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Avaya.ClientServices Namespace
Avaya Client Services is a framework for interfacing with Avaya's communication server infrastructure, providing client interfaces for features including voice and video calls, collaboration, messaging, enterprise contacts, and presence.
Public classAbstractShape
Base class for shapes that can be drawn on WhiteboardSurface.
Public classAcceptCallRequestEventArgs
Class representing a request incoming from the network to accept an incoming video call with the specified video direction. VideoMode
Public classAcsConfiguration
User Configuration information for ACS. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an ACS Server
Public classActiveParticipant
Class representing active conference participant.
Public classAddContactEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about add contact operation result.
Public classAddressValidationResponse
Interface for address validation response.
Public classAddressValidationWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring "address validation" operations.
Public classAgentConfiguration
User configuration information for the Agent service. This class provides configuration and preference data for the agent service features.
Public classAgentErrorEventArgs
Event arguments for agent errors.
Public classAgentException
Represents the exception that is thrown on an Agent Service failure operations.
Public classAgentFeature
Represents the contact center agent feature or the feature button administered on the contact center solution.
Public classAgentFeatureInvocationResultWithButtonLampState
Class used to inform about agent feature invocation result.
Public classAgentInformation
Public classAgentInformationEventArgs
Represents agent information event arguments.
Public classAgentService
The AgentService object is accessible from the User object, providing access to agent features.
Public classAgentStateEventArgs
Represents agent state event arguments.
Public classAgentWorkModeEventArgs
Represents agent work mode event arguments.
Public classAllowedVideoDirectionChangedEventArgs
The event argument representig new allowed video direction.
Public classAllRegistrationsFailureEventArgs
Public classAmmConfiguration
User Configuration information for AMM. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an AMM Server
Public classAsynchDataProgress
Represents the message attachment asynchronous data progress.
Public classAttachment
Attachment class is representing a message optional parameter. It can contain any file uploaded by sending participant.
Public classAudioConfiguration
Represents the Audio data that is common for a Client.
Public classAudioDetails
Audio-related details for a session.
Public classAudioMuteFailureEventArgs
Public classAudioMuteStatusChangedEventArgs
Public classAutodial
The auto dial feature is used to store frequently used or important numbers. When the button programmed for a given autodial number is pressed, that stored number will be dialed.
Public classAutodialErrorEventArgs
Event arguments for autodial errors.
Public classAvayaMessagingConfiguration
User configuration information for Avaya Messaging provider. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection to Avaya Messaging server.
Public classBaseContact
Base class used as a common interface for read-only and editable contacts.
Public classBfcpConfiguration
Represents the BFCP (Binary Floor Control Protocol) data that is common for a Client.
Public classBooleanEventArg
Public classBusyIndicator
Represent busy indicator feature. An attendent can track busy or the idle status of a destination extension. This object is provided with notification whenever the status changes.
Public classButtonCustomizationErrorEventArgs
Event arguments for button customization errors.
Public classButtonModuleService
The ButtonModuleService object is accessible from the User object, providing access to the button customization feature.
Public classCall
The Call class is a facade object that may be used to represent a 2-party or conference call. When a Call instance represents a 2-party call, conference-related methods are unsupported. The client application can use Conference property regardless of whether the call is a point to point or a conference call. Calling conference operations on a normal point to point call returns failure. The Call also supports video control methods, which can be applied to either a 2-party or a conference call.
Public classCallCreationInfo
Public classCallEndedEventArgs
The event arguments used to report conference call ended reason.
Public classCallEventArgs
A class representing event arguments for a call. Call
Public classCallFailureEventArgs
The event argument used to report point-to-point and conference call related errors to the application.
Public classCallFailureException
Exception representing a call operation failure.
Public classCallFeatureService
The CallFeatureService object is accessible from the User object, providing access to additional business communication features.
Public classCallForwardingInformation
Interface representing forwarding information of an incoming call.

The following provides an example of the History-Info header within SIP incoming message:


History - Info: "Jane" ? Reason = SIP3B cause 3D302 ; index = 1; foo = bar



  • Jane represents the display name of the user who forwarded the call,
  • UserA - the user info the call was forwarded by,
  • cause - the forwarded reason.
Public classCallForwardingStatus
A base class used to implement CallForwardingStatus for Internal and External calls.
Public classCallLogItem
Represents information about a call log item. Each call record is represented by CallLogItem object that provides several attributes such as call start time, remote address, call duration, etc. In addition, each CallLogItem may be associated with a Contact object which may be used to provide picture caller ID or a customized name for the remote party of a call log item.
Public classCallLogOperationData
Contains call log items used as an argument in Call Log Service operations.
Public classCallLogOperationStatusArgs
Event argument related to Call Log Service completion handler
Public classCallLogParticipant
This class represents information about remote party for a call log entry. It contains remote address, remote number, display name and other information about called or calling user.
Public classCallLogService
Call Log Service provides history entries for calls that have been made or received on the client.
Public classCallLogServiceEventArgs
Class containing call log items that's used in CallLogService events handlers.
Public classCallPickupAlertEventArgs
Event arguments for call pickup feature.
Public classCallPickupAlertStatus
Enhanced call-pickup alert details.
Public classCallPrecedenceLevelChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used to report change in precedence level of call.
Public classCallPreemptedEventArgs
The event arguments used to send event when call is preempted.
Public classCallRecordingStateChangedEventArgs
Public classCallSecureIndicationChangedEventArgs
Event arguments to report change in secure status of call.
Public classCallService
The CallService object is accessible from the User object, providing access to call related services and information.
Public classCancellableDataRetrieval
Represents cancel of asynchronous data retrieval for the current operation.
Public classCapability
A class representing whether a certain operation can be supported based on the current state of the object upon which the action is taken. For instance, a Capability instance returned from a Conference object may indicate whether the conference call can support muting of a selected participant, based on the participant
Public classCertificateExpiryEventArgs
The event argument used to report the client identity certificate's expiration status to the application.
Public classCertificateManager
Certificate manager class allows application developers to configure and make use of the library's client/server certificate trust validation logic. It allows specification of a client identity certificate, configure a private trust store and perform certificate trust validation of all the connections, the application is making on its own.
Public classCertificateStoreException
Exception specifying the reasons of the client identity certificate provisioning.
Public classCertificateValidationException
Exception specifying the reason of certificate trust validation error.
Public classCesConfiguration
User Configuration information for CES. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an CES Server
Public classChallenge
Challenge object for use with a CredentialProvider to determine which Credentials to use for authentication
Public classChat
The Chat object provides access to conference chat related capabilities and actions.
Public classChatFailureEventArgs
The event argument used to report chat related errors to the application.
Public classChatMessage
Public classChatMessageEventArgs
Public classCircle
Circle objects represent circular shape that can be added to whiteboard surface.
Public classClient
A Client is the primary interface to the Avaya Client Services library.
Public classClientConfiguration
Configuration data that is common for a Client.
Public classCollaboration
The Collaboration object provides access to collaboration related capabilities and actions.
Public classCollaborationCapabilities
The CollaborationCapabilities object provides access to collaboration capabilities.
