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Presence Class
Presence information for a user.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public class Presence

The Presence type exposes the following members.

Public methodPresence
Public propertyCalendarEndTime
The end time associated with the calendar state, if any.
Public propertyCalendarStartTime
The start time associated with the calendar state, if any.
Public propertyCalendarState
The presence state of the calendar channel, if any.
Public propertyEnterpriseIMContact
The contact address associated with the enterprise instant messaging channel, if any.
Public propertyEnterpriseIMState
The presence state of the enterprise instant messaging channel, if any.
Public propertyLocationMode
The location-based "mode" of the user, if any.
Public propertyManualState
The manual presence state set by the user, if any.
Public propertyNote
The presence note.
Public propertyOverallState
For incoming presence, the overall presence state as determined by the availability calculation. Not applicable for outgoing presence.
Public propertyPhoneContact
The contact address associated with the phone channel, if any.
Public propertyPhoneState
The presence state of the phone channel, if any.
Public propertyPresentity
Presentity is an address of a user this presence information is accotiated with.
Public propertySupportedOptions
Specifies the set of supported options for this presence object.
Public propertyVideoContact
The contact address associated with the video channel, if any.
Public propertyVideoState
The presence state of the video channel, if any.
Public methodEquals (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)

This class is used to create and setup a desired presence state for a local user (outgoing presence) or get presence states for other users (incoming presence). Presence information is divided into 2 parts: an automatic part and an application part.

The automatic part consists of so-called presence channels and their availability. A channel is a way to communicate to a user including communication address and availability of the channel. The channels include a phone channel, a video channel, an IM channel and a calendar channel. For instance, phone channel represents a phone number of a user and current PresenceState of the channel. If the state of the phone channel is available, the user is able to receive calls. If the state is "on a call", the user is unlikely to accept a new call. The automatic part of presence information is controlled by the library and used for incoming presence only.

The application part of presence information consists of manually published PresenceState, PresenceLocationMode and a note. These are used for both incoming and outgoing presence, and controlled by the application. Application PresenceState is a presence state that a user wants to set their client to. Application PresenceLocationMode is also controlled by the user specifying their current location. Application note is just a short string representing some user comment regarding their current status.

Although there are many aspects to presence information, there is also an overall presence state populated automatically. The overall state should be used to represent the state of the user.

See Also