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Joined: Nov 28, 2013
Messages: 1
I have been one week trying to obtain ACD groups configured in my IP Office 500 v2. I have read all doc about it, and I know first of all, I have to obtain ITTAPICallCenter;

m_tapi = TAPI3 object well connected and initialized.

ITTAPICallCenter *cc; hrG = m_tapi->QueryInterface( IID_ITTAPICallCenter, (void **)&cc );

After I have to obtain agent handler enum;

IEnumAgentHandler *agentHandlerEnum; hrG = cc->EnumerateAgentHandlers(&agentHandlerEnum);

And after these steps, iterate over this Enum to obtain all ITAgentHandler and obtain ACD Groups associated to it.

ITAgentHandler *agentHandler = 0; hrG = agentHandlerEnum->Next(1, &agentHandler, NULL);

The problem is hrG ALWAYS returned S_FALSE, I mean, is like IEnumAgentHandler are empty and there are no agents handlers to iterate. I Have already checked that previous instructions (QueryInterface and EnumerateAgentHandlers) return S_OK.

I have Checked tapi is well initialized many times, because I can do calls and transfers normally, but its impossible to obtain ACD Groups.

Anyone could help me?

Kind Regards, Manuel.
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
This forum does not deal with IP Office or TAPI. You should open a Tech Support ticket if you need help on this.

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