Avaya Client Services API Reference (iOS)
Instance Methods | List of all members
<CSUserResourceDiscoveryDelegate> Protocol Reference

#import <CSUser.h>

Inherits <NSObject>.

Instance Methods

(void) - user:didDiscoverResourceOfType:resourceData:
 Sent when a resource of interest to the client application is discovered during registration or resource discovery. More...

Method Documentation

- (void) user: (CSUser *)  user
didDiscoverResourceOfType: (CSResourceDiscoveryItemType resourceType
resourceData: (NSString *)  resourceData 

Sent when a resource of interest to the client application is discovered during registration or resource discovery.

userThe user sending the message.
resourceTypeIdentifies the type of the resource that was discovered.
resourceDataThe resource data that was discovered for the indicated resource type.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: