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Joined: Feb 21, 2014
Messages: 58
How do I access HDX values set in aacc OD script in Workspaces?

I can see that the Avaya system widget Interaction Details has a section for Intrinsic name pairs. It is displaying a piece of information I need in a custom widget.
I have the Hello World sample widget loaded and cannot see the Intrinsic values mentioned in any of the objects.

I have searched the Workspaces dev guide and sample widgets, no reference to HDX.
I can see the ProviderContactID in Avaya widget matches the WorkRequestId field in the Interaction api so I have "key", was hoping there was a REST service I could call to get the Intrinsics into workspaces as a json?

Forgive me if missed something but other than AAEP/OD scripts, the rest of AACC integration is still new to me and finding my feet!

By chance noticed http://servername:9070/SOAOI/scripting/services/ContactService?WSDL has method to get Intrinsic name from ID.
I don't believe we can call SOAP based services in Workspaces and I don't see a rest equivalent of the SOAP service?

I can look to add a REST wrapper to request (also appears this customer site has not enabled TLS so workspaces would'nt allow http anyway).

Before I go away and do unnecessary dev work, any comments?


Unless otherwise stated. EP Dev: JