Author Message
Joined: Sep 2, 2013
Messages: 0
I am facing the same error "Not in provider domain" in the agnetview sample application
Please help..

[main] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl@53ba3d constructed.
JtapiPeer object created successfully.
[main] --> getServices[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl@53ba3d
[main] Found '' as a resource at location '/E:/UninorCRM_AgentApplication/Eclipses/eclipseindigo/indigoworkspace/AgentView/config/'
[main] Property "trustStoreLocation" is "E:\\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\\Eclipses\\eclipseindigo\\indigoworkspace\\AgentView\\avayaprca.jks"
[main] Property "trustStorePassword" is "****"
[main] System properties dump
[main] SE Runtime Environment
[main] sun.boot.library.path=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\bin
[main] java.vm.version=20.45-b01
[main] java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
[main] java.vendor.url=
[main] path.separator=;
[main] HotSpot(TM) Client VM
[main] sun.os.patch.level=Service Pack 1
[main] Virtual Machine Specification
[main] user.dir=E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView
[main] java.runtime.version=1.6.0_45-b06
[main] java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
[main] java.endorsed.dirs=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\endorsed
[main] os.arch=x86
[main] line.separator=

[main] java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
[main] user.variant=
[main] 7
[main] sun.jnu.encoding=Cp1252
[main] java.library.path=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/client;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/lib/i386;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo;;.
[main] Platform API Specification
[main] java.class.version=50.0
[main] Client Compiler
[main] os.version=6.1
[main] user.home=C:\Users\Gupta
[main] user.timezone=Asia/Calcutta
[main] file.encoding=Cp1252
[main] java.specification.version=1.6
[main] java.class.path=E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\bin;E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\lib\log4j-1.2.12.jar;E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\lib;E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\lib\ecsjtapia.jar;E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\config
[main] java.vm.specification.version=1.0
[main] java.home=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre
[main] user.language=en
[main] java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
[main] mode, sharing
[main] java.version=1.6.0_45
[main] java.ext.dirs=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
[main] sun.boot.class.path=D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\resources.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\lib\modules\jdk.boot.jar;D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\jre\classes
[main] java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
[main] file.separator=\
[main] java.vendor.url.bug=
[main] sun.cpu.endian=little
[main] sun.desktop=windows
[main] sun.cpu.isalist=pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
[main] Jtapi properties dump
[main] traceFileCount=10
[main] enableDelayInTermConnDropOnCstaFailed=false
[main] maxWaitForSocket=20 seconds
[main] errorFile=
[main] timeoutForDelayInTermConnDropOnCstaFailed=2
[main] debugLevel=0
[main] verifyServerCertificate=false
[main] useTlinkIP=0
[main] errorFileCount=10
[main] disableSimulationForCSTAOriginatedEvent=false
[main] enableAuditDump=false
[main] altTraceFile=
[main] errorFileSize=50M
[main] trustStoreLocation=E:\\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\\Eclipses\\eclipseindigo\\indigoworkspace\\AgentView\\avayaprca.jks
[main] tsDevicePerformanceOptimization=false
[main] trustStorePassword=****
[main] maxThreadPoolSize=20
[main] callCleanupRate=100 seconds
[main] propertyRefreshRate=100 seconds
[main] getServicesTimeout=10
[main] callCompletionTimeout=15 seconds
[main] traceFileSize=50M
[main] JTAPI Package Version:
[main] Attempting to connect to server </>
[main] browser: GENERIC
[main] Successfully connected to server </>
[main] Sent InvokeID 1 for null
[main] ACSNameSrvRequest ::=
[main] {
[main] streamType 1 < ST_CSTA >
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 1 for null
[GetEventThread] ACSNameSrvReply ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] more FALSE
[GetEventThread] list
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] serverName "AVAYA#GNDCS8730MAIN#CSTA#GNDC-AES-IVR"
[GetEventThread] serverAddr 2 0 4 1a ac 1e 82 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] serverName "AVAYA#GNDCS8730MAIN#CSTA-S#GNDC-AES-IVR"
[GetEventThread] serverAddr 2 0 4 2a ac 1e 82 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 1 for null
