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Conference Class
The Conference object is accessible from the Call object, and provides access to conferencing related capabilities and actions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public class Conference

The Conference type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptDenyPendingParticipantCapability
Returns whether the local user can accept or deny a pending participant's entry request to the call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support the feature where a user can request entry to a conference call that is locked, or if the local user does not have permission to accept/deny a pending participant's entry request, or if there is no one waiting to be admitted to the call.
Public propertyActiveTalkerCapability
Capability info indicating whether the conference call reports the active talker information. Reporting of active talkers is dependent on the capabilities of the conferencing system.
Public propertyActiveTalkers
Returns the active talker list associated with the conference call.
Public propertyActiveVideoSourceParticipants
An array of ActiveParticipant objects representing the participants whose video is currently being received during a multi video channel conference call.
Public propertyAddParticipantViaDialoutCapability
Returns whether the local user can request the conference server to dial out towards a specified address, for example, to add a new user to the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support participant dial-out, or if the local user does not have permission to initiate dial-out.
Public propertyAddTerminalIPAddressViaDialoutCapability
Returns whether the local user can request the conference server to dial out towards a terminal IP address to add a terminal as a new user to the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support terminal dial-out, or if the local user does not have permission to initiate dial-out.
Public propertyAreMultiplePresentersAllowed
Returns the multi-presenter mode status of the conference call. If the call is not a conference call, or if the multi-presenter mode is not enabled, the value is false.
Public propertyAssignRecordingNameCapability
Returns whether local user can assign name and description for the conference call recording. Returns not denied only for UCCP conference.
Public propertyBrandName
Returns the brand name of the conference if one is provided by the conference server. If no brand name is defined, the value will be an empty string.
Public propertyCollaborationUrl
The collaboration URI associated with the conference call, if the conference call is capable of supporting collaboration. If the conference is not capable of supporting collaboration, null is returned.
Public propertyContentSlideViewer
The slide viewer instance associated with the conference call.
Public propertyContentSlideViewerCapability
Returns whether viewing of previously shared slides is supported by the conference call. For example, a person who joins a conference call late can use the content slide viewer feature to view the document pages that have already been shared during the call. The application may use the result of this query to enable or disable functions related to viewing of previously shared slides during the conference. The support for the content slide viewer is dependent on the conferencing system version.
Public propertyCurrentVideoLayout
Returns the currently selected video layout option, if the conference server supports layout selection. Otherwise, None is returned to indicate that the conference server does not support video layout selection.
Public propertyDroppedParticipants
Returns the dropped participant list associated with the conference call.
Public propertyEncryptionStatus
Overall media encryption status of the conference call.
Public propertyEndConferenceCapability
Returns whether the local user can terminate the conference call for all participants. The capability returns not supported if the local user does not have permission to terminate the conference.
Public propertyExtendMeetingCapability
Returns whether the local user can extend the end time of the conference call, if the conference has an end time set. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support meeting extension, or if the local user does not have permission to extend the conference call.
Public propertyInConferenceChat
Returns the Chat object associated with the conference call.
Public propertyInConferenceChatCapability
Returns whether in-conference chat is supported. In-conference chat allows conference participants to exchange messages amongst each other without interrupting the speaker. These messages can either be private between selected participants or shared with all conference participants.
Public propertyIsAlwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideoActive
A Boolean value indicating whether "always display active speaker's option" is currently active. This property cannot be changed programmatically.
Public propertyIsConferenceWaitingToStart
A Boolean value indicating whether the conference call is waiting to be started.
Public propertyIsContinuationActive
A Boolean value indicating whether the conference continues after all moderators have left. If the call is not a conference call, or if the conference call's continuation status is not set or if the feature is not supported, the property returns false.
Public propertyIsEntryExitToneActive
A Boolean value indicating whether entry/exit tones are active for the conference call. If the call is not a conference call, or if the conference call's entry/exit tones are not enabled, the value is false.
Public propertyIsEventConference
A Boolean value indicating whether the call is an event conference or a regular conference. Event conference is a large meeting (up to 2000 active participants) which is mainly used for large events and training.
Public propertyIsExternalAdmissionRequiredToEnterConference
Indicates whether the current conference is in waiting external admission state.