Public classCollaborationContentSharingEventArgs
Public classCollaborationDetails
Public classCollaborationEventArgs
Public classCollaborationFailureEventArgs
Public classCollaborationLibrarySharingEventArgs
Public classCollaborationParticipantsEventArgs
Public classCollaborationReceiveStatistics
Public classCollaborationService
The CollaborationService object provides service for creating and removing Collaboration objects.
Public classCollaborationStatistics
Public classCollaborationWhiteboardEventArgs
Public classConference
The Conference object is accessible from the Call object, and provides access to conferencing related capabilities and actions.
Public classConferenceConfiguration
Class representing user Configuration information for a Conference. This class provides the configuration data for Conferences and Collaboration
Public classConferenceConnectionFailureEventArgs
The event argument used to report conference connection related errors to the application.
Public classConferenceEncryptionStatusEventArg
An event argument used when reporting events related to the encryption status of a Conference object.
Public classConferenceEndTimeEventArg
An event argument used when reporting events related to the meeting end time of a Conference object.
Public classConferenceMobileLink
Public classConferenceMobileLinkConnectedEventArgs
The event arguments to provide the connection details when mobile link successfully connected to the specific room system.
Public classConferenceMobileLinkDiscoveryWatcher
A watcher class for room system(s) discovery.
Public classConferenceNewSlideEventArg
Public classConferencePropertyEventArgs
An event argument used when reporting events related to a Boolean property of a Conference object.
Public classConferenceRecordingStatusEventArg
An event argument used when reporting events related to the recording status of a Conference object.
Public classConferenceRoomSystemInformation
Class representing the conference room system information received from the conference server. It is used to report the list of room system(s) that were discovered through the mobile link discovery mechanism.
Public classConferenceSlide
Unsupported: Conference slide viewing is currently not supported.
Class representing a slide that has been presented on a conference call.
Public classConferenceSlideViewer
Unsupported: Conference slide viewing is currently not supported.
The conference slide viewer allows a client application to view the list of slides shared during a conference call and subscribe to notifications of new slides.
Public classConferenceStatusChangedEventArgs
Public classConferenceStreamingStatusEventArg
An event argument used when reporting events related to the streaming status of a Conference object.
Public classConnectionPolicy
Defines the server connection policy used by an Identity.
Public classContact
Represents an immutable contact object which exposes all possible contact details. The contact object can also be used to subscribe for presence updates.
Public classContactBoolField
Represents a boolean field associated with a contact.
Public classContactChangedEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about any changes that have occurred on particular contact object.
Public classContactDoubleField
Represents a double field associated with a contact.
Public classContactEmailAddressField
Represents an email address field associated with a contact.
Public classContactEmailFieldList
List of contact email addresses.
Public classContactErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about contact service operation error.
Public classContactException
Common exception for contact operations.
Public classContactField
Each field in a contact has a structure associated with it which describes where it came from and if it can be modified. This is the base class for all the fields stored in the Contact object.
Public classContactGroup
Represents contact group object which exposes all possible contact group details. It allows to add and remove contacts to/from group and update name of the group.
Public classContactGroupRetrievalWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring ContactGroup retrievals.
Public classContactGroupsLoadingErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to report contact groups loading operation finish for single provider. This is triggered for every configured provider and used for unsuccessful result.
Public classContactIMAddressField
Contact field which is storing IM address values and inherits the meta data description of the field.
Public classContactIMAddressFieldList
List of contact handles.
Public classContactLimits
This class defines current limits for various enterprise contact service operations supported by current provider.
Public classContactListEventArgs
EventArgs used for informing client about added or removed contacts.
Public classContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::ContactEmailAddressField ^>
Public classContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::ContactIMAddressField ^>
Public classContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::ContactPhoneField ^>
Public classContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::ContactStringField ^>
Public classContactPhoneField
Represents a phone number field associated with a contact. Only one phone address can be default for a given contact.
Public classContactPhoneFieldList
List of contact phone numbers.
Public classContactPresenceChangedEventArgs
Public classContactRetrievalWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring Contact retrievals.
Public classContactSearchRequest
Encapsulates search parameters for performing extended contact search.
Public classContactService
The ContactService object is accessible from the User object, and it provides access to functionality associated with contacts.
Public classContactServiceErrorEventArgs
Provide the contact source type that the provider is responsible for and the failure reason.
Public classContactsLoadingErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to report contact loading operation finish for single provider. This is triggered for every configured provider and used for unsuccessful result.
Public classContactsLoadingEventArgs
EventArgs used to report contact loading operation finish for single provider. This is triggered for every configured provider and used for successful result.
Public classContactsServiceFailedEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about failure of contact service operation.
Public classContactStringField
Represents a string field associated with a contact.
Public classContactStringFieldList
List of contact strings.
Public classContentSharing
The ContentSharing object provides access to content sharing related capabilities and actions.
Public classContentSharingCanvas
WPF Canvas for rendering ContentSharing.
Public classContentSharingCapabilities
Public classContentSharingCursorEventArgs
Public classContentSharingEventArgs
Public classContentSharingFrameEventArgs
Public classContentSharingRectEventArgs
Public classControllableEndpoint
The details of a controllable endpoint for shared control.
Public classControllableEndpointsUpdatedEventArgs
Event arguments for the availability of controllable endpoints for shared control.
Public classControllingEndpoint
The details of a shared control controlling endpoint.
Public classConversation
Interface for all conversation related tasks and properties.
Public classConversationRetrievalWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring Conversation retrievals.
Public classConversationTimeEventArgs
Event argument provided to the event handlers registered for notifications of changes to any of the conversation's time-based properties.
Public classCrisisAlert
This class represents the details about the crisis alert raised in the system.
Public classCustomizedButton
The parameters that can be present in the a customized button.
Public classDataCollectionChangedEventArgsT
The event argument used to indicate that the set of data items in a data collection has changed.
Public classDataRetrievalEventArgsT
Event argument used to provide data retrieval progress updates.
Public classDataRetrievalWatcherT, E
This class defines an interface that client applications use to perform data retrieval operations for both static and dynamic collections of objects within the SDK.
Public classDataTransferOptionalParameters
Set of optional parameters for DataTransferService.
Public classDataTransferResultArgs
Set of additional values that are passed to DataTransferWithParametersCompletionHandler.
Public classDataTransferService
The DataTransferService object provides a set of APIs that allow app to transfer (download, update or remove) any files through a URL securely including auto configure setting file, trust cert file, custom logo file, etc.
Public classDataTransferServiceConfiguration
User configuration information for data transfer service. This class provides configuration and preference data for the data transfer service features.
Public classDataTransferServiceErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about DataTransferService operation error.
Public classDialingRulesConfiguration
The dialing rules configuration to be applied to transform a user supplied number into a dialable number.
Public classDirectorySearchFailureEventArgs
Public classDownloadOptionalParameters
Set of optional parameters for Download service.
Public classDownloadResultArgs
Set of additional values that are passed to DownloadWithParametersCompletionHandler.
Public classDownloadService
The DownloadService object provides a set of APIs that allow app to download any files through a URL securely including auto configure setting file, trust cert file, custom logo file, etc.