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 1 for null
[main] Listing services available on server </>
[main] Sent InvokeID 2 for null
[main] ACSAbortStream ::=
[main] {
[main] NULL
[main] }
[main] <-- getServices[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl@53ba3d
[main] --> getProvider[String providerString]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl@53ba3d
[main] --> TsapiProvider[String url, Vector<TsapiVendor> vendors]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiProvider
[main] TSProvider: version ' [production build]', for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] TSProvider: calling acsOpenStream serverID=AVAYA#GNDCS8730MAIN#CSTA-S#GNDC-AES-IVR loginID=upwtest passwd=******* for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] Attempting to connect to server </>
[main] browser: GENERIC
[main] Successfully connected to server </>
[main] Sent InvokeID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] ACSNameSrvRequest ::=
[main] {
[main] streamType 1 < ST_CSTA >
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] ACSNameSrvReply ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] more FALSE
[GetEventThread] list
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] serverName "AVAYA#GNDCS8730MAIN#CSTA#GNDC-AES-IVR"
[GetEventThread] serverAddr 2 0 4 1a ac 1e 82 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] serverName "AVAYA#GNDCS8730MAIN#CSTA-S#GNDC-AES-IVR"
[GetEventThread] serverAddr 2 0 4 2a ac 1e 82 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] Listing services available on server </>
[main] Sent InvokeID 2 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] ACSAbortStream ::=
[main] {
[main] NULL
[main] }
[main] Found trust store "E:\\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\\Eclipses\\eclipseindigo\\indigoworkspace\\AgentView\\avayaprca.jks"
[main] Using trust store file "E:\UninorCRM_AgentApplication\Eclipses\eclipseindigo\indigoworkspace\AgentView\avayaprca.jks"
[main] TrustStore algorithm being used is "PKIX"
[main] browser: GENERIC
[main] Sent InvokeID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] ACSKeyRequest ::=
[main] {
[main] loginID "upwtest"
[main] }
[main] TsapiPrivate ::=
[main] {
[main] vendor "NT_TCP"
[main] data 80 1 1 1 3 1 1
[main] tsType 0
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] ACSAuthReplyTwo ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] objectID 0
[GetEventThread] key 7a 48 47 90 e1 20 15 40
[GetEventThread] authInfo
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] authType 2 < NEED_LOGIN_ID_AND_PASSWD >
[GetEventThread] authLoginID "upwtest"
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] encodeType 3 < WIN_NT_LOCAL >
[GetEventThread] pipe <null>
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] Sent InvokeID 2 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] ACSOpenStream ::=
[main] {
[main] streamType 1 < ST_CSTA >
[main] loginID "upwtest"
[main] cryptPass a0 9f ed 3 97 ca 8f 35 b 35 ba 56 d4 2c 7a d5 76 bf 1e 56 d4 2c 7a d5 76 bf 1e 56 d4 2c 7a d5 76 bf 1e 56 d4 2c 7a d5
[main] applicationName "Jtapi Client"
[main] level 1 < ACS_LEVEL1 >
[main] apiVer "TS1:2"
[main] libVer "AES6.1.0.94"
[main] tsrvVer ""
[main] }
[main] TsapiPrivate ::=
[main] {
[main] vendor "VERSION"
[main] data 0 45 43 53 23 34 2d 39 23 41 54 26 54 20 44 65 66 69 6e 69 74 79 20 47 33 23 34 2d 39 0
[main] tsType 0
[main] }
[GetEventThread] ACSClientHeartbeatEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Putting event CSTAEvent[ACSClientHeartbeatEvent]@587c94. EVENT Q SIZE = 1 MAX Q SIZE = 1 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 2 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] ACSOpenStreamConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] apiVer "ST2"
[GetEventThread] libVer "AES6.1.0.94"
[GetEventThread] tsrvVer "4.2.2 Build 452"
[GetEventThread] drvrVer "4.2.2 Build 452"
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] TsapiPrivate ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] vendor "ECS"
[GetEventThread] data 0 38 0
[GetEventThread] tsType 2
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 2 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 2 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[DistributeCSTAEvent] Getting event CSTAEvent[ACSClientHeartbeatEvent]@587c94 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[DistributeCSTAEvent] Handling ACS_CLIENT_HEARTBEAT event for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[DistributeCSTAEvent] DONE handling ACS_CLIENT_HEARTBEAT event for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] Enabling the TSAPI heartbeat with a heartbeat interval of 20 seconds.
[main] Sent InvokeID 3 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] CSTAGetAPICaps ::=
[main] {
[main] NULL
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 3 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAGetAPICapsConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] alternateCall 1
[GetEventThread] answerCall 1
[GetEventThread] callCompletion 0
[GetEventThread] clearCall 1
[GetEventThread] clearConnection 1
[GetEventThread] conferenceCall 1
[GetEventThread] consultationCall 1
[GetEventThread] deflectCall 1
[GetEventThread] pickupCall 1
[GetEventThread] groupPickupCall 0
[GetEventThread] holdCall 1
[GetEventThread] makeCall 1
[GetEventThread] makePredictiveCall 1
[GetEventThread] queryMwi 1
[GetEventThread] queryDnd 1
[GetEventThread] queryFwd 1
[GetEventThread] queryAgentState 1
[GetEventThread] queryLastNumber 0
[GetEventThread] queryDeviceInfo 1
[GetEventThread] reconnectCall 1
[GetEventThread] retrieveCall 1
[GetEventThread] setMwi 1
[GetEventThread] setDnd 1
[GetEventThread] setFwd 1
[GetEventThread] setAgentState 1
[GetEventThread] transferCall 1
[GetEventThread] eventReport 1
[GetEventThread] callClearedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] conferencedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] connectionClearedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] deliveredEvent 1
[GetEventThread] divertedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] establishedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] failedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] heldEvent 1
[GetEventThread] networkReachedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] originatedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] queuedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] retrievedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] serviceInitiatedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] transferredEvent 1
[GetEventThread] callInformationEvent 0
[GetEventThread] doNotDisturbEvent 0
[GetEventThread] forwardingEvent 0
[GetEventThread] messageWaitingEvent 0
[GetEventThread] loggedOnEvent 1
[GetEventThread] loggedOffEvent 1
[GetEventThread] notReadyEvent 0
[GetEventThread] readyEvent 0
[GetEventThread] workNotReadyEvent 0
[GetEventThread] workReadyEvent 0
[GetEventThread] backInServiceEvent 0
[GetEventThread] outOfServiceEvent 0
[GetEventThread] privateEvent 1
[GetEventThread] routeRequestEvent 1
[GetEventThread] reRoute 0
[GetEventThread] routeSelect 1
[GetEventThread] routeUsedEvent 1
[GetEventThread] routeEndEvent 1
[GetEventThread] monitorDevice 1
[GetEventThread] monitorCall 1
[GetEventThread] monitorCallsViaDevice 1
[GetEventThread] changeMonitorFilter 1
[GetEventThread] monitorStop 1
[GetEventThread] monitorEnded 1
[GetEventThread] snapshotDeviceReq 1
[GetEventThread] snapshotCallReq 1
[GetEventThread] escapeService 1
[GetEventThread] privateStatusEvent 1
[GetEventThread] escapeServiceEvent 0
[GetEventThread] escapeServiceConf 1
[GetEventThread] sendPrivateEvent 0
[GetEventThread] sysStatReq 1
[GetEventThread] sysStatStart 1
[GetEventThread] sysStatStop 1
[GetEventThread] changeSysStatFilter 1
[GetEventThread] sysStatReqEvent 0
[GetEventThread] sysStatReqConf 0
[GetEventThread] sysStatEvent 1
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] TsapiPrivate ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] vendor "ECS"
[GetEventThread] data 2 0 7f 0 30 5c 16 5 47 33 56 31 35 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 1 1 ff 2 1 1 16 2 31 35 16 10 52 30 31 35 78 2e 30 32 2e 31 2e 30 31 36 2e 34 16 4 73 72 61 79 16 7 64 6c 33 36 30 67 37
[GetEventThread] tsType 125
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 3 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 3 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] LucentV7GetAPICapsConfEvent ::=
[main] {
[main] switchVersion "G3V15"
[main] sendDTMFTone TRUE
[main] enteredDigitsEvent TRUE
[main] queryDeviceName TRUE
[main] queryAgentMeas FALSE
[main] querySplitSkillMeas FALSE
[main] queryTrunkGroupMeas FALSE
[main] queryVdnMeas FALSE
[main] singleStepConference TRUE
[main] selectiveListeningHold TRUE
[main] selectiveListeningRetrieve TRUE
[main] setBillingRate TRUE
[main] queryUCID TRUE
[main] chargeAdviceEvent TRUE
[main] reserved1(singleStepTransfer) TRUE
[main] reserved2(monitorCallsViaDevice) TRUE
[main] maxDeviceHistoryCount 1
[main] administeredSwitchSoftwareVersion "15"
[main] switchSoftwareVersion "R015x."