Public propertyIsHandRaised
Returns whether the local user's hand is currently raised.
Public propertyIsLectureModeActive
A Boolean value indicating whether lecture mode is active. It returns false if the call is not a conference call, or if the conference call does not have lecture mode active.
Public propertyIsLocked
Returns the lock status of the conference call. If the call is not a conference call or the conference call is not locked, the method returns false.
Public propertyIsMeetingEndTimeSpecified
A Boolean value indicating whether the meeting end time is set for the conference call.
Public propertyIsPasscodeRequiredToEnterConference
Indicates whether the current conference is in waiting passcode state.
Public propertyIsPermissionRequiredToEnterLockedConference
Indicates whether the current conference is waiting access to join locked conference.
Public propertyIsPinRequiredToBecomeModerator
Returns whether the conference call requires entry of a moderator PIN before the local user is allowed to become a moderator.
Public propertyIsRecordingActive
A Boolean value indicating whether the conference is being recorded. If the call is not a conference call, or if the conference is not being recorded, the return value is false.
Public propertyIsRecordingPaused
Boolean value indicating if conference call recording is paused. If the call is not a conference call, or if the conference recording is not paused, or if the recording pause/resume is not supported by the conference server, the method returns false.
Public propertyIsVideoAllowed
A Boolean value indicating whether the conference allows video. If the call is not a conference call, or if video on the conference call is not allowed, the value is false.
Public propertyIsVideoParticipantNameDisplayActive
A Boolean value indicating whether participant name display option is currently active.
Public propertyIsVideoSelfSeeActive
A Boolean value indicating whether the self-see option is currently active.
Public propertyLowerHandCapability
Returns whether the local user can lower hand (e.g., lower hand after getting moderator's or panelists' attention). The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support lowering hand.
Public propertyMeetingEndGMTTime
Returns the meeting end time if an end time is set for the conference call. Otherwise, MinValue is returned.
Public propertyMeetingMinutes
Returns the MeetingMinutes object associated with the conference call.
Public propertyMeetingMinutesCapability
Returns whether the meeting minutes feature is supported. The meeting minutes feature allows conference participants to enter notes, for example, to mark the beginning of a new topic during a conference call.
Public propertyMobileLink
The mobile link instance associated with the conference call.
Public propertyMobileLinkCapability
Returns whether the conference mobile link feature is supported for the conference call. The mobile link feature allows an application to control a conference call while terminating audio and video on a conferencing room system. The application may use the result of this query to enable or disable mobile link related functions. The support for the mobile link is dependent on the conferencing system version.
Public propertyModerateConferenceCapability
Returns a Capability object indicating whether the local user can moderate the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not have a moderator, or if the local user is not a moderator.
Public propertyMultiplePresentersAllowedCapability
Returns whether the local user can control panel mode status of the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support panel mode setting, or if the local user does not have permission to control the panel mode setting.
Public propertyMuteAllParticipantsCapability
Returns whether the local user can mute all participants at once. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support this control, or if the local user does not have permission to mute all on the call.
Public propertyParticipantListRetrievalCapability
Returns whether the conference call can be queried to get the list of conference participants.
Public propertyParticipants
Returns the participant list associated with the conference call.
Public propertyPauseRecordingCapability
Returns whether the local user can pause conference recording. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support recording pause/resume, or if the local user does not have permission to start/stop recording, or if the conference recording is already paused. Only a conference moderator can pause conference recording.
Public propertyPendingParticipants
Returns the pending participant list associated with the conference call. A pending participant is a person who is waiting to join a conference call that is locked. A moderator of the conference call may allow entry of a pending participant into the conference call.
Public propertyRaiseHandCapability
Returns whether the local user can raise hand (e.g., to get moderator's or panelists' attention). The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support raising hand.
Public propertyRecentTalkers
Returns the recent talker list associated with the conference call.
Public propertyRemoveLastParticipantCapability
Capability info indicating whether the last participant can be removed without indicating the participant's ID. This is only supported in Avaya Communication Manager environment.
Public propertyRemoveParticipantCapability
Returns whether the local user can select and remove a participant from the call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support select participant removal, or if the local user does not have permission to select and drop a participant from the call.
