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ConversationStatus Enumeration
Represents the server reconciled status of the conversation.

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public enum ConversationStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
Unsent0 Represents a conversation that has been created by the local application but has not yet been sent.
Sent1 A conversation in Published state has been successfully sent to the server and is now able to be viewed by other participants.
Sending2 Used for conversations which are currently being sent.
Removing3 Used for conversations which are currently being removed.
Error4 State indicating that conversation couldn't be sent. Additional error information is provided within the operation result.
Undefined5 An unknown status. If this status is set, it is a bug.
Leaving6 Used for conversations which are currently being left.
Left7 Used for conversations which were left.
See Also