning feature is enabled. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is available for the user's local extension. More...
BOOL callForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is enabled for the user's local extension. More...
NSString * callForwardingBusyNoAnswerDestination
 The call forwarding busy-no-answer destination for the user's local extension, if any. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the Enhanced Call Forwarding feature is available for the user's local extension. More...
 The Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the user's local extension, if any. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the Limit Number of Concurrent Calls feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the exclusion feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the EC500 feature is available. More...
BOOL EC500Enabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the EC500 feature is enabled. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the extend call feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the call park feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the call unpark feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the auto callback feature is available. More...
BOOL autoCallbackEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the auto callback feature is enabled. More...
NSArray * autoCallbackList
 The list of outstanding automatic callback destinations in case autoCallbackDestination capability is enabled, empty list otherwise. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the whisper page feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the directed call pickup feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the group call pickup feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the extended group call pickup feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the block calling party number feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the unblock calling party number feature is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the priority call feature is available. More...
NSArray< CSTeamButton * > * teamButtons
 List of team buttons assigned to the station. More...
 A capability object indicating whether Malicious Call Trace feature is available for incoming active call. More...
BOOL maliciousCallTraceActive
 A Boolean value indicating whether Malicious Call Trace feature is activated. More...
 A capability object indicating whether No Hold Conference feature is available for active call. More...
 A capability object indicating whether No Hold Conference feature can be canceled. More...
NSString * noHoldConferenceDestination
 The destination extension for No Hold Conference feature button. More...
 Returns service observing feature status parameters. More...
 Returns an indication as to whether the service observing is available. More...
 A capability object indicating whether the user is able to configure callback / simultaneous ring destinations and their parameters. More...
BOOL simRingCallbackEnabled
 A Boolean value indicating whether the callback / simultaneous ring feature is enabled. More...
 Returns callback / simultaneous ring feature status parameters. More...
 Returns a capability object indicating whether the user is able to invoke callback calls. More...

Detailed Description

The CSCallFeatureService object is accessible from the CSUser object, providing access to additional business communication features.

The CSCallFeatureService object provides a set of APIs that allow application developers to implement advanced SIP telephony features.

In general, administered features can be invoked depending upon the current state of the system.

The client application is notified about status updates on features reported by the call feature service through handlers that the application has registered on the CSCallFeatureService object. These updates may be the result of local operations on the CSCallFeatureService object as well as remote changes initiated by either the service/server or other end users.

Method Documentation

- (void) activateMaliciousCallTraceWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Activate Malicious Call Trace feature for incoming active call.

When malicious call trace controller (human) presses "mct-contr" button, callback didChangeMaliciousCallTraceStatus(true) is invoked. When the controller deactivates a malicious call trace, callback didChangeMaliciousCallTraceStatus(false) is invoked. Feature is deactivated by pressing the feature deactivation code by same client, which pressed "mct-contr" button. "mct-contr" button is implemented in CM for h.323 only.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (NSArray *) availableAutodials

Gets all the autodials available to the user.

An NSArray of CSAutodial objects.
- (NSArray *) availableBusyIndicators

Gets all the busy indicators available to the user.

An NSArray of CSBusyIndicator objects.
- (NSArray *) availableFeatures

Gets all the calls features available to the user.

An NSArray of CSFeatureStatusParameters objects describing the available features.
- (NSArray<CSFeatureStatusParameters *> *) availableHuntGroupBusyPositionFeatures

Gets a list of configured hunt-group-busy-position feature buttons for the user.

An NSArray of CSFeatureStatusParameters objects describing the available hunt-group-busy-position features.
- (void) blockCallingPartyNumberToDestination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Starts a call to the specified destination with the user's calling party number information blocked if the call is made over a trunk.

destinationThe destination to call.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (CSCapability *) callForwardingBusyNoAnswerCapabilityForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is available for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the availability of the feature.
- (NSString *) callForwardingBusyNoAnswerDestinationForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns the call forwarding busy-no-answer destination for the specified extension, if any.

extensionThe extension for which to query the forwarding destination.
- (CSCapability *) callForwardingCapabilityForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding feature is available for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the availability of the feature.
- (NSString *) callForwardingDestinationForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns the call forwarding destination for the specified extension, if any.

extensionThe extension for which to query the forwarding destination.
- (CSCapability *) callRecordingCapabilityForActionType: (CSCallRecordingActionType type

Returns a capability object indicating whether a particular call recording action is allowed.

typeThe call recording action type.
CSCapability object describing whether the recording action is allowed.
See also
- (void) cancelExtendCallWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Cancels a pending extension of the active call to the off-pbx destinations configured for the user's extension.

