Avaya Breeze?
Version 3.2 API

Package com.avaya.collaboration.authorization.resource

Helper APIs to aid Authorization Resources to validate and parse bearer tokens.
AuthorizationResourceHelper is the helper used to validate a bearer token and fetch AuthorizationData it contains.
AuthorizationData provides authorization information a bearer token represents.

See: Description

Package com.avaya.collaboration.authorization.resource Description

Helper APIs to aid Authorization Resources to validate and parse bearer tokens.
AuthorizationResourceHelper is the helper used to validate a bearer token and fetch AuthorizationData it contains.
AuthorizationData provides authorization information a bearer token represents. This consists two types of
AuthorizationScope objects (to differentiate client scopes and user scopes) and the subject of the token.
Each AuthorizationScope object represents one or more features and associated values.
Avaya Breeze?
Version 3.2 API

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