Public propertyRequestToBecomeModeratorCapability
Returns whether the conference server allows the local user to request to become a moderator. This capability is not supported if the conference server does not support a self-promotion mechanism to become a moderator, or if the local user is already a moderator.
Public propertyResumeRecordingCapability
Returns whether the local user can resume conference recording. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support recording pause/resume, or if the local user does not have permission to start/stop recording, or if the conference recording is not paused. Only a conference moderator can resume conference recording.
Public propertyRetrieveDialInInformationCapability
Returns whether the user can retrieve dial in information from the conference server. The capability returns not supported if the conference server doesn't support this indication.
Public propertySetContinuationStatusCapability
Returns whether the local user can change the conference call continuation mode. Call continuation mode allows the conference call to continue after the moderator leaves the conference call.This feature is not applicable to all Avaya conferencing solutions.
Public propertySetDisplayVideoParticipantNameCapability
Returns whether the local user can control the display of participant names in the personal video layout received from the conference server. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support this feature.
Public propertySetEntryExitToneStatusCapability
Returns whether the local user can control the entry/exit tone setting of the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support entry/exit tones, or if the local user does not have permission to control the entry/exit tones.
Public propertySetLectureModeStatusCapability
Returns whether the local user can put the conference call into lecture mode. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support lecture mode, or if the local user does not have permission to set the call into lecture mode.
Public propertySetLockStatusCapability
Returns whether the local user can lock/unlock the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support lock/unlock, or if the local user does not have permission to lock/unlock the conference call.
Public propertySetVideoAllowedStatusCapability
Returns whether the local user can enable/disable video for the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support control of video allow/disallow, or if the local user does not have permission to control video allow/disallow status of the call.
Public propertySetVideoLayoutCapability
Returns whether the local user can control the video layout setting of the video received from the conference server. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support this feature.
Public propertySetVideoSelfSeeCapability
Returns whether the local user can control the display of the local user's video in the personal video layout received from the conference server. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support this feature.
Public propertySignInCapability
Returns whether the user can sign in to the conference to become a named user.
Public propertyStartRecordingCapability
Returns whether the local user can start conference recording. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support recording, or if the local user does not have permission to start recording of the call, or if recording is already active.
Public propertyStopRecordingCapability
Returns whether the local user can stop conference recording. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support recording, or if the local user does not have permission to stop recording of the call, or if recording is not active.
Public propertyStreamingStatus
Overall streaming status for the conference call. The streaming option is specified at conference creation/reservation time, prior to the endpoints joining the conference call.
Public propertySubject
Returns the subject of the conference if one is provided by the conference server. If no subject is defined, the value will be an empty string.
Public propertySupportedVideoLayouts
Get the list of video layouts that the user can choose from. If the conference server does not support video layout selection, an empty list is returned.
Public propertyUnmuteAllParticipantsCapability
Returns whether the local user can unmute all participants at once. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support this control, or if the local user does not have permission to unmute all on the call.
Public propertyVideoPinCapability
Returns whether the local user can pin a specific participant's video in a specific position of the current video layout. This capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support video pinning/unpinning, or video pin/unpin requests.
Public methodAddParticipant
Add a participant to a call. If the method is called on a 2-party call, the call is escalated to a conference call. This call change is reported via a ConferenceStatusChanged event on the Call object associated with this Conference. If the method is called on a conference call, the participant is added to the conference call using bridge-assisted dial-out. This method may be called multiple times to add multiple participants to the conference call.
Public methodAddParticipantFromCall
If the method is called on a 2-party call, the two calls are merged together to create a conference call. This call status change is reported via a ConferenceStatusChanged event on the Call object associated with this conference. If the method is called on a conference call, the input argument call is transferred over to the conference call represented by this object. If the user wants to create a conference call by merging multiple existing calls, this method can be called multiple times to join multiple calls into the conference.
Public methodAddParticipantToCallCapability
Returns whether the local user can request the conference server to add a participant to current call. The capability returns not supported if the call is a remote agent phone call or if the local user does not have permission to initiate it.
Public methodAddTerminal
Add a terminal to a conference call by terminal IP address. The terminal is added using bridge-assisted dial-out. The method may be called multiple times to add multiple terminals to the conference call.
Public methodEndConference
Ends the conference call for all conference participants.
