Avaya Client Services API Reference (iOS)
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CSSimRingCallbackDestination Class Reference

This class represents the parameters of the destination for the callback / simultaneous ring feature. More...

#import <CSSimRingCallbackDestination.h>

Inherits NSObject.

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - init
 Constructs an empty CSSimRingCallbackDestination object. More...
(instancetype) - initWithNumber:label:simultaneousRingEnabled:
 Constructs a CSSimRingCallbackDestination object from the specified parameters. More...


NSString * number
 The destination number. More...
NSString * label
 The destination label. More...
BOOL simultaneousRingEnabled
 Returns true if incoming calls should be received at this destination simultaneously with the user's extension, false otherwise. More...

Detailed Description

This class represents the parameters of the destination for the callback / simultaneous ring feature.

See also

Method Documentation

- (instancetype) init

Constructs an empty CSSimRingCallbackDestination object.

- (instancetype) initWithNumber: (NSString *)  number
label: (NSString *)  label
simultaneousRingEnabled: (BOOL)  simultaneousRingEnabled 

Constructs a CSSimRingCallbackDestination object from the specified parameters.

numberThe destination number.
labelThe destination label. Can be empty.
simultaneousRingEnabledYES if incoming calls should be received at this destination simultaneously with the user's extension, NO otherwise.

Property Documentation

- (NSString*) label

The destination label.

- (NSString*) number

The destination number.

- (BOOL) simultaneousRingEnabled

Returns true if incoming calls should be received at this destination simultaneously with the user's extension, false otherwise.

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