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CallError Enumeration
Point-to-point and conference call related error codes. These error codes are reported upon failure of a call related operation.

Namespace: Avaya.ClientServices
Assembly: AvayaClientServices (in AvayaClientServices.dll) Version: 493.0.70.0
public enum CallError
  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 Operation completed successfully. This return code is not used.
InProgress1 Operation has failed because another call operation is in progress.
Failed2 Operation has failed. The failure reason was not specified.
Rejected3 Reported when the request is rejected by the server due to a permission error. For example, a call operation is requested on a call that the server believes cannot be supported at this time, e.g., due to call state mismatch. Similarly, a conference moderator operation may be rejected by the server if the local user performing the operation is not a moderator.
Busy4 Reported when the request is rejected by the server due to resource being busy. For example, a point-to-point call may fail if the called party returns a busy indication, or if there are no local line appearances available on the server side to initiate the call.
CodecMismatch5 Reported when a VoIP session cannot be established due to incompatible codecs between the local and remote parties.
UserNotFound6 Reported when the called party address is not known to the server. For example, if user dials an invalid telephone number, this error code is reported.
UserTemporarilyUnavailable7 Reported when the called party has no device registered on his/her behalf, making call setup not possible at this point in time.
Redirected8 Operation was redirected to another destination.
Timeout9 Reported when the send of a network message timed out locally, or a response to the message was not received from the server in time.
SendError10 Reported when a network message could not be sent due to a network connection error.
AuthenticationFailure11 Reported when local user's authentication with the network has failed. This can happen when user-supplied credentials do not match the credentials the server expects to receive from the end user.
ServerError12 Reported when the request has failed due to an internal server error.
StateMismatch13 Reported when the request cannot be supported at this time due to the current state of the call. For example, a hold request while the call is being transferred is not allowed.
InvalidParameter14 Reported when an invalid parameter is used for the request. For example, if the application tries to add a participant but provides an empty participant address, this error is reported.
TransportError15 Reported when request could not be sent to the network server.
LineReservationFailure16 Reported when a line reservation attempt is failed by the server. It should be noted that line appearance ID and line appearance owner are required to reserve a line appearance when the a call is initiated on a bridged line appearance. If for some reason, the line reservation request fails, this error code is reported. This error code is only applicable to communication systems environments where bridging and bridged line appearances are supported.
RemoteCallNotAlerting17 Reported when an attempt to locally answer an incoming call at a remote extension (e.g., at a bridged line appearance extension) has failed because the call was already answered remotely.
InternalError18 Reported when an invalid parameter is used for the request. For example, if the application tries to add a participant but provides an empty participant address, this error is reported.
NoAvailableCallAppearance19 Reported when the local user's call initiation attempt fails because the Avaya Communication Manager has no idle line appearance available for the call.
NotFound20 Reported when a conference control operation has failed because the server did not recognize the conference call address.
NotRegistered21 Reported when an operation fails because the server believes the user is not registered.
NotSupported22 Reported when a requested operation cannot be supported locally, because the state of the underlying resource does not allow the operation at this time.
MediaCreationFailure23 Reported when local audio and/or video resources cannot be initialized successfully.
MediaStartFailure24 Reported when local audio and/or video resources cannot be started successfully.
RemoteMediaProcessingFailure25 Reported when the application tries to accept an incoming call, but this attempt fails because the remote audio and/or video information could not be applied to local audio/video resources.
VideoDenied26 Reported when a mid-call video add request was denied by the remote party.
CellularCallInProgress27 Reported when a local VoIP/video call creation has failed because of an on-going cellular call.
NotLicensed28 Reported when an operation is denied because user does not have the license to perform the operation. For example, video add request may be denied using this error code when the user's account is not licensed to support video calls.
NotAuthorized29 Reported when participant add or remove operations cannot be supported because local user does not have moderator privileges to perform these actions.
WifiUnavailable30 Reported when a VoIP/video call cannot be set up because there is no Wifi network available to initiate a call and the local policy restricts VoIP/video calls to Wifi networks only.
ConferenceAddressNotValid31 Reported when an ad-hoc conference creation attempt fails because the provisioned network address used for ad-hoc conference creation is not valid.
Canceled32 Reported when participant add operation cannot be done because operation was previously canceled by user. Participant removed while it was in connecting state.
NoAnswer33 Reported when participant add operation cannot be done because far end didn't answer call.
NotAllowed34 Reported when add participant operation is not allowed at all.
IncorrectPasscodeTryAgain35 Reported when provided passcode for conference is not valid, indicates that there could be one more attempt to provide passcode.
IncorrectPasscodeDisconnecting36 Reported when provided passcode for conference is not valid, indicates that there will be no more attempts to provide passcode.
PendingApproval37 Reported when conference is in pending approval state.
LayoutNotAvailable38 Reported when the conference server is unable to support the selected video layout.
CallTerminated39 Reported when outgoing call request is terminated or canceled by user actionr.
ConferenceSocketFailed40 Reported when UCCP web socket connection fails.
ConferenceCertificateFailed41 Reported when UCCP web socket certificate fails.
ConferenceFeatureNegotiationFailed42 Reported when UCCP handshake fails.
ConferenceProxyConnectionError43 Conference failed because connection could not be established to the proxy server.
ConferenceProxyAuthenticationError44 Conference failed because authentication credentials provided for logging into the proxy were rejected.
HTTPUAProxyConnectionError52 HTTPUA call failed because connection could not be established to the proxy server.
HTTPUAProxyAuthenticationError53 HTTPUA call failed because authentication credentials provided for logging into the proxy were rejected.
HTTPUACertificateFailed45 Reported when Service Gateway certificate validation failed.
ClientCertificateMissing46 Client certificate is missing.
ClientCertificateBad47 Client certificate is corrupt or in other way invalid.
ClientCertificateUnsupported48 Client certificate type is not supported by the server.
ClientCertificateRevoked49 Client certificate was revoked by the issuing authority.
ClientCertificateExpired50 Client certificate has expired.
ClientCertificateCAUnknown51 Client certificate was issued by an unknown authority.
OneTimePinRequiredForVirtualRoomAccess54 Reported when one time pin is required and user is not owner of the room.
OneTimePinRequiredForOwnerVirtualRoomAccess55 Reported when one time pin is required and user is owner of the room.
MobileLinkSpeakerMuted56 Reported when Sonic detected that the speaker is muted.
MobileLinkHeadsetConnected57 Reported when Sonic detected that headset is connected.
MobileLinkSonicSignalGenerationFailed58 Reported when Sonic fails to generate the signal.
UnAuthorizedUserCannotJoinVirtualRoom61 Reported if unauthorized user tries to join virtual room protected by participant-id.
PinIsTooShort62 Reported if the user enters a PIN which is shorter than the minimum length configured.
CallFailedAnsweredCoveredDropped63 Reported if the call is answered by another user, dropped by the caller or sent to voice mail.
SelfUnmuteNotAllowed64 Reported if the server rejects the user's request for unmute.
See Also