Public methodExtendMeeting
Extends the current meeting end time by the specified number of minutes.
Public methodGetAddParticipantFromCallCapability
Returns whether the local user can request the conference server to add a participant from a specified call to current call, for example, to add a new user to the conference call. The capability returns not supported if the conference call does not support the merge feature, or if the local user does not have permission to initiate it.
Public methodGetRecordingDescription
Get meeting recording description.
Public methodGetRecordingName
Get meeting recording name.
Public methodLowerHand
Called to lower the local user's hand on the conference call to indicate that the user no longer wants to get the moderator's attention.
Public methodMuteAllParticipants
Used by a conference moderator to mute all participants on the conference call. Other moderators, lecturers and presenters are not affected by this operation.
Public methodPauseRecording
Pauses conference recording.
Public methodPinVideo
Requests for a specific participant's video to be pinned in a certain area of the video image. The source and destination coordinates can be any point within a video region inside the video image. They do not have to be a point at the boundary of the video region. In order to undo a previous video pin operation, the application needs to call SetVideoLayout(VideoLayoutType, ConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandler) and specify the Dynamic layout option.
Public methodRaiseHand
Called to raise the local user's hand on the conference call to get the moderator's attention, who can unmute and hence allow the participant to speak.
Public methodRemoveLastParticipant
Removes the last participant that was added to a conference call either locally or remotely.
Public methodRemoveParticipant
Initiates removal of the selected participant from the conference call.
Public methodRequestToBecomeModerator
Issues a request to promote the local user to become a conference moderator.
Public methodResumeRecording
Resumes conference recording.
Public methodRetrieveDialInInformation
Retrieves the dial in information for the conference call.
Public methodSendPasscode
Request for admission to enter a conference call that is passcode-protected.
Public methodSendRequestToEnterLockedConference
Request for permission to enter a locked conference call.
Public methodSetContinuationActive
Enables or disables conference continuation mode for the conference call. Call continuation mode allows the conference call to continue after the moderator leaves the conference call.
Public methodSetDisplayVideoParticipantName
Controls whether participant names are displayed in the personal video layout received from the conference server.
Public methodSetEntryExitToneActive
Controls whether entry and exit tones are allowed for the conference call.
Public methodSetLectureModeActive
Enables or disables lecture mode for the conference call. The result of the operation is reported through the completionHandler argument.
Public methodSetLocked
Locks or unlocks the conference call. If the call is not a conference call or the conference call is not locked, an error indication is returned through the completionHandler argument.
Public methodSetMultiplePresentersAllowed
Controls whether there can be multiple presenters (panelists) on the call.
Public methodSetVideoAllowed
Controls whether video is allowed on the conference call.
Public methodSetVideoLayout
Sets the local user's personal video layout preference.
Public methodSetVideoSelfSee
Controls the display of the local user's video in the personal video layout received from the conference server.
Public methodSignIn
Sign in to become a named user in the conference.
Public methodStartRecording(ConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandler)
Starts conference recording.
Public methodStartRecording(ConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandler, String, String)
Starts conference recording.
Public methodStopRecording
Stops conference recording.
Public methodUnmuteAllParticipants
Used by a conference moderator to unmute all participants on the conference call.
Public eventActiveTalkersChanged
Notifies the application that the list of active talkers in the conference has changed.
Public eventActiveVideoParticipantChanged
Notifies the application that the active video participant received over a video channel during a multi video channel conference call has changed.
Public eventAlwaysDisplayActiveSpeakerVideoChanged
Notifies the application that the option that controls display of the active speaker's video has changed.
Public eventBrandNameChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's brand name has changed. The brand name is the product family brand name associated with the conference system.
Public eventCapabilitiesChanged
Notifies the application about a change in conference call's capabilities. The application can query the Conference object to find out about the capability that changed. Usually, the capabilities changed notification is tied to the features supported by the conference server as well as the local user's role (e.g., moderator, presenter, lecturer, etc.) in the conference call.
Public eventContinuationStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the continuation property of the conference has changed as a result of a local or remote operation.
Public eventDisplayParticipantNameOnVideoChanged
Notifies the application that the option that controls display of the participant name in video image has changed.