An invocation of extendCallWithCompletionHandler: is not considered successful until the call has been answered on one of the user's off-pbx destinations. Until this occurs cancelExtendCallWithCompletionHandler: may be used to cancel the pending extension of the active call.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
See also
- extendCallWithCompletionHandler:
- (void) cancelNoHoldConferenceWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Cancels the No Hold Conference invocation.

The feature can be canceled after invocation of No Hold Conference and during the time it's ringing on the party that is to be added to the No Hold Conference.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (CSCapability *) capabilityForFeature: (CSFeatureType featureType

Returns a capability object indicating whether the specified feature is available.

featureTypeThe feature to query.
- (void) changeServiceObservingMode: (CSServiceObservingMode mode
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Change the mode of service observing session.

modeThe Service Observing mode.
handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of change service observing mode operation i.e., whether it was successful.
See also
- (void) completePreemptionForCall: (CSCall *)  preemptedCall
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Completes call preemption after user acknowledges the continuous preemption tone.

Call preemption occurs when a precedence call is sent to a preemptable endpoint that is busy with a call of lower precedence and has no idle appearances. This causes the lower precedence call to be preempted, regardless of whether the lower precedence call and the new higher precedence call are of the same media type. When preemption occurs, the active busy user receive a continuous preemption tone until user acknowledges the preemption by invoking complete preemption method and the other party receives a preemption tone for a minimum of 3 seconds. After acknowledging the preemption, the extension to which the precedence call is directed will be provided with precedence ringing and the calling party will receive an audible ring-back precedence tone.

Application must start playing preemption tone upon receipt of event call:didPreempt:isPreemptionCompletionRequiredByClient: (CSCallDelegate-p) and stop preemption tone before calling completeCallPreemption when user acknowledges the preemption. However when other end receives preemption application must stop tone after 3 seconds and call:didPreempt:isPreemptionCompletionRequiredByClient: (CSCallDelegate-p) is NOT needed since there is no precedence call is directed at this end, other end is free and ready to receive any other new call while tone is being played.

preemptedCallcall which was preempted and received didPreempt event.
handlerA completion handler that receives the result of the operation.
See also
- call:didPreempt:isPreemptionCompletionRequiredByClient: (CSCallDelegate-p)
- (CSCapability *) enhancedCallForwardingCapabilityForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

A capability object indicating whether the Enhanced Call Forwarding feature is available for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the availability of the feature.
- (CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus *) enhancedCallForwardingStatusForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the specified extension.

A CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus object describing the busy, no reply, and unconditional call forwarding settings.
- (void) extendCallWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Extends the active call to the off-pbx destinations configured for the user's extension, namely EC500.

An invocation of extendCallWithCompletionHandler: is not considered successful until the call has been answered on one of the user's off-pbx destinations. Until this occurs cancelExtendCallWithCompletionHandler: may be used to cancel the pending extension of the active call.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
See also
- cancelExtendCallWithCompletionHandler:
- (CSFeatureStatusParameters *) featureStatusParametersForFeature: (CSFeatureParameters *)  featureParams

Returns feature status parameters for a specified CSFeatureParameters object.

If feature type is not configured for specified extension, this API will return empty object of type FeatureStatusParameters with CSFeatureStatusUndefined status in it. Other status are CSFeatureStatusOn/CSFeatureStatusOff/CSFeatureStatusAlerting.

featureParamsThe CSFeatureParameters object to query feature status.
- (CSFeatureStatusParameters *) featureStatusParametersForType: (CSFeatureType featureType
withExtension: (NSString *)  ownerExtension 

Returns feature status parameters for a specified extension and feature type.

If feature type is not configured for specified extension, this API will return empty object of type FeatureStatusParameters with CSFeatureStatusUndefined status in it. Other status are CSFeatureStatusOn/CSFeatureStatusOff/CSFeatureStatusAlerting.

featureTypeThe feature to query.
ownerExtensionExtension number

This method is deprecated please use featureStatusParametersForFeature: .

- (CSCapability *) huntGroupBusyPositionCapabilityForHuntGroupNumber: (NSInteger)  huntGroupNumber

A capability object indicating whether the hunt-group-busy-position feature is available for the specified hunt group number.

huntGroupNumberThe hunt group number for which to query the availability of the feature.
- (void) invokeCallbackCallFromDestination: (NSString *)  callbackDestination
toRemoteAddress: (NSString *)  remoteAddress
completionHandler: (void(^)(CSCallbackCallStatus status, NSError *error))  handler 

Initiates/places a call from the callback destination to the remote address.

See also
CSCallFeatureService::invokeCallbackCallToRemoteAddress:completionHandler can be used if you don't want to specify the callback destination.
callbackDestinationThe destination from where the call should be initiated. This must be one of the destinations configured via
See also
- setSimRingCallbackStatusParameters:completionHandler:. If not specified, the call will be placed from the default callback destination configured via
- setSimRingCallbackStatusParameters:completionHandler: or saved from the last callback call invocation. The specified callback destination is saved as the default callback destination automatically after placing a callback call. It will override previously configured default callback destination if any.
remoteAddressThe destination that the call should be addressed to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • status If the operation was finished, this parameter is CSCallbackCallStatusUndefined. If an intermediate event occured, it contains a callback call status (
See also
  • error If the operation was successful or an intermediatr event happened, this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) invokeCallbackCallToRemoteAddress: (NSString *)  remoteAddress
completionHandler: (void(^)(CSCallbackCallStatus status, NSError *error))  handler 

Initiates/places a call to the remote address.

The call will be placed from the default callback destination configured via

See also
- setSimRingCallbackStatusParameters:completionHandler: or saved from the last callback call invocation
CSCallFeatureService::invokeCallbackCallFromDestination:toRemoteAddress:completionHandler. If the default callback destination is not specified, an error will be returned.
remoteAddressThe destination that the call should be addressed to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • status If the operation was finished, this parameter is CSCallbackCallStatusUndefined. If an intermediate event occured, it contains a callback call status (
See also
  • error If the operation was successful or an intermediatr event happened, this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) invokeFeature: (CSFeatureType featureType
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Invokes a feature that takes no parameters.

featureTypeThe feature to invoke.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) invokeFeature: (CSFeatureType featureType
parameters: (CSFeatureInvocationParameters *)  featureParameters
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Invokes a feature.

Feature Parameters
CSFeatureTypeSendAllCalls [action] [owner-extension]
CSFeatureTypeForwardAllCalls [action] [destination] [owner-extension]
CSFeatureTypeForwardBusyNoAnswerCalls [action] [destination] [owner-extension]
CSFeatureTypeOneTouchRecording [action] [extension]
CSFeatureTypeHuntGroupBusyPosition [action] [hunt-group number]
CSFeatureTypeSimRingCallback [sim-ring-callback-parameters]
CSFeatureTypeCallbackCall [extension] [destination]
featureTypeThe feature to invoke.
featureParametersThe parameters supporting this feature invocation.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (BOOL) isAutoCallbackEnabledForDestination: (NSString *)  destination

A Boolean value indicating whether auto callback feature is enabled for the specified destination.

Use this method only if AutoCallback destination is editable, otherwise use CSCallFeatureService::autoCallbackEnabled property.

See also
destinationThe destination to query auto-callback enablement for.
- (BOOL) isCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabledForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is enabled for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the status of the feature.
- (BOOL) isCallForwardingEnabledForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding feature is enabled for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the status of the feature.
- (BOOL) isFeatureAvailable: (CSFeatureType featureType

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified feature is available.

featureTypeThe feature to query.
- (BOOL) isSendAllCallsEnabledForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the send all calls feature is enabled for the specified extension.

extensionThe extension for which to query the status of the feature.
- (void) limitCalls: (BOOL)  enabled
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables Limit Number of Concurrent Calls feature.

Limit Number of Concurrent Calls feature: Users can use this to limit the number of concurrent calls at a station to one call, where normally multiple call appearances can terminate at the station.

enabledIf YES Limit Number of Concurrent Calls is enabled. If NO Limit Number of Concurrent Calls is disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) makeNoHoldConferenceWithDestination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Start No Hold Conference for active call, or add new participant to existing conference.