Public classDownloadServiceConfiguration
User configuration information for the download service. This class provides configuration and preference data for the download service features.
Public classDownloadServiceErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about Download Service operation error.
Public classDownloadWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring Download requests.
Public classDroppedParticipant
Class representing dropped conference participant.
Public classEc500Configuration
User Configuration information for EC500 Feature Name Extensions (FNE's).
Public classEditableContact
Mutable contact object which exposes all provided contact details.
Public classEditableContactBoolField
The EditableContactBoolField class extends the ContactStringField class to provide the application with the ability to edit a String field in a contact. The editable version of a contact field is obtained from the EditableContact class.
Public classEditableContactDoubleField
The EditableContactDoubleField class extends the ContactStringField class to provide the application with the ability to edit a String field in a contact. The editable version of a contact field is obtained from the EditableContact class.
Public classEditableContactEmailAddressField
EditableContact field which is storing email address values and inherits the meta data description of the field.
Public classEditableContactEmailFieldList
List of editable contact email addresses.
Public classEditableContactIMAddressField
The EditableContactIMAddressField class extends the ContactStringField class to provide the application with the ability to edit a String field in a contact. The editable version of a contact field is obtained from the EditableContact class.
Public classEditableContactIMAddressFieldList
List of editable contact IM addresses.
Public classEditableContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::EditableContactEmailAddressField ^>
Public classEditableContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::EditableContactIMAddressField ^>
Public classEditableContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::EditableContactPhoneField ^>
Public classEditableContactMultiValueField<Avaya::ClientServices::EditableContactStringField ^>
Public classEditableContactPhoneField
The EditableContactPhoneField class extends the ContactStringField class to provide the application with the ability to edit a String field in a contact. The editable version of a contact field is obtained from the EditableContact class.
Public classEditableContactPhoneFieldList
List of editable contact phone numbers.
Public classEditableContactStringField
The EditableContactStringField class extends the ContactStringField class to provide the application with the ability to edit a String field in a contact. The editable version of a contact field is obtained from the EditableContact class.
Public classEditableContactStringFieldList
List of editable contact strings.
Public classEnhancedCallForwardingFeatureEventArgs
Event arguments for the Enhanced Call Forwarding feature.
Public classEnhancedCallForwardingStatus
Public classEnrollmentCredential
Represents the enrollment credential that can be used to respond to an enrollment credential challenge.
Public classExportChatEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about ExportChat/CancelExportChat operation result.
Public classExportMessagingConversationEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about ExportMessagingConversation/CancelExportChat operation result.
Public classExportService
The ExportService object is accessible from the User object, providing the ability to export conference chats and messaging conversations. These conversations are exported in HTML format. Any attachments to these conversations are exported as well.
Public classExtensionToggleFeatureEventArgs
Event arguments for a feature that can be toggled between enabled and disabled states and optionally applied to a destination extension.
Public classExtraFieldKey
Describes fields for local contacts that are available in ExtraFields parameter.
Public classExtraPropertiesEventArgs
A map of extra call properties the application may be interested in. An event argument carrying the complete list of extra properties associated with the call.
Public classFeatureException
The exception that is thrown on a call feature failure.
Public classFeatureInvocation
Class to map a feature invocation response to a request.
Public classFeatureInvocationParameters
The associated parameters for a feature invocation.
Public classFeatureLabelErrorEventArgs
Event arguments for Feature label errors.
Public classFeatureParameters
This is a union of the parameters of the FNU features. The caller should know which parameters to populate for a specific feature.
Public classFeatureStatusEventArgs
Represents associated arguments for an event of a call feature.
Public classFeatureStatusParameters
The parameters that can be present in the status for any supported feature.
Public classFeatureTypeEventArgs
Represents feature type event arguments.
Public classForwardingFeatureEventArgs
Event arguments for a call forwarding feature.
Public classHIDButtonPressEventArg
An event argument used when reporting events related to HID button presses.
Public classHIDDeviceConnectionStatusEventArgs
Event arguments used when reporting connection status of the HID device.
Public classHIDService
This service provides information about the Human Interface Device (HID) devices connected to the machine, along with associated button presses that are NOT automatically handled by the SDK.
Public classHttpClientConfiguration
Represents the data that is common for a SIP Client.
Public classHttpUserConfiguration
Public classIntegerEventArgs
Public classIPOfficeConfiguration
User Configuration information for IP Office. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to IP Office Server
Public classLdapConfiguration
User Configuration information for LDAP. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an LDAP Server
Public classLeaveConversationResponse
Interface for leave conversation response.
Public classLeaveConversationsWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring "leave conversation" operations.
Public classLibraryDocument
Unsupported: The library sharing feature is currently not supported.
Class that represents information about a document stored at a conferencing server library.
Public classLibraryDocumentUploadEventArgs
Public classLibraryManager
Unsupported: The library sharing feature is currently not supported.
Interface that represents library management functions such as add, edit, remove documents from the document library.
Public classLibraryManagerUploadProgress
Public classLibrarySharing
Unsupported: The library sharing feature is currently not supported.
Interface representing a set of methods the client application can invoke to share or receive shared document from a conference server supplied document library.
Public classLibrarySharingDocumentEventArgs
Public classLibrarySharingPageContentEventArgs
Public classLineAppearance
Represents line information configured on server.
Public classListEventArgsT
Public classLocalContactConfiguration
This class provides the User configuration data that connects user and local contacts
Public classLogMessageEventArgs
Provides data for a LogMessage event.
Public classMaxSupportedVideoResolutionsCapability
A class representing multi video resolution capabilities of the Client SDK .
Public classMediaConfiguration
Media Configuration data.
Public classMeetingMinuteEventArgs
Public classMeetingMinutes
Unsupported: The meeting minutes feature is currently not supported.
Public classMessage
Interface for all Message related tasks and properties.
Public classMessageBodyPart
The MessageBodyPart models SIP message body part. When there is a multi - part message, there can be more than one message body part.
Public classMessageBodyPartEventArgs
Public classMessageDeliveryDetails
This class defines delivery details of message.
Public classMessageListEventArgs
EventArgs used for informing client about added or deleted messages.
Public classMessageRetrievalWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring Message retrievals.
Public classMessageTimeEventArgs
EventArgs used for additional information on LastModifiedDateChanged event.
Public classMessagingCancelEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform that request with given id was cancelled.
Public classMessagingConfiguration
User configuration information for the messaging service. This class provides configuration and preference data for the messaging service features.
Public classMessagingConversationNumberEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify that count of unreaded conversations has changed.
Public classMessagingFailureEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about particular error.
Public classMessagingLimits
This class defines current limits for various messaging service operations.
Public classMessagingParticipant
Interface for all messaging participant related tasks and properties.
Public classMessagingParticipantListEventArgs
Public classMessagingParticipantPhoneNumber
Represents a participant's phone number.
Public classMessagingProviderConversationsEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingProviderFailureEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingProviderLimitsEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify that messaging limits changed.
Public classMessagingProviderNumberEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingProviderRemoveConversationEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingProviderRoutableDomainsEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingProviderTypeEventArgs
EventArgs used to notify about messaging provider type.
