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SharedControlService Class
This service provides the user with the ability to direct media to the Desk Phone (Hard Phone) while issuing signaling commands from the Desk Phone and/or the client. Access to the shared control service is provided by the SharedControlService property on the User class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public class SharedControlService

The SharedControlService type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivateSharedControl
Activates the shared control service.
Public methodDeactivateSharedControl
Deactivates the shared control service.
Public eventControllableEndpointsAvailable
Occurs when a controllable endpoint is available to do Shared Control with, i.e. when the desk phone is logged in and there was no desk phone logged in before.
Public eventControllableEndpointsListUpdated
Occurs when there is an update in list of controllable endpoints. This update can be addition or removal of an endpoint, i.e. the desk phone is logged in or out.
Public eventControllableEndpointsUnavailable
Occurs when no controllable endpoint is available to do Shared Control with, i.e. there is no desk phone logged in.
Public eventRemoteControlSessionConnected
Occurs when the shared control link with the controlling endpoint is established and this client application becomes controlled endpoint. This is typically when the RegisterApplicationRequest is received from the controlling endpoint.
Public eventRemoteControlSessionDisconnected
Occurs when the shared control link with the controlling endpoint is ended gracefully by controlling endpoint or down because of network issues. See RemoteControlSessionDisconnectEventArgs for the disconnect reason.
Public eventSharedControlSessionConnected
Occurs when the shared control link with the controllable endpoint is established and a user can control the desk phone now. This is typically when the RegisterApplicationResponse is received from the desk phone.
Public eventSharedControlSessionDisconnected
Occurs when the shared control link with the controllable endpoint is ended gracefully or down because of network issues. See SharedControlSessionEventArgs for the failure reason.
Public eventSharedControlSessionSetupFailed
Occurs when the shared control link with the controllable endpoint could not be established. This is typically when the shared control link cannot be setup with the controlled endpoint due to various reasons. See SharedControlSessionEventArgs for the failure reason.
A Spark based shared signalling channel is established between the controlling client (soft client) and the controlled device (Desk Phone) through the Aura Session Manager, to keep call states in sync and communicate signaling messages. The Shared Control mechanism is a first party control mechanism similar to the CTI interface traditionally provided on Windows PCs except that the controlling and controlled endpoints are endpoints registered with Avaya Aura. This feature has two main entities:
Controlled Endpoint\Client\DeviceAvaya endpoints that support the shared control mechanism advertise their support by inserting "avaya-sc-enabled" tag in the contact URI they register. The clients are currently not planned to be controlled endpoints.
Controlling Endpoint\ClientWhen a user chooses to run the client in the shared control mode, the application does not receive incoming calls from the server but from the controlled endpoint instead. This is done so that all incoming and outgoing requests are sent over to the endpoint that is “actively” registered with Aura (the desk phone) and receives incoming calls. The client always acts as a controlling endpoint.
Following are the current limitations in Shared Control:
  • Currently only SIP mode is supported for Shared Control
  • Currently SM is the only Avaya registrar that supports the registration in Shared Control
  • Currently only Avaya 96x1 desk phones and Summit (H175) series are supported for Shared Control
  • The server addresses list on the controlling and controlled endpoints should be identical to avoid registration issues
  • Split media on controlled endpoint and video on controlling endpoint is only supported with Summit (H175) phones
  • The controlled endpoint supports only one controlling endpoint in Shared Control. The latest controlling endpoint initiating the session controls the controlled endpoint. For instance: if UC client - 1 is in Shared Control with controlled endpoint, and UC client - 2 initiates Shared Control with same controlled endpoint, the session with client - 1 is ended by controlled endpoint
See Also