No Hold Conference feature button allows a user to set up a conference call without interrupting the current conversation. The called party is automatically added to the conference as soon as they answer. Successful completionHandler is invoked after invited party answered, or the feature was canceled. Current active call will be transformed into the conference. The number dialed by the user is sent as a message and not as tone so that the digits are not heard by any party on the call. So No Hold Conference button should be used if it's important that no tones are heard by participants, and/or remote user should not be held. In other cases AddParticipantFromCall/AddParticipant methods of Conference interface should be used. No Hold Conference is Avaya Communication Manager feature, which is not available in other environments.

destinationNetwork address of the person who is being added to the conference call.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) moveCall: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Call Handover to move a call to user's simultaneous/twin clients.

handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of call handover operation i.e., whether it was successful.
- (void) parkCallWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Parks the active call.

A parked call may later be unparked from another extension.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) performCallRecordingWithActionType: (CSCallRecordingActionType type
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Perform call recording operation with specific action type.

typeThe call recording action type.
handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of call recording operation i.e., whether it was successful.
See also
- (void) pickupCallAtExtension: (NSString *)  extension
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Picks up a call ringing at the specified extension (directed call pickup).

extensionThe extension to pick up the call from.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) pickupCallForGroup: (NSInteger)  groupNumber
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Picks up a call for the specified pickup group (extended group call pickup).

groupNumberThe group number to pick up the call from.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) pickupGroupCallWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Picks up a call for the user's pickup group (group call pickup).

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) retrieveCall: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Call Handover to retrieve a call from user's simultaneous/twin clients.

handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of call handover operation i.e., whether it was successful.
- (CSCapability *) sendAllCallsCapabilityForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

A capability object indicating whether the send all calls feature is available for the specified extention.

extensionThe extension for which to query the availability of the feature.
- (void) setAutoCallbackEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables an automatic callback for the last call if it received a busy signal or was unanswered.

When the station becomes able to receive a call the user who invoked this feature will be called back automatically.

enabledIf YES automatic callback is enabled. If NO automatic callback is disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setAutoCallbackEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
forDestination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables automatic callback for the specified destination.

When the destination user becomes able to receive a call the user who invoked this feature will be called back automatically. Use this method only if autoCallback destination is editable, otherwise use setAutoCallbackEnabled:completionHandler: method.

See also
enabledIf YES automatic callback is enabled. If NO automatic callback is disabled.
destinationThe destination to enable auto-callback for.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
destination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables forwarding of calls that receive a busy signal or are not answered to the specified destination.

enabledIf YES forwarding is enabled. If NO forwarding is disabled.
destinationThe destination number to forward calls to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setCallForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
forExtension: (NSString *)  extension
destination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables forwarding of calls that receive a busy signal or are not answered to the specified destination for another extension.

enabledIf YES forwarding is enabled. If NO forwarding is disabled.
extensionThe extension to update call forwarding settings for.
destinationThe destination number to forward calls to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setCallForwardingEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
destination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables forwarding of all calls to the specified destination.

enabledIf YES forwarding is enabled. If NO forwarding is disabled.
destinationThe destination number to forward calls to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setCallForwardingEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
forExtension: (NSString *)  extension
destination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables forwarding of all calls to the specified destination for another extension.

enabledIf YES forwarding is enabled. If NO forwarding is disabled.
extensionThe extension to enable or disable forwarding for.
destinationThe destination number to forward calls to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setEC500Enabled: (BOOL)  enabled
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables EC500.

enabledIf YES EC500 is enabled. If NO EC500 is disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setEC500Enabled: (BOOL)  enabled
withDestinationNumber: (NSString *)  number
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables EC500 with the mobile phone number provided or disables EC500.

Use this method only if EC500 destination is editable, otherwise use setEC500Enabled:completionHandler: method.

See also
enabledIf YES EC500 is enabled. If NO EC500 is disabled.
numberA mobile phone number. The destination can be any external number the user is able to dial normally. It should include any prefix if necessary. The number is not relevant if enabled=false.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setEnhancedCallForwardingStatus: (CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus *)  enhancedCallForwardingStatus
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Sets the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the user's local extension.

enhancedCallForwardingStatusThe new enhanced call forwarding status, specifying the busy, no reply, and unconditional call forwarding settings. For IP Office, the same destination number should be provided for call forward busy and no reply.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setEnhancedCallForwardingStatus: (CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus *)  enhancedCallForwardingStatus
forExtension: (NSString *)  extension
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Sets the Enhanced Call Forwarding status for another extension.

enhancedCallForwardingStatusThe new enhanced call forwarding status, specifying the busy, no reply, and unconditional call forwarding settings. For IP Office, the same destination number should be provided for call forward busy and no reply.
extensionThe extension to update call forwarding settings for.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setExclusionEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables exclusion for the active call.