Public classMessagingService
The MessagingService object is accessible from the User object, and provides access to messaging related capabilities and actions.
Public classMinuteMessage
Unsupported: The meeting minutes feature is currently not supported.
Public classOtherPhoneActivationFailureException
Exception specifying the reasons of the why other phone service activation/deactivation failed.
Public classOtherPhoneService
This service provides the user with the ability to direct media to any other phone (typically a cell phone/ home phone) while controlling signaling from the client. Access to this service is provided by the OtherPhoneService property on the User class.
Public classOutboundSubscriptionConfiguration
Represents data for Outbound Subscription.
Public classParticipant
Interface for all specific participant objects used in components i.e. Messaging, Call.
Public classParticipantEventArgs
An event argument used when reporting events related to a Call or Conference participant.
Public classParticipantMediaEventArgs
Public classPendingParticipant
Unsupported: The pending participant feature is currently not supported.
The PendingParticipant class represents a participant pending to join the conference.
Public classPendingParticipantCancelledEventArgs
The event argument used to report pending participant actions related failures to the application.
Public classPpmConfiguration
User Configuration information for PPM. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to a PPM Server
Public classPresence
Presence information for a user.
Public classPresenceAccessControlList
The class encapsulates presence access control list related features available to the user.
Public classPresenceAccessControlPolicyEventArgs
The event argument used to report PresenceAccessControlListPolicy to the application.
Public classPresenceAccessControlRulesEventArgs
The event argument used to report either list of users allowed to track local user's presence, or list of users not allowed to track local user's presence.
Public classPresenceConfiguration
User configuration information for the presence service. This class provides configuration and preference data for the presence service features.
Public classPresenceEventArgs
Event arguments for incoming presence events provided by the presence service.
Public classPresenceFailureEventArgs
Event arguments for presence failures returned by the presence service.
Public classPresenceListSubscription
An ad hoc presence list subscription.
Public classPresencePublishFailureEventArgs
Event arguments for presence publish failures returned by the presence service events.
Public classPresenceService
The class encapsulates all of presence related features available to the user.
Public classPresenceWatcher
Class representing either a remote user who is already tracking local user's presence, or a remote user who is asking for permission to track local user's presence.
Public classPresenceWatcherRequestEventArgs
The event argument used to report either receipt or cancellation of a request to track local user's presence.
Public classProtocolEventArgs
Represents signaling protocol related events.
Public classProtocolException
Exception representing a signaling protocol failure.
Public classQueueStatistics
Queue statistics feature provides statistics about particular skill.
Public classRegistrationFailureEventArgs
Public classRegistrationGroup
A group of signaling servers to register with simultaneously.
Public classReloadRequestEventArgs
Public classRemoteAddressChangedEventArgs
Public classRemoteAlertingEventArgs
Public classRemoteControlSessionDisconnectEventArgs
The event argument used when raising an event to signal that the shared control session connection with the ControllingEndpoint has been disconnected.
Public classRemoteControlSessionEventArgs
Event arguments used for shared control session events related to a ControllingEndpoint.
Public classResolveContactsRequest
A request for Resolve Contacts searches.
Public classResourceDiscoveryEventArgs
Public classScepConfiguration
Public classSearchContactsWatcher
A watcher class for Contact searches.
Public classSearchConversation
Interface for conversation returned from MessagingService.SearchConversations operation.
Public classSearchConversationsWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring Conversation search operations.
Public classSearchTerminalsRequest
Encapsulates search parameters for performing terminals search.
Public classSearchTerminalsWatcher
A watcher class for Terminal searches.
Public classSecurityPolicyConfiguration
Configuration information for SecurityPolicyConfiguration. This class provides configuration and preference data for Security Policies (i.e certificates)
Public classSelfContactEventArgs
Event Args used for ContactService.SelfContact return result.
Public classSendSlideEventArgs
Public classServerInfo
Represents a generic server to communicate with.
Public classServiceObservingErrorEventArgs
Event arguments for reporting errors that occur during a service observing session.
Public classServiceObservingEventArgs
Represents event arguments for ServiceObservingEnabled event.
Public classServiceObservingStatusParameters
This class provides the details about the service observing feature parameters.
Public classServiceStatus
A class representing whether a certain service can be used based on the current status.
Public classSettingsFileParser
Represents a parser that reads Avaya endpoint settings file format.
Public classShape
Shape objects represent free shape that can be added to whiteboard surface.
Public classSharedControlCompletionHandlerEventArgs
Event arguments for shared control completion handler.
Public classSharedControlService
This service provides the user with the ability to direct media to the Desk Phone (Hard Phone) while issuing signaling commands from the Desk Phone and/or the client. Access to the shared control service is provided by the SharedControlService property on the User class.
Public classSharedControlSessionConnectEventArgs
The event argument used when raising an event to signal that the shared control session connection with the ControllableEndpoint has been established.
Public classSharedControlSessionEventArgs
Event arguments used for shared control session events related to a ControllableEndpoint.
Public classSharingApplicationWindow
Public classSharingApplicationWindowStateChangedEventArgs
Public classSharingDisplay
Public classSignalingPingConfiguration
Represents data for Ping Signaling.
Public classSignalingServer
Represents a call (SIP) server to communicate with.
Public classSignalingServerEventArgs
Public classSignalingServerGroup
A group of registration groups to register with individually.
Public classSignalingServerGroupEventArgs
Public classSipAgentConfiguration
User Configuration information for SIP Agent Feature provider. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to SIP contact center agent features.
Public classSipClientConfiguration
Represents the data that is common for a SIP Client.
Public classSipUserConfiguration
Configuration information for a SipSignalingEngine.
Public classSkill
Represents agent's skill information.
Public classSlide
Public classSlideEventArgs
Public classSlider
The Slider object provides access to slider-related actions.
Public classSliderSlide
The SliderSlide object provides slide metadata and allows the download of related images.
Public classSliderSlidesEventArgs
The event args used in Slider events.
Public classStartCallRequestEventArgs
Class representing an incoming request to start a video call that is already created by the Client SDK. VideoMode
Public classStatisticsData
Represents VuStats statistics data gathered from the server.
Public classStatisticsDataEventArgs
Represents received statistics data event arguments.
Public classStringEventArg
Public classStringEventArgs
Public classStringListEventArgs
Public classTeamButton
Represents team button feature. A monitoring station can perform speed dial or pick up a call on the monitoring extension. This object is provided with notification whenever the status changes.
Public classTeamButtonIncomingCall
Represents team button incoming call storing the caller/callee detains and providing call pickup functionality.
Public classTeamButtonIncomingCallEventArgs
Event arguments for the Team Button incoming calls updates.
Public classTerminal
Public classToggleFeatureEventArgs
Event arguments for a feature that can be toggled between enabled and disabled states.
Public classTransferStatusEventArgs
Event fired to report status of an in-progress transfer.
Public classUnifiedPortalConferencingConfiguration
Conferencing configuration returned by Unified Portal.
Public classUnifiedPortalConfiguration
Configuration information for Unified Portal. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an Unified Portal Server.
Public classUnifiedPortalErrorEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about Unified Portal service operation error.
Public classUnifiedPortalMeetingInfo
Meeting info returned by Unified Portal. Shall be used to populate CallCreationInfo when creating HTTP Meet-me conference call.
