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CertificateValidationResult Enumeration
Certificate validation related error codes.

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public enum CertificateValidationResult
  Member nameValueDescription
Untrusted0 One or more certificates in the certificate chain are untrusted. This is a generic error.
Trusted1 The certificate or certificate chain is trusted. Client application can continue establishing the secure connection.
Revoked2 One or more certificates in the certificate chain are revoked.
Expired3 One or more certificates in the certificate chain are expired.
NotYetValid4 One or more certificates in the certificate chain are intended to use in future.
UntrustedRoot5 The certificate chain has a root certificate that cannot be trusted.
RevocationStatusUnknown6 One or more certificate's revocation status cannot be determined due to network connection, timeout etc.
InvalidExtension7 One or more certificates in the certificate chain has invalid certificate extension.
ServerIdentityInvalid8 Certificate or certificate chain cannot be trusted because an expected hostname does not match with the identity of the host to which client is connecting.
ServiceDomainIdentityInvalid9 Certificate or certificate chain cannot be trusted because an expected service domain does not match with the service domain of the host to which client is connecting.
InternalError10 Certificate validation is failed due to system API error.
NotValidForUsage11 Certificate or certificate's in the chain are not being used for its intended purpose.
CertificateParsingFailure12 Certificate or certificate's in the chain are invalid or corrupted and cannot be processed.
CertificateEncodingError13 Certificate or certificate's in the chain have unsupported or bad encoding.
CertificateInvalidSignature14 Certificate or certificate's in the chain have signature mismatch.
CertificateRequestCanceled15 Request certificate validation operation was canceled prematurely.
PrivateTrustStoreError16 Certificate validation has failed because the private trust store hasn't been created but security policy enforces the use of the private trust store only.
KeyLengthTooSmall17 Key length is too small to be acceptable for current security policy.
InvalidAsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm18 Asymmetric encryption algorithm is unsupported or it is disabled in security policy.
InvalidDigestAlgorithm19 Digest algorithm is unsupported or it is disabled in security policy.
See Also