Exclusion prevents any other users from bridging onto the call, and drops any other users who are already bridged onto the call.

enabledIf YES exclusion is enabled. If NO exclusion is disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setHuntGroupBusyPositionEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
forHuntGroup: (NSInteger)  huntGroupNumber
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or Disables Hunt Group Busy Position feature for a specified hunt group number.

When enabled, user will not receive any calls targeted for that hunt group. In order to receive calls on the hunt group, feature needs to be disabled again.

enabledIf YES hunt group busy position is enabled. If NO hunt group busy position is disabled.
huntGroupNumberThe hunt group number for which feature is enabled or disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setPersonalizedLabel: (NSString *)  featureLabel
forFeature: (CSFeatureParameters *)  featureParams
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Updates the feature with personalized label given by user.

featureLabelThe personalized label to be set.
featureParamsThe CSFeatureParameters object providing details about feature to update.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setSendAllCallsEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables sending all calls to coverage.

enabledIf YES send all calls is enabled. If NO send all calls is disabled.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setSendAllCallsEnabled: (BOOL)  enabled
forExtension: (NSString *)  extension
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables sending all calls to coverage for another extension.

enabledIf YES send all calls is enabled. If NO send all calls is disabled.
extensionThe extension to enable or disable send all calls for.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) setSimRingCallbackStatusParameters: (CSSimRingCallbackStatusParameters *)  simRingCallbackStatusParameters
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Enables or disables the callback / simultaneous ring feature with the specified parameters.

simRingCallbackStatusParametersThe callback / simultaneous ring feature status parameters. To enable the feature at least 1 destination should be configured. All of the configured destinations must be unique. To disable the feature all of the destinations must be empty ("" or nil). The configured default callback destination in these parameters may also be overridden by the callback call feature invocation (
See also
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) startPriorityCallToDestination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Starts a priority call to the specified destination.

Priority calls have distinct alerting and typically do not go to coverage.

destinationThe destination to call.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) startServiceObserving: (NSString *)  entity
withType: (CSServiceObservingType type
withLocation: (NSInteger)  location
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Starts service observing.

entityThe extension of the endpoint currently observed.
typeThe Service Observing type.
locationThe location number associated with the observed VDN. The valid range is 0-2000. The value 0 means that the service observing type is not "By Location"
handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of start service observing operation i.e., whether it was successful.
See also
- (void) stopCoachingSession: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Stops coaching session.

handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of stop coaching session operation i.e., whether it was successful.
- (void) stopServiceObserving: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Stops service observing.

handlerAn Object that wants to learn about the result of stop service observing operation i.e., whether it was successful.
- (void) unblockCallingPartyNumberToDestination: (NSString *)  destination
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Starts a call to the specified destination with the user's calling party number information unblocked if it would normally be blocked.

destinationThe destination to call.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) unparkCallAtExtension: (NSString *)  extension
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Unparks a call previously parked at the specified extension.

extensionThe extension from which to retrieve the parked call.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) unparkCallWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler

Unparks a call previously parked at the user's extension.

handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) updateAutodial: (CSAutodial *)  updatedAutodial
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Sends out a request in the network to update a configured Autodial button.

updatedAutodialUser modified autodial button
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.
- (void) whisperPageToExtension: (NSString *)  extension
completionHandler: (void(^)(NSError *error))  handler 

Starts a whisper page to another user that is on an active call.

extensionThe extension to start a whisper page to.
handlerA block to be called when the operation is completed.
  • error If the operation was successful this parameter is nil. If an error occurred it contains an object describing the error.

Property Documentation

- (CSCapability*) autoCallbackCapability

A capability object indicating whether the auto callback feature is available.

- (BOOL) autoCallbackEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the auto callback feature is enabled.

- (NSArray*) autoCallbackList

The list of outstanding automatic callback destinations in case autoCallbackDestination capability is enabled, empty list otherwise.

- (CSCapability*) blockCallingPartyNumberCapability

A capability object indicating whether the block calling party number feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) callbackCallCapability

Returns a capability object indicating whether the user is able to invoke callback calls.