Public classUnifiedPortalResources
Resources returned by Unified Portal.
Public classUnifiedPortalService
The UnifiedPortalService provides access to Unified Portal features.
Public classUpdateContactEventArgs
EventArgs used to inform about changes on particular contact object.
Public classUser
Represents a user (an extension or user account) for which various services and features can be provided by the Avaya Client Services library.
Public classUserConfiguration
Configuration information for a User.
Public classUserCreatedException
Exception representing a create user failure.
Public classUserCredential
Represents a user credential that can be used to respond to an authentication credential challenge.
Public classUserEventArgs
Public classUserToUserInformation
User-to-User Information (UUI), known as call control UUI data, is a small piece of data inserted by an application initiating the call and utilized by the application receiving the call. The syntax and semantics for the UUI data used by a specific application are defined by a UUI package.
Public classVideoChannel
Public classVideoChannelEventArgs
Public classVideoChannelFailureEventArgs
Public classVideoChannelReceiveStatusEventArgs
A class representing a video channel's video receive status change.
Public classVideoChannelsEventArgs
Public classVideoChannelsFailureEventArgs
Public classVideoConfiguration
Represents the video data that is common for a Client.
Public classVideoDetails
Video-related details for a session.
Public classVideoLayoutEventArgs
Public classVideoLayoutsEventArgs
Public classVideoModeEventArgs
Public classVideoResolutionCapability
Class representing the maximum resolution that can supported for a video stream during a multi video stream conference call. Different video streams will have a different maximum resolution based on the capabilities of the conference server and the limitations of local CPU/platform, and provisioned bandwidth and resolution settings.
Public classVideoResolutionPreferenceForMainVideoStreaming
Public classVideoResolutionPreferenceForMultiVideoStreaming
Class representing a video resolution preference set by the application for each video stream received during a multi-video stream enabled conference call.
Public classVideoStatistics
Video statistics for a call.
Public classVideoTransmitStatistics
Transmitted video statistics for a session.
Public classVideoUserConfiguration
User Configuration information for Video. This class provides the configuration data associated between a user and video properties
Public classVirtualRoom
Virtual room configured for user.
Public classVisualVoiceMailFailureEventArgs
The event argument used to communicate visual voicemail errors to the application.
Public classVisualVoiceMailMessage
An object representing a single voicemail message, with capabilities, properties and methods that allow the application to determine how to display and manipulate the voicemail message.
Public classVisualVoiceMailMessagesEventArgs
The event argument used in notifications where multiple visual voicemail messages are involved.
Public classVisualVoiceMailRetrievalWatcher
A watcher class for monitoring voicemail message retrievals.
Public classVisualVoiceMailService
Represents the Visual Voicemail Service.
Public classVoiceMessagingService
The VoiceMessagingService object is accessible from the User object, providing voicemail status updates.
Public classVoiceMessagingStatus
Voice messaging status parameters.
Public classVoiceMessagingStatusEventArgs
Voice messaging parameters.
Public classWcsConfiguration
User Configuration information for WCS. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an WCS Server
Public classWhiteboard
The Whiteboard object provides access to whiteboard related capabilities and actions.
Public classWhiteboardCanvas
WPF Canvas for rendering ContentSharing.
Public classWhiteboardEventArgs
Public classWhiteboardShapeEventArgs
Public classWhiteboardSurface
The WhiteboardSurface object represents an independent whiteboard surface (page) containing all shapes drawn on a given whiteboard surface.
Public classWhiteboardText
Text object represent text that can be added to WhiteboardSurface.
Public classWhiteboardUserEventArgs
Public classZangConfiguration
User Configuration information for Zang. This class provides the configuration data that allows a connection and access to be made to an Zang Server
Public structureMessagingQuery
Messaging query data. This class provides data for the messaging service search.
Public interfaceBaseContactField
A base class for all contact-related field classes which defines the common attributes for all field types.
Public interfaceBaseContactMultiValueFieldT
Interface for multi-value contact field. It must be defined in order to provide information about capabilities when there aren't any items.
Public interfaceICredentialProvider
Inteface used to represent a CredentialProvider. A credential provider needs to know how to handle a Challenge and provide a Credential response.
Public interfaceIEnrollmentCredentialProvider
Interface used to represent a EnrollmentCredentialProvider. An enrollment credential provider needs to know how to handle a Challenge and provide a Credential response.
Public delegateActiveParticipantParticipantActionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the Participant request.
Public delegateAgentServiceAgentFeatureButtonLampCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler for asynchronous agent service operations.
Public delegateAgentServiceAgentServiceCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler for asynchronous agent service operations.
Public delegateAgentServiceSupervisorAssistCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of supervisor assistance request.
Public delegateAttachmentCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous attachment operations.
Public delegateButtonModuleServiceButtonCustomizationCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of button customization request.
Public delegateCallCallCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the Call request.
Public delegateCallJoinStatusHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of a call join request.
Public delegateCallReadAudioDetailsCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a ReadAudioDetails request.
Public delegateCallReadVideoDetailsCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a ReadVideoDetails request.
Public delegateCallTransferStatusHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of the Call transfer request.
Public delegateCallFeatureServiceAutodialUpdateCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of an Autodial request.
Public delegateCallFeatureServiceFeatureCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of feature invocation requests.
Public delegateCallFeatureServiceFeatureLabelCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of setting personalized label request.
Public delegateCallLogServiceCallLogActionCompletionHandler
Delegate for Call log action completion handler. CallLogOperationStatusArgs provides the status of the operation as well as list of call log items relevant to the operation. For delete operation, call log items reported in CallLogOperationStatusArgs reflects those objects successfully deleted. These objects are identical objects used to make delete request. As such, "equals" or "==" operation should result in correct match to those objects managed by the client.
Public delegateCertificateManagerCertificateEnrollmentCompletionHandler
A delegate method to be called upon completion of identity certificate enrollment.
Public delegateCertificateManagerCertificateValidatorCompletionHandler
A delegate method to be called upon completion of certificate trust validation.
Public delegateChatParticipantsCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the GetChatParticipants request.
Public delegateChatSendMessageCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the chat message.
Public delegateClientCreateUserCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the CreateUser request.
Public delegateCollaborationCollaborationCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the collaboration async operations.
Public delegateCollaborationGetParticipantsCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the GetParticipants request.
Public delegateCollaborationReadCollaborationDetailsCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the collaboration data.
Public delegateCollaborationReceivingSharingControlCompletionHandler
Delegate used to report that receiving sharing control operation finished.
Public delegateCollaborationServiceCollaborationServiceCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the Collaboration request.
Public delegateConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandler
Defines the delegate used as the completion handler for requests on the Conference object.
Public delegateConferenceConferenceActionCompletionHandlerWithStringResult
Defines the delegate used as the completion handler for requests on the Conference object that return a string as the result.
Public delegateConferenceMobileLinkMobileLinkActionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the mobile link action request.
Public delegateConferenceSlideViewerConferenceSlideViewerSubscriptionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the slide viewer subscription request.
Public delegateConferenceSlideViewerConferenceSlideViewerUnsubscriptionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the slide viewer unsubscription request.