[main] offerType "sray"
[main] serverType "dl360g7"
[main] }
[main] Sent InvokeID 4 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] CSTAQueryCallMonitor ::=
[main] {
[main] NULL
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 4 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAQueryCallMonitorConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] callMonitor FALSE
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 4 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 4 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] Sent InvokeID 5 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] CSTASysStatStart ::=
[main] {
[main] statusFilter 0x0 < >
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 5 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTASysStatStartConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] TsapiPrivate ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] vendor "ECS"
[GetEventThread] data 2 0 49 0 30 8 30 6 2 1 1 a 1 1
[GetEventThread] tsType 101
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 5 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 5 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] LucentLinkStatusEvent ::=
[main] {
[main] linkStatus
[main] {
[main] linkID 1
[main] linkState 1 < LS_LINK_UP >
[main] }
[main] }
[main] <-- TsapiProvider[String url, Vector<TsapiVendor> vendors]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiProvider@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] Sent InvokeID 6 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] CSTAGetDeviceList ::=
[ProviderInitialization] {
[ProviderInitialization] index -1
[ProviderInitialization] level 1 < CSTA_HOME_WORK_TOP >
[ProviderInitialization] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 6 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAGetDeviceListConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] driverSdbLevel 0 < ACS_AND_CSTA_CHECKING >
[GetEventThread] level 1 < CSTA_HOME_WORK_TOP >
[GetEventThread] index -1
[GetEventThread] devList
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 6 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 6 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] Sent InvokeID 7 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] CSTAGetDeviceList ::=
[ProviderInitialization] {
[ProviderInitialization] index -1
[ProviderInitialization] level 2 < CSTA_AWAY_WORK_TOP >
[ProviderInitialization] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 7 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAGetDeviceListConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] driverSdbLevel 0 < ACS_AND_CSTA_CHECKING >
[GetEventThread] level 2 < CSTA_AWAY_WORK_TOP >
[GetEventThread] index -1
[GetEventThread] devList
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 7 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 7 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] Sent InvokeID 8 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] CSTAGetDeviceList ::=
[ProviderInitialization] {
[ProviderInitialization] index -1
[ProviderInitialization] level 3 < CSTA_DEVICE_DEVICE_MONITOR >
[ProviderInitialization] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 8 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAGetDeviceListConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] driverSdbLevel 0 < ACS_AND_CSTA_CHECKING >
[GetEventThread] level 3 < CSTA_DEVICE_DEVICE_MONITOR >
[GetEventThread] index -1
[GetEventThread] devList
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 8 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 8 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] Sent InvokeID 9 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[ProviderInitialization] CSTAGetDeviceList ::=
[ProviderInitialization] {
[ProviderInitialization] index -1
[ProviderInitialization] level 6 < CSTA_ROUTING >
[ProviderInitialization] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 9 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTAGetDeviceListConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] driverSdbLevel 0 < ACS_AND_CSTA_CHECKING >
[GetEventThread] level 6 < CSTA_ROUTING >
[GetEventThread] index -1
[GetEventThread] devList
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 9 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 9 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] <-- getProvider[String providerString]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiPeerImpl@53ba3d
Provider created successfull!!(Logged on to AES sever)
[main] --> addProviderListener[ProviderListener listener]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
[main] Getting TsapiProviderMonitor lock to deliver events for observer null
[main] Getting TsapiProviderMonitor lock to deliver events for observer null
[main] meta event BEGIN: cause (110) for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[main] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[main] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[main] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[main] meta event END for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190 eventList size=1
[main] <-- addProviderListener[ProviderListener listener]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
[main] --> getState[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
[pool-1-thread-1] --> run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
[main] Sent InvokeID 10 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[pool-1-thread-1] Got this for ProviderListener - com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-1] calling callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-1] calling providerInService in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-1] providerInService
[pool-1-thread-1] returned from providerInService in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-1] returned from callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-1] <-- run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
[main] CSTASysStatReq ::=
[main] {
[main] NULL
[main] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 10 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTASysStatReqConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] systemStatus 2 < SS_NORMAL >
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] TsapiPrivate ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] vendor "ECS"
[GetEventThread] data 2 0 49 0 30 8 30 6 2 1 1 a 1 1
[GetEventThread] tsType 99
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 10 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 10 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[main] LucentLinkStatusEvent ::=
[main] {
[main] linkStatus
[main] {
[main] linkID 1
[main] linkState 1 < LS_LINK_UP >
[main] }
[main] }
[main] <-- getState[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
Provider state: 16
Agent password is -- 123456
Terminal Address is --401000AgentID IS :--401016Password is123456
In side agentLogin method Terminal Address is --401000AgentID IS :--401016Password is123456
com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiInvalidArgumentException: not in provider's domain
