Avaya Client Services API Reference (iOS)
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<CSVisualVoiceMailMessageDelegate> Protocol Reference

Delegate that can be used to retrieve status updates for a message. More...

#import <CSVisualVoiceMailMessage.h>

Inherits <NSObjectNSObject>.

Instance Methods

(void) - visualVoiceMailMessage:didChangeIsReadStatus:
 Called to report that the "is read" status of the visual voice mail message has changed. More...
(void) - visualVoiceMailMessage:didChangeFileStatus:
 Called to report that the status of the message has changed. More...
(void) - visualVoiceMailMessage:didChangeLocation:
 Called to report that the location of the message has changed. More...
(void) - visualVoiceMailMessageDidChangeCapabilities:
 Called to report that one or more of the capabilities of the message has changed. More...

Detailed Description

Delegate that can be used to retrieve status updates for a message.

Delegate can be registered to retrieve status updates on the messages’ various attributes.

Method Documentation

- (void) visualVoiceMailMessage: (CSVisualVoiceMailMessage *)  visualVoiceMailMessage
didChangeFileStatus: (CSVisualVoiceMailMessageStatus status 

Called to report that the status of the message has changed.

visualVoiceMailMessageThe CSVisualVoiceMailMessage for which the status has changed.
statusThe new value of the visual voice mail message status.
See also
- (void) visualVoiceMailMessage: (CSVisualVoiceMailMessage *)  visualVoiceMailMessage
didChangeIsReadStatus: (BOOL)  isRead 

Called to report that the "is read" status of the visual voice mail message has changed.

visualVoiceMailMessageThe CSVisualVoiceMailMessage for which the "is read" status has changed.
isReadThe new value of the visual voice mail read state.
See also
- (void) visualVoiceMailMessage: (CSVisualVoiceMailMessage *)  visualVoiceMailMessage
didChangeLocation: (NSString *)  location 

Called to report that the location of the message has changed.

visualVoiceMailMessageThe CSVisualVoiceMailMessage for which the location has changed.
locationThe new value of the visual voice mail location.
See also
- (void) visualVoiceMailMessageDidChangeCapabilities: (CSVisualVoiceMailMessage *)  visualVoiceMailMessage

Called to report that one or more of the capabilities of the message has changed.

The application should query each of the capabilities and enable/disable elements of the user interface based on the new capability settings. Capabilities can change as a result of local or remote actions.

visualVoiceMailMessageThe CSVisualVoiceMailMessage that the callback is associated with.
See also

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