Public delegateContactContactPresenceCompletionHandler
Delegate for Contact Presence completion handler.
Public delegateContactRetrievePictureCompletionHandler
Delegate for picture retrieval completion handler.
Public delegateContactGroupContactGroupOperationCompletionHandler
Delegate for contact group operations completion handler.
Public delegateContactServiceAddContactCompletionHandler
Public delegateContactServiceContactActionCompletionHandler
Defines the delegate used for the completion handler passed to methods on the Contact service unless another delegate type is specified.
Public delegateContactServiceCreateContactGroupCompletionHandler
Public delegateContactServiceDeleteContactGroupCompletionHandler
Public delegateContactServiceGetSelfContactCompletionHandler
Public delegateContactServiceUpdateContactCompletionHandler
Public delegateContentSharingContentSharingCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the content sharing async operations.
Public delegateContentSharingRemoteControlCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the content sharing async operations.
Public delegateContentSharingRemoteControlParticipantsCompletionHandler
Delegate used to obtain participants that support remote control.
Public delegateConversationAddParticipantAddressesCompletionHandler
Completion handler for AddParticipantAddresses operation.
Public delegateConversationCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous conversation operations.
Public delegateCredentialCallback
Callback to the requester with an UserCredential that can be used for authentication. The UserCredential should be based on the Challenge used
Public delegateDataTransferServiceDataTransferCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the result of a data transfer request.
Public delegateDataTransferServiceDataTransferWithDataCompletionHandlerT
Declares a delegate used to report the result of a data transfer request with received data.
Public delegateDownloadServiceDownloadCompletionHandlerT
Declares a delegate used to report the result of a Download request.
Public delegateDownloadServiceDownloadWithParametersCompletionHandlerT
Declares a delegate used to report the result of a Download request with optional parameters.
Public delegateDroppedParticipantParticipantActionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the Dropped participant's request.
Public delegateEditableContactRetrievePictureCompletionHandler
Delegate for picture retrieval completion handler.
Public delegateEnrollmentCredentialCallback
Callback to the requester with an EnrollmentCredential that can be used for client identity certificate enrollment.
Public delegateExportServiceExportChatCompletionHandler
Public delegateExportServiceExportMessagingConversationCompletionHandler
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerCancelUploadDocumentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the CancelUploadDocument request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerDeleteDocumentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the DeleteDocument request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerGetContentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the GetContent request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerGetDocumentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the GetDocument request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerGetUploadDocumentProgressHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the GetUploadDocumentProgress request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerRenameDocumentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the RenameDocument request.
Public delegateLibraryManagerLibraryManagerUploadDocumentHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the UploadDocument request.
Public delegateLibrarySharingLibrarySharingCompletionHandler
Public delegateMeetingMinutesMeetingMinutesCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the meeting minutes message.
Public delegateMessageCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous message operations.
Public delegateMessageMessageCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous message operations.
Public delegateMessageMessageDeliveryDetailsCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous message delivery details retrieval.
Public delegateMessagingParticipantRetrievePictureCompletionHandler
Delegate for picture retrieval completion handler.
Public delegateMessagingServiceCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous service operations.
Public delegateOtherPhoneServiceOtherPhoneServiceCompletionHandler
Delegate for other phone number activation completion handler . OtherPhoneActivationFailureException provides the status of the operation.
Public delegateParticipantSendMessageCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a request to send a chat message.
Public delegatePendingParticipantParticipantActionCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the Pending participant's request.
Public delegatePresenceAccessControlListPresenceWatcherCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the presence watcher request.
Public delegateSettingsFileParserGetSettingsFileVariable
Declares a delegate that is called to get the value of a variable. when it is not specified in the settings file.
Public delegateSettingsFileParserOnAdditionalSettingsFileRequested
Declares a delegate that is called when an additional settings file is requested.
Public delegateSettingsFileParserSetSettingsFileVariable
Declares a delegate that is called to set the value of the variable.
Public delegateSharedControlServiceSharedControlActionCompletionHandler
The completion handler that receives the result of a Shared Control request.
Public delegateSliderSlideFetchImageCompletionHandler
Delegate used to return image data related to slide.
Public delegateTeamButtonFeatureCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of feature invocation requests.
Public delegateTeamButtonFeatureLabelCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of feature label update requests.
Public delegateTeamButtonIncomingCallFeatureCompletionHandler
Declares a completion handler that handles the result of feature invocation requests.
Public delegateUnifiedPortalServiceGetPortalUserTokenCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a GetPortalUserToken request.
Public delegateUnifiedPortalServiceGetResourcesCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a GetResources request.
Public delegateUnifiedPortalServiceRequestToJoinMeetingCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a RequestJoinMeeting request.
Public delegateUnifiedPortalServiceSendClientInfoCompletionHandler
Declares a delegate used to report the status of a SendClientInfo request.
Public delegateVisualVoiceMailMessageCompletionHandler
Completion handler for asynchronous message operations.
Public delegateVisualVoiceMailServiceCompletionHandler
Public delegateWhiteboardWhiteboardCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the whiteboard operations.
Public delegateWhiteboardSurfaceWhiteboardCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the whiteboard operations. Note that this delegate is different from WhiteboardCompletionHandler found in Whiteboard class.
Public delegateWhiteboardSurfaceWhiteboardSurfaceCompletionHandler
Declare a delegate that handles the whiteboard surface operations.
Public enumerationAccessControlBehavior
Enumeration that describes the types of the ACL - confirm policy handling.
Public enumerationAcousticEchoCancelAlgorithm
Definition of the supported Echo Cancellation Algorithms.
Public enumerationAddressDigit
Address digits for dialing in the off-hook state.
Public enumerationAgentError
AgentError represents different errors that may occur during an agent feature interaction with the contact center solution.
Public enumerationAgentFeatureType
Defines the list of supported agent features. This enumeration is applicable for all of the features supported by client services, not tailored based on capabilities provisioned for an agent in the network (available features).
Public enumerationAgentLogoutOverrideType
Represents a policy indicating whether the agent will be forced to log out at a certain time or the agent is overriding the forced logout.
Public enumerationAgentState
All supported agent states for contact center solution agent.
Public enumerationAgentWorkMode
All supported agent work modes for contact center solution agent. Agent work mode are used by client application to change agent work mode. Unlike AgentState which is used only for representing state (not used for changing state or work mode)
Public enumerationAlertType
Incoming call alert types.
Public enumerationAllowedVideoDirection
Enumeration of different allowed video directions that can be used by the local application for a call session.
Public enumerationAttachmentStatus
Represents the message attachment status.
Public enumerationAuthenticationMethod
Public enumerationAutodialError
Errors generated for autodial operations.
Public enumerationBfcpMode
Definition of BfcpMode.
Public enumerationButtonCustomizationError
Errors generated while adding, removing, moving or setting personalized label for customized button.
Public enumerationButtonCustomizationPolicy
Enumeration indicating whether the application supports button customization. Own / Bridged Call Line Appearances, SIP Telephony Features (including Auto Dial feature), Agent Features, etc are a few examples of "buttons" configured for a user on CM / SMGR, that can be customized w.r.t. visual location on the button module, label representing the button, etc.