Public eventDroppedParticipantsChanged
Notifies the application that the list of participants that have dropped from the conference has changed.
Public eventEncryptionStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's encryption status has changed based on the encryption status of current participants on the call.
Public eventEndTimeChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's end time has changed as a result of a local or a remote operation.
Public eventEntryExitToneStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's entry/exit tone enabled status has changed as a result of a local or remote operation.
Public eventEventConferenceStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's type has been changed.
Public eventExternalAdmissionStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's external admission status has changed.
Public eventLectureModeStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's lecture mode status has changed as a result of a local or remote operation.
Public eventLocalUserHandLowered
Notifies the application that the local user's hand has been lowered. This can occur when either the conference moderator or the local user lowers the hand.
Public eventLocalUserHandRaised
Notifies the application that the local user's hand has been raised.
Public eventLockStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's lock status has changed as a result of a local or a remote operation.
Public eventParticipantsChanged
Notifies the application that the list of participants in the conference has changed.
Public eventPasscodeRequired
Notifies the application that the end user is required to provide a conference admission passcode in order to join the conference call.
Public eventPendingParticipantsChanged
Notifies the application that the list of participants waiting to enter the conference has changed.
Public eventPermissionToEnterLockedConferenceRequired
Notifies the application that the end user is trying to join a locked conference call that does not require a passcode for entry.
Public eventRecentTalkersChanged
Notifies the application that the list of recent talkers in the conference has changed.
Public eventRecordingStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's recording status has changed as a result of a local or a remote operation.
Public eventServiceAvailable
Notifies the application that the conference has a healthy signaling path. Depending on the network topology, the call session and the conference controls may share the same signaling connection (e.g., SIP and tunnel CCMP), or may use different connections. This is why separate service available / unavailable events are provided for the Call and Conference objects.
Public eventServiceUnavailable
Notifies the application that the conference does not have a healthy signaling path. Depending on the network topology, the call session and the conference controls may share the same signaling connection(e.g., SIP and tunnel CCMP), or may use different connections. This is why separate service available / unavailable events are provided for the Call and Conference objects.
Public eventStarted
Occurs when the conference has started. This only occurs when the WaitingToStart event was previously raised.
Public eventStreamingStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's streaming status has changed.
Public eventSubjectChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's subject/title has changed.
Public eventSupportedVideoLayoutsChanged
Notifies the application that the list of available layouts supported by the conference system has changed.
Public eventVideoChannelReceiveStatusChanged
Occurs during a multi video channel conference call when the server either starts or stops sending video packets over a video channel.
Public eventVideoLayoutChanged
Notifies the application that the layout of the video image created by the conference system has changed.
Public eventVideoSelfSeeChanged
Notifies the application that the self-see option for the video image created by the conference system has changed.
Public eventVideoStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conference's video enabled status has changed as a result of a local or a remote operation.
Public eventWaitingToStart
Notifies the application that the conference has not started, and the local user is waiting for the conference to start (i.e. moderator to join). At this point, the conference server may provide wait treatment to the end user, e.g., by playing music and/or displaying a still video image. This information is reported based on an indication received from the conference server and may not be provided depending on the server's capabilities.
The Conference object provides a set of APIs that allow application developers to access the different features and services provided by Avaya's different conferencing solutions.

In general, the capabilities and the set of allowed operations are not only dependent on the capabilities of the conferencing server, but also on the specific privileges assigned to the local user on the conference call. For example, if the local user is a moderator of the call, (s)he will be able to perform conference operations such as lock/unlock the call, start/stop recording, as well as operations on participants such as mute/unmute, add a new participant to the call, or drop an existing participant from the call.

The client application is notified about status updates reported by the conference server through event handlers that the application has registered on the Conference object's events. These updates may be the result of local operations on the Conference object as well as remote changes initiated by either the server or other users on the conference call. For example if the local user is a conference moderator, (s)he may call StartRecording(ConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandler), resulting in a RecordingStatusChanged event being received. Similarly, a remote conference moderator may start conference recording, which will result in receipt of a network notification, raising the same event.

It should be noted that the set of event notifications depends on the capabilities of the conference server. In some conference server environments, some of the events defined may never be raised because the server does not support the underlying services/features that result in those events.

See Also