- (CSCapability*) callForwardingBusyNoAnswerCapability

A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is available for the user's local extension.

- (NSString*) callForwardingBusyNoAnswerDestination

The call forwarding busy-no-answer destination for the user's local extension, if any.

- (BOOL) callForwardingBusyNoAnswerEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding busy-no-answer feature is enabled for the user's local extension.

- (CSCapability*) callForwardingCapability

A capability object indicating whether the call forwarding feature is available for the user's local extension.

- (NSString*) callForwardingDestination

The call forwarding destination for the user's local extension, if any.

- (BOOL) callForwardingEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the call forwarding feature is enabled for the user's local extension.

- (id<CSCallFeatureServiceDelegate>) delegate

The delegate responsible for handling call feature events.

- (CSCapability*) EC500Capability

A capability object indicating whether the EC500 feature is available.

- (BOOL) EC500Enabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the EC500 feature is enabled.

- (CSCapability*) enhancedCallForwardingCapability

A capability object indicating whether the Enhanced Call Forwarding feature is available for the user's local extension.

- (CSEnhancedCallForwardingStatus*) enhancedCallForwardingStatus

The Enhanced Call Forwarding status for the user's local extension, if any.

- (CSCapability*) exclusionCapability

A capability object indicating whether the exclusion feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) extendCallCapability

A capability object indicating whether the extend call feature is available.

- (BOOL) internalTwinningEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the internal twinning feature is enabled.

- (BOOL) isServiceAvailable

A Boolean value indicating whether the Call Feature Service is available.

YES if the Call Feature Service is available, NO otherwise.
- (CSCapability*) limitCallsCapability

A capability object indicating whether the Limit Number of Concurrent Calls feature is available.

- (BOOL) maliciousCallTraceActive

A Boolean value indicating whether Malicious Call Trace feature is activated.

- (CSCapability*) maliciousCallTraceCapability

A capability object indicating whether Malicious Call Trace feature is available for incoming active call.

- (CSCapability*) noHoldConferenceCancelCapability

A capability object indicating whether No Hold Conference feature can be canceled.

- (CSCapability*) noHoldConferenceCapability

A capability object indicating whether No Hold Conference feature is available for active call.

- (NSString*) noHoldConferenceDestination

The destination extension for No Hold Conference feature button.

- (CSCapability*) parkCallCapability

A capability object indicating whether the call park feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) pickupCallAtExtensionCapability

A capability object indicating whether the directed call pickup feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) pickupCallForGroupCapability

A capability object indicating whether the extended group call pickup feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) pickupGroupCallCapability

A capability object indicating whether the group call pickup feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) priorityCallCapability

A capability object indicating whether the priority call feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) sendAllCallsCapability

A capability object indicating whether the send all calls feature is available for the user's local extension.

- (BOOL) sendAllCallsEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the send all calls feature is enabled for the user's local extension.

- (CSCapability*) serviceObservingCapability

Returns an indication as to whether the service observing is available.

CSCapability object describing whether the service observing is available.
- (CSServiceObservingStatusParameters*) serviceObservingStatusParameters

Returns service observing feature status parameters.

If service observing feature is enabled then the CSServiceObservingStatusParameters object contains details of service observing feature.

See also
- (CSCapability*) simRingCallbackCapability

A capability object indicating whether the user is able to configure callback / simultaneous ring destinations and their parameters.

- (BOOL) simRingCallbackEnabled

A Boolean value indicating whether the callback / simultaneous ring feature is enabled.

- (CSSimRingCallbackStatusParameters*) simRingCallbackStatusParameters

Returns callback / simultaneous ring feature status parameters.

If callback / simultaneous ring feature is enabled then the CSSimRingCallbackStatusParameters object contains details of this feature.

See also
- (NSArray<CSTeamButton *>*) teamButtons

List of team buttons assigned to the station.

This list represents those addresses/endpoints/users participated in this leg of the call and does not represent the union of all users who participated in this call. The local user may have conversed with those remoteParticipants listed in callEvents records.

See also
- (CSCapability*) unblockCallingPartyNumberCapability

A capability object indicating whether the unblock calling party number feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) unparkCallCapability

A capability object indicating whether the call unpark feature is available.

- (CSCapability*) whisperPageCapability

A capability object indicating whether the whisper page feature is available.

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