Public enumerationButtonLampState
All supported button lamp state.
Public enumerationButtonType
Public enumerationCallDenialPolicy
Enumeration that describes call denial policy.
Public enumerationCallEndReason
The event arguments provide call end reason.
Public enumerationCallError
Point-to-point and conference call related error codes. These error codes are reported upon failure of a call related operation.
Public enumerationCallForwardingCause
Enum represents call forward causes
Public enumerationCallLogAddressSourceType
Describes the source type of the remote user's address. For example, the remote address was provided by the client or by the network or if the remote address represents a conference participant.
Public enumerationCallLogItemActionType
Describes the action type that generated the call log item or the call log event.
Public enumerationCallLogItemReadStatus
Describes the read status of call log item
Public enumerationCallLogItemSourceType
Describes the media source type of the call log.
Public enumerationCallLogOperationStatus
Enumeration that indicates success or failure of an operation performed by the CallLogService.
Public enumerationCallPrecedenceLevel
Call Precedence Level DoD(Department of defence) UC networks support Precedence - Based Assured Services(PBAS) for delivery of UC services. Connections and resources that belong to a call from a user are marked with a precedence level and domain identifier and can only be preempted by calls of higher precedence from users in the same service domain. Precedence provides for preferred handling of PBAS service requests.PBAS involves assigning and validating priority levels to calls, and prioritized treatment of service requests. There are five precedence levels; from lowest to highest they are ROUTINE, PRIORITY, IMMEDIATE, FLASH, and FLASH OVERRIDE. Maximum precedence level of a user is set at the subscription time by the UC network administrator based on the user’s validated need.When initiating a session, the user may select a precedence level up to and including the maximum authorized precedence level for that user, on a per call basis. The network at the user's originating interface ensures that the selected precedence level does not exceed the maximum level assigned to that extension. When JITC Multilevel call precedence and preemption(MLPP) is enabled at server, A call will default automatically to the ROUTINE precedence unless a higher precedence is dialed.
Public enumerationCallPreemptionReason
Call Preemption reasons based on Reason Header for Preemption Events(RFC 4411) - IETF and Department of Defense Unified Capabilities Requirements 2013. Call preemption occurs when a precedence call is sent to a preemptable endpoint that is busy with a call of lower precedence and has no idle appearances. This causes the lower precedence call to be preempted, regardless of whether the lower precedence call and the new higher precedence call are of the same media type. When preemption occurs, the active busy user receive a continuous preemption tone until user acknowledges the preemption by invoking complete preemption method and the other party receives a preemption tone for a minimum of 3 seconds. After acknowledging the preemption, the extension to which the precedence call is directed will be provided with precedence ringing and the calling party will receive an audible ring - back precedence tone. Preemption may take one of two forms. First, the called party may be busy with a lower precedence call that is preempted in favor of completing the higher precedence call from the calling party. Second, the network resources may be busy with calls; some of which are of lower precedence than the call requested by the calling party.One or more of these lower precedence calls are preempted in order to complete the higher precedence call
Public enumerationCallRecordingActionType
Describes the Call Recording action types.
Public enumerationCallRecordingState
Public enumerationCallState
The state of a call.
Public enumerationCallType
Definition of the supported call types.
Public enumerationCameraControl
Public enumerationCapabilityDenialReason
Capability denial reason codes. Returned in CapabilityInfo object when a queried capability is not supported.
Public enumerationCertificateEnrollmentResult
Certificate enrollment related error codes.
Public enumerationCertificateStoreResult
Certificate store related error codes.
Public enumerationCertificateValidationResult
Certificate validation related error codes.
Public enumerationChallengeAuthorizationMethod
Public enumerationChatError
Chat related error codes.
Public enumerationChatMessageStatus
Represents possible states for a chat message.
Public enumerationCollaborationContentSharingMode
Collaboration content sharing mode.
Public enumerationCollaborationRenderType
Defines the different types of collaboration renderer that the client application needs to create to display collaboration content.
Public enumerationCollaborationStatus
Public enumerationConferenceConnectionError
Conference connection related error codes. These error codes are reported upon failure of a conference connection.
Public enumerationConferenceEncryptionStatus
Public enumerationConferenceMobileLinkConnectionStatus
Public enumerationConferenceRecordingStatus
Public enumerationConferenceRoomSystemStatus
Enumeration representing conferencing room system's status.
Public enumerationConferenceStreamingStatus
Public enumerationContactEmailAddressType
Describes the type associated with the email address.
Public enumerationContactError
Error codes related to contact operations.
Public enumerationContactPhoneNumberType
Defines the types of phone numbers that can be associated with a contact.
Public enumerationContactServiceFailureReason
Reasons of failure for contact service operations.
Public enumerationContactSourceType
Determines source types for contacts.
Public enumerationConversationStatus
Represents the server reconciled status of the conversation.
Public enumerationConversationType
Represents the conversation type.
Public enumerationDataCollectionChangeType
The type of change that has occurred in a data collection.
Public enumerationDataRetrievalStatus
Describes the status of a data retrieval operation.
Public enumerationDataSharingMode
Data sharing mode.
Public enumerationDataTransferServiceError
Error codes related to DataTransferService operations.
Public enumerationDenialReason
The reason for the denial of an incoming call.
Public enumerationDirectorySearchError
Public enumerationDownloadServiceError
Error codes related to Download Service operations.
Public enumerationDtmfTone
DTMF tone types.
Public enumerationetSharingApplicationWindowState
Public enumerationExportStatus
Export service progress status
Public enumerationFailbackPolicy
Defines how failing back to a server with a higher priority than the current server is handled.
Public enumerationFeatureAction
The feature actions that can be used when invoking a feature.
Public enumerationFeatureFailureReason
The reason for a call feature failure.
Public enumerationFeatureLabelError
Errors generated for setting personalized label.
Public enumerationFeatureStatus
The available feature status values.
Public enumerationFeatureType
Supported call feature types.
Public enumerationForwardingOverride
Specifies whether the forwarding destination of monitored station will be ignored by Team Button speed dial invocation if any of forwarding features is enabled on the monitored station.
Public enumerationHIDButtonType
Public enumerationHIDDeviceConnectionStatus
Public enumerationIncomingVideoStatus
Status of video for an incoming call.
Public enumerationJoinStatus
Join status.
Public enumerationLayer2PriorityMarking
Public enumerationLdapDirectoryType
Directory type.
Public enumerationLdapScopeType
Scope of the LDAP search.
Public enumerationLibraryDocumentType
Public enumerationLibraryManagerUploadProgressDocumentUploadProgressType
Public enumerationLocalizedStringIdentifier
Export service localized string identifiers. In the exported HTML file, there are certain strings that can be localized, depending on the language set in the App. Application can use ExportService.SetLocalizedStrings() to pass the localized strings to Client SDK. The Client SDK uses the strings corresponding to the identifiers in the exported HTML.
Public enumerationLogLevel
Log levels used by Avaya Client Services.
Public enumerationMediaAddressMode
Enum indicating the IP address type preference to use when negotiating media streams when the client connects to dual stack server from a dual stack client network.
Public enumerationMediaDirection
Supported media(audio, video) directions.