   at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.core.TSProviderImpl.createDevice(
   at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.core.TSProviderImpl.createDevice(
   at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.TsapiProvider.getAddress(
   at com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface.getAddress(
   at com.avaya.aes.agenttest.callcontrol.AvayaCallCenterUserAgent.agentLogin(
   at com.avaya.aes.agenttest.callcontrol.AvayaCallCenterUserAgent.<init>(
   at com.avaya.aes.agenttest.ui.LoginUI.onLoginRequest(
[AWT-EventQueue-0] --> getAddress[String number]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
   at com.avaya.aes.agenttest.ui.LoginUI$4.actionPerformed(
   at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
   at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
   at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
   at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
   at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
   at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
   at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
   at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
   at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
   at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
   at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
   at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
   at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
   at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
   at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
   at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
   at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
   at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
   at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
   at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400(
   at java.awt.EventQueue$
   at java.awt.EventQueue$
   at Method)
   at java.awt.EventQueue$
   at java.awt.EventQueue$
   at Method)
   at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
   at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
   at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
   at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
   at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
   at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
[AWT-EventQueue-0] --> shutdown[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] TSProvider.shutdown - attempting shutdown
[AWT-EventQueue-0] TSProvider.shutdown - Starting
[AWT-EventQueue-0] Sent InvokeID 11 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] CSTASysStatStop ::=
[AWT-EventQueue-0] {
[AWT-EventQueue-0] NULL
[AWT-EventQueue-0] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 11 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTASysStatStopConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] NULL
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 11 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] Event monitoring was ended successfully
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 11 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] Sent InvokeID 12 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] CSTASysStatReq ::=
[AWT-EventQueue-0] {
[AWT-EventQueue-0] NULL
[AWT-EventQueue-0] }
[GetEventThread] Received invokeID 12 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] CSTASysStatReqConfEvent ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] systemStatus 2 < SS_NORMAL >
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] TsapiPrivate ::=
[GetEventThread] {
[GetEventThread] vendor "ECS"
[GetEventThread] data 2 0 49 0 30 8 30 6 2 1 1 a 1 1
[GetEventThread] tsType 99
[GetEventThread] }
[GetEventThread] Handling INVOKE ID 12 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[GetEventThread] DONE handling INVOKE ID 12 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] LucentLinkStatusEvent ::=
[AWT-EventQueue-0] {
[AWT-EventQueue-0] linkStatus
[AWT-EventQueue-0] {
[AWT-EventQueue-0] linkID 1
[AWT-EventQueue-0] linkState 1 < LS_LINK_UP >
[AWT-EventQueue-0] }
[AWT-EventQueue-0] }
[AWT-EventQueue-0] tsapi.shutdown() called (inService = true) for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] Sent InvokeID 13 for TSProvider[#1]@b66cc
[AWT-EventQueue-0] ACSAbortStream ::=
[AWT-EventQueue-0] {
[AWT-EventQueue-0] NULL
[AWT-EventQueue-0] }
[AWT-EventQueue-0] Getting TsapiProviderMonitor lock to deliver events for observer null
[AWT-EventQueue-0] meta event BEGIN: cause (100) for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[AWT-EventQueue-0] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] meta event END for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190 eventList size=1
[AWT-EventQueue-0] Getting TsapiProviderMonitor lock to deliver deleteReference events for observer null
[AWT-EventQueue-0] meta event BEGIN: cause (100) metaCode (136) for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[AWT-EventQueue-0] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc constructed.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] meta event END for com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190 eventList size=2
[AWT-EventQueue-0] TSProvider.shutdown - Done
[AWT-EventQueue-0] <-- shutdown[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.LucentV7ProviderImpl@b66cc
[pool-1-thread-2] --> run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
[pool-1-thread-3] --> run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
[pool-1-thread-3] Got this for ProviderListener - com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] calling callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] calling providerShutdown in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] returned from providerShutdown in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] calling providerEventTransmissionEnded in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] returned from providerEventTransmissionEnded in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] returned from callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-3] <-- run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
[pool-1-thread-2] Got this for ProviderListener - com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-2] calling callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-2] returned from callback in com.avaya.aes.agenttest.apicomms.JTAPIInterface@bf7190
[pool-1-thread-2] <-- run[]: com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.impl.monitor.TsapiProviderMonitor@10a6ae2
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Hi Rahul,

It looks like your CTI user does not have access to the station/agent in the Security database (SDB) of the AE Services.

The simplest solution is to disable the SDB for JTAPI. To do this:

1. Open the web interface for the AE Services.
2. Use the Security -> security database -> Control menu to open the SDB control page.
3. Uncheck "Enable SDB TSAPI Service, JTAPI and Telephony Service" and click "Apply Changes".
4. You will then need to restart the TSAPI service using the "Maintenance -> Service Controller" menu.

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