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SearchConversation Class
Interface for conversation returned from MessagingService.SearchConversations operation.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public class SearchConversation : Conversation

The SearchConversation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveParticipants
Gets a list of active participants contained in this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationActiveParticipants.)
Public propertyAddParticipantsCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if new participants can be added to the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationAddParticipantsCapability.)
Public propertyBaseConversation
Returns reference to the conversation object corresponding to this search conversation. If the underlying conversation is active and exists on the conversations list returned reference will point to the same object that exists on the conversations list.
Public propertyComposingParticipants
Gets a list of composing participants contained in this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationComposingParticipants.)
Public propertyCreateMessageCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if a new message can be created in the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationCreateMessageCapability.)
Public propertyHasAttachments
Returns true if the conversation has any attachments on any of its messages.
(Overrides ConversationHasAttachments.)
Public propertyHasUnreadAttachments
Returns true if the conversation has any unread attachments.
(Overrides ConversationHasUnreadAttachments.)
Public propertyHasUnreadMessages
Returns true if the conversation has any unread messages.
(Overrides ConversationHasUnreadMessages.)
Public propertyHasUnreadMessagesSinceLastAccess
Returns whether the conversation has unread messages since the time the conversation was last accessed.
(Overrides ConversationHasUnreadMessagesSinceLastAccess.)
Public propertyId
Returns the unique conversation identifier.
(Overrides ConversationId.)
Public propertyIsActive
Returns true if the conversation is active.
(Overrides ConversationIsActive.)
Public propertyIsClosed
Returns true if the conversation is closed.
(Overrides ConversationIsClosed.)
Public propertyIsMultiParty
Returns the multi-party status of the conversation. A conversation is considered to be a multi-party conversation if there are more than two active participants in the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationIsMultiParty.)
Public propertyIsPrivate
Returns true if the conversation is private (i.e. the Sensitivity of the conversation is set to Private.
(Overrides ConversationIsPrivate.)
Public propertyIsTypingCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if typing status reporting is available.
(Overrides ConversationIsTypingCapability.)
Public propertyLastAccessedTime
Returns the time the conversation was last accessed.
(Overrides ConversationLastAccessedTime.)
Public propertyLastEntryTime
Returns the last entry timestamp of the conversation. This is the timestamp of the most recent message in the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationLastEntryTime.)
Public propertyLastUpdatedByParticipant
Returns the last participant that updated this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationLastUpdatedByParticipant.)
Public propertyLastUpdatedTime
Returns the time the conversation was last updated.
(Overrides ConversationLastUpdatedTime.)
Public propertyLeaveCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the conversation can be left.
(Overrides ConversationLeaveCapability.)
Public propertyMarkAllContentAsReadCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if all messages in the conversation can be marked as read.
(Overrides ConversationMarkAllContentAsReadCapability.)
Public propertyMessageDeliveryStateCapability
Returns a Capability indicating whether this conversation is capable of reporting delivery state updates for sent messages.
(Inherited from Conversation.)
Public propertyMessageReadStateCapability
Returns a Capability indicating whether this conversation is capable of reporting read state updates for sent messages.
(Inherited from Conversation.)
Public propertyOlderContentCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates whether the user can "scroll to get more messages". i.e. there are additional messages not yet downloaded from the server.
(Overrides ConversationOlderContentCapability.)
Public propertyParticipants
Gets a list of participants contained in this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationParticipants.)
Public propertyPreviewText
Returns the preview text of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationPreviewText.)
Public propertyProviderConversationId
Returns the conversation ID from the underlying provider (e.g., the AMM server) as-is. It will be consistent across clients and application launches, but is only guaranteed to be unique for conversations of that provider type. It will be empty for draft conversation.
(Overrides ConversationProviderConversationId.)
Public propertyProviderType
Gets a provider type for the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationProviderType.)
Public propertyRemoveCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the conversation can be removed.
(Overrides ConversationRemoveCapability.)
Public propertyRemoveParticipantCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if a participant can be removed from the conversation.
(Inherited from Conversation.)
Public propertyRemoveParticipantsCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if participants can be removed from the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationRemoveParticipantsCapability.)
Public propertySensitivity
Returns the sensitivity of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationSensitivity.)
Public propertyStartCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the conversation can be started.
(Overrides ConversationStartCapability.)
Public propertyStatus
Returns the server reconciled status of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationStatus.)
Public propertySubject
Returns the subject of the conversation if one is provided by the server.
(Overrides ConversationSubject.)
Public propertyTotalAttachmentCount
Returns the total number of attachments in all messages of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationTotalAttachmentCount.)
Public propertyTotalMessageCount
Returns the total number of messages in the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationTotalMessageCount.)
Public propertyType
Returns the conversation type.
(Overrides ConversationType.)
Public propertyUnreadAttachmentCount
Returns the total number of unread attachments in all messages of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationUnreadAttachmentCount.)
Public propertyUnreadMessageCount
Returns the number of unread messages in the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationUnreadMessageCount.)
Public propertyUpdateLastAccessTimeCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the last accessed time of the conversation can be updated.
(Overrides ConversationUpdateLastAccessTimeCapability.)
Public propertyUpdateSensitivityCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the sensitivity of the conversation can be updated.
(Overrides ConversationUpdateSensitivityCapability.)
Public propertyUpdateSubjectCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the subject property of the conversation can be updated.
(Overrides ConversationUpdateSubjectCapability.)
Public propertyUpdateTypeCapability
Returns a Capability object that indicates if the type of the conversation can be updated.
(Overrides ConversationUpdateTypeCapability.)
Public methodAddParticipant
Invokes an add participant request for this conversation for contact object.
(Inherited from Conversation.)
Public methodAddParticipantAddresses
Invokes an add participant request for this conversation for each of the provided addresses.
(Overrides ConversationAddParticipantAddresses(ListString, ConversationAddParticipantAddressesCompletionHandler).)
Public methodClearLocalAttachmentData
Clear conversation local attachment data.
(Overrides ConversationClearLocalAttachmentData(ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodCreateMessage
Creates a new Message in this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationCreateMessage.)
Public methodGetSearchMessages
Gets a list of the messages contained in this conversation. This list represents all messages which have been, or are being, downloaded. This is not necessarily the entire historical message content of the conversation.
Public methodIsParticipantActive
Returns true if a specified participant is active in this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationIsParticipantActive(MessagingParticipant).)
Public methodLeave
Invokes a leave request for this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationLeave(ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodMarkAllContentAsRead
Marks all content in this conversation as read.
(Overrides ConversationMarkAllContentAsRead(ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodRemoveMessage
Removes a Message (only draft messages can be removed).
(Overrides ConversationRemoveMessage(Message, ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodRemoveParticipant
Invokes a remove participant request for this conversation.
(Inherited from Conversation.)
Public methodRemoveParticipantAddresses
Invokes a remove participant request for this conversation for each of the provided addresses.
(Overrides ConversationRemoveParticipantAddresses(ListString, ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodRetrieveMessages
Starts the retrieval of messages associated with this conversation. This initial retrieval represents the most recent messages in the conversation and is limited to a maximum number that is specified by the messaging server. This is not necessarily the entire historical message content of the conversation.
(Overrides ConversationRetrieveMessages(MessageRetrievalWatcher).)
Public methodRetrieveMessagesAfter
Retrieves a list of the conversation messages after the specified message. This list represents a list of contiguous messages which have been, or are being, downloaded.
(Overrides ConversationRetrieveMessagesAfter(UInt32, Message).)
Public methodRetrieveMessagesBefore
Retrieves a list of the conversation messages before the specified message. This list represents a list of contiguous messages which have been, or are being, downloaded.
(Overrides ConversationRetrieveMessagesBefore(UInt32, Message).)
Public methodSetLastAccessTime
Invokes a set last access time request for this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationSetLastAccessTime(ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodSetSensitivity
Sets the conversation sensitivity.
(Overrides ConversationSetSensitivity(SensitivityLevel, ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodSetSubject
Sets the subject for this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationSetSubject(String, ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodSetType
Sets the conversation type.
(Overrides ConversationSetType(ConversationType, ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public methodStart
Invokes a start request for this conversation.
(Overrides ConversationStart(ConversationCompletionHandler).)
Public eventActiveStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conversation's active status has changed in response to a local or remote operation.
Public eventClosedStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conversation's closed status has changed in response to a local or remote operation.
Public eventComposingParticipantsChanged
Occurs when the list of remote participants that are currently composing a message is changed.
(Overrides ConversationComposingParticipantsChanged.)
Public eventConversationCapabilitiesChanged
Notifies the application that one or more of the capabilities of the conversation has changed. The application should query each of the capabilities and enable/disable elements of the user interface based on the new capability settings. Capabilities can change as a result of local or remote actions.
Public eventLastAccessTimeChanged
Notifies the application that the last accessed time of the conversation has changed in response to messages in the conversation being marked as read, or by an explicit invocation of the SetLastAccessTime(ConversationCompletionHandler) method.
Public eventLastEntryTimeChanged
Notifies the application that the last entry time of the conversation has changed in response to new messages being added to the conversation.
Public eventLastUpdateTimeChanged
Notifies the application that the last updated time of the conversation has changed.
Public eventMessagesAdded
Notifies the application that one or more messages have been added to the conversation.
Public eventMessagesDeleted
Notifies the application that one or more messages have been removed from the conversation.
Public eventMultiPartyStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the conversation's multi-party status has changed in response to new participants being added or existing participants being removed.
Public eventParticipantsAdded
Notifies the application that one or more participants have been added to the conversation.
Public eventParticipantsRemoved
Notifies the application that one or more participants have been removed from the conversation.
Public eventPreviewTextChanged
Notifies the application that the preview text for the conversation has changed.
Public eventSensitivityChanged
Notifies the application that the sensitivity of the conversation has changed via either a local or remote operation.
Public eventStatusChanged
Notifies the application that the status of the conversation has changed.
Public eventSubjectChanged
Notifies the application that the subject of the conversation has changed via either a local or remote operation.
Public eventTotalAttachmentCountChanged
Notifies the application that the total number of attachments in the conversation has changed.
Public eventTotalMessageCountChanged
Notifies the application that the total number of messages in the conversation has changed.
Public eventTotalUnreadAttachmentCountChanged
Notifies the application that the total number of unread attachments in the conversation has changed.
Public eventTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged
Notifies the application that the number of unread messages in the conversation has changed.
This is conversation object used for instances returned by search operation. The difference is that the messages of this conversation are not stored in the main data model, that is returned in DataRetrievals.
See Also