Public enumerationMediaEncryptionType
Supported media encryption types.
Public enumerationMediaTransportPreference
The list of Media Transport network preferences. This structure provides a list of choices based on the network type preference.A feature(i.e.VoIP calls, or video) can be enabled based on network connectivity. It is necessary to allow a feature to be enabled based on the preference of network connectivity. All transports(enabled) and No Media(disabled) are independent of network type. The Wifi only state is included to indicate that the feature enablement is dependent on wifi connectivity.
Public enumerationMeetingMediaType
Meeting media types.
Public enumerationMessageDeliveryState
Represents delivery state of a message.
Public enumerationMessageImportance
Represents the message importance.
Public enumerationMessageReadState
Represents read state of a message.
Public enumerationMessageStatus
Represents the state of a message.
Public enumerationMessageType
Describes the possible types of messages that can be included in a conversation.
Public enumerationMessagingDisplayOrder
Represents the order in which participant full name is generated ("FirstName LastName" or "LastName FirstName").
Public enumerationMessagingError
Error types for messaging component.
Public enumerationMessagingParticipantPhoneNumberType
Represents the type of phone number.
Public enumerationMessagingParticipantSourceType
Represents the messaging source that the participant comes from.
Public enumerationMessagingParticipantType
Represents the participant type.
Public enumerationMessagingProviderType
Enumeration representing messaging provider types.
Public enumerationMessagingReasonType
Provides additional reason information for the Left and Closed message types.
Public enumerationMinuteStatus
States for a meeting minute message in a conference.
Public enumerationMinuteType
Enum of minute types.
Public enumerationMissedCallReason
Enum represents missed call reason types.
Public enumerationModality
Represents the modality of MessagingParticipant.
Public enumerationOpusFormatProfile
Definition of Avaya recommended profiles for OPUS codec.
Public enumerationOtherPhoneServiceError
Other phone service related error codes.
Public enumerationOverloadStatus
Public enumerationParticipantConnectionStatus
Public enumerationParticipantMediaStatus
The status of participant media known by conference server. This status indicates what was negotiated between participant and conference server. The status could be changed if participant updates media by executing any network operation. For example local audio(microphone) mute will not affect participant audio status, if it is not reported to the conference server.
Public enumerationPendingLogoutReason
Represents the policies used to describe the use of reason codes for pending logout.
Public enumerationPendingParticipantAdmissionCancellationReasonCode
Admission request cancellation codes.
Public enumerationPresenceAccessControlListPolicy
Enumeration that describes different access control list policies.
Public enumerationPresenceError
Enumeration representing failure of a presence operation, for example, a failed presence request sent to the presence server.
Public enumerationPresenceLocationMode
Enumeration representing the location-based "mode" of a user.
Public enumerationPresenceOptions
Optional elements of a presence object. Presence information of a user may or may not include manually specified presence state, location mode and a note.
Public enumerationPresenceState
Enumeration representing presence state of a user.
Public enumerationProviderSourceType
This enumeration is used to indicate where the data in each field in the contact object came from.
Public enumerationProxyMode
Public enumerationReasonCodeLength
Represents the policy used to describe the length of reason codes used by agents for logout and work mode change operations.
Public enumerationReasonCodeMode
Represents the policies used to describe the use of reason codes for various agent operations.
Public enumerationRecipientMessageState
Represents delivery state of a message at the individual chat participant (i.e.recipient) level.
Public enumerationRefreshType
Enumeration representing messaging polling refresh modes.
Public enumerationRegistrationError
User registration related errors.
Public enumerationReloadRequestType
The type of a data reload request.
Public enumerationResolveContactsScopeType
Type of scope used for ContactService.ResolveContacts(ResolveContactsRequest ^) method.
Public enumerationResourceDiscoveryItemType
Identifies the type of a discovered resource item that is of interest to the client application. These items are received from a connected server as part of a registration response or through a resource discovery process.
Public enumerationRingPattern
The ring pattern for enhanced call-pickup alert.
Public enumerationRingType
The ring type for enhanced call-pickup alert.
Public enumerationSearchScopeType
Type of scope used for ContactService.SearchContacts(SearchContactsWatcher ^,System::String ^,SearchScopeType,SearchSourceType,uint32_t,uint32_t) method.
Public enumerationSearchSourceType
Type of source used for ContactService.SearchContacts(SearchContactsWatcher ^,String ^,SearchScopeType,SearchSourceType,uint32_t,uint32_t) method.
Public enumerationSecurityPolicy
Security policy configuration for certificate revocation.
Public enumerationSensitivityLevel
Represents the sensitivity of the conversation.
Public enumerationServiceObservingError
Codes for errors that may occur during a service observing feature interaction.
Public enumerationServiceObservingMode
All supported service observing mode.
Public enumerationServiceObservingType
The service observing modes a supervisor may choose to use in order to monitor handling of a customer call by an agent.
Public enumerationServiceStatusDisabledReasons
Service disabled reason codes. Returned in ServiceStatus object when a queried service is not enabled.
Public enumerationShapeStatus
Enum indicating selection status of AbstractShape on the server side, in other words, if our action is confirmed by server.
Public enumerationSharedControlDisconnectReason
Enumeration describing possible reasons for shared control link disconnection.
Public enumerationSignalingAddressMode
Public enumerationSignalingEnvironment
The SignalingEnvironment defines how the connections to the server(s) are established and recovered after failures.
Public enumerationStatisticsDataResourceType
Statistics data resource type.
Public enumerationSupervisorCallType
Supervisor call type.
Public enumerationTLSProtocolVersion
Configure the following TLS version.
Public enumerationTransferStatus
The status of an in-progress transfer.
Public enumerationTransportType
Transport type to use for a connection to a signaling server.
Public enumerationTrustStoreMode
Configuration specifying the type of trust store to be used for certificate validation.
Public enumerationUnifiedPortalError
Error codes related to Unified Portal operations.
Public enumerationUserCreatedFailureReason
The reason for a user failure.
Public enumerationVideoDisabledReason
Public enumerationVideoLayoutType
Enumeration of all of the video layouts supported during a conference call. Local user can select from any of these layouts to effect the video image rendered on the client. With the exception of Dynamic, the rest of the layout options allow user to specify a fixed layout of the video rendered on the local client. When the layout is set to be dynamic, the conference server updates the layout of the rendered video automatically. The list of actual video layouts available may change dynamically while on a call, dependent on the capabilities of the conferencing system, number of video participants on a call, and whether local user is a lecturer or not. The integers provided with each layout below represent indices of different video windows (a.k.a., sub-frame), as recognized by the conferencing system. These video window ids can be used to pin a participant's video.
Public enumerationVideoMode
Enumeration of different video modes that can be requested by the local application for a call session.
Public enumerationVideoResolutionForMainVideoStreaming
Public enumerationVideoResolutionForMultiVideoStreaming
Enumeration of video resolutions supported for multi video streaming conference calls.
Public enumerationVisualVoiceMailError
Error types for visual voicemail component.
Public enumerationVisualVoiceMailFileDownloadStatus
Visual voicemail audio file download status.
Public enumerationWhiteboardTool
Indicates current tool for Whiteboard.