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UnifiedPortalError Enumeration
Error codes related to Unified Portal operations.

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public enum UnifiedPortalError
  Member nameValueDescription
Failed0 Operation has failed. The failure reason was not specified.
SendError1 Reported when a network message could not be sent due to a network connection error.
TimeOut2 The operation time limit was exceeded.
AuthenticationFailure3 An invalid username or password was provided.
CertificateError4 The request was rejected due to certificate error.
SecureConnectionError5 The request was rejected due to an SSL error.
ServerError6 Reported when the request has failed due to an internal server error.
InvalidParameter7 Reported when an invalid parameter is used for the request.
NotAuthorized8 Reported when authentication is required to complete the request.
ClientCertificateMissing9 Client certificate is missing.
ClientCertificateBad10 Client certificate is corrupt or in other way invalid.
ClientCertificateUnsupported11 Client certificate type is not supported by the server.
ClientCertificateRevoked12 Client certificate was revoked by the issuing authority.
ClientCertificateExpired13 Client certificate has expired.
ClientCertificateCAUnknown14 Client certificate was issued by an unknown authority.
ClientCertificateInvalid15 Client identity certificate is rejected by the server.
WrongCurrentConference16 Reported if conference id is incorrect.
DisallowInitiateNonVirtualRoomMeeting17 Reported if a user tries to create a meeting outside a virtual room.
IncorrectInput18 Reported if user input is incorrect.
LockedConference19 Reported if conference is locked and the user is not allowed to knock to it.
GuestAccessDenied20 Reported if user is guest and guest access disabled.
ValidationFailed21 Reported if the name of the user did not pass validation.
OneTimePinRequired22 Reported if user is owner and one time pin is required.
ForbiddenOneTimePinRequired23 Reported if oneTimePin required, but given user isn't owner of room.
WebCollaborationDisabled24 Reported if web collaboration is disabled.
NotSupported25 Reported when a requested operation is not supported.
IViewNotConnected26 Reported if iView is not available.
VirtualRoomNotFound27 Reported if provided conference id is not found.
TenantDoesNotExist28 Reported if provided tenant alias does not exist.
ProxyConnectionError29 A connection could not be established to the proxy server.
ProxyAuthenticationError30 The authentication credentials provided for logging into the proxy were rejected.
VirtualRoomDoesNotAllowInstantMeeting31 Reported if virtual room does not allow creation of instant meeting. An instant meeting is a meeting that was not scheduled beforehand.
VirtualRoomDisabled32 Reported if virtual room is disabled.
UnauthorizedParticipantId33 Reported if unauthorized user tries to join virtual room protected by participant-id.
InvalidState34 Reported if the unified portal provider has not been started or has already been shutdown.
PinIsTooShort35 Reported if user enters PIN which is shorter than the minimum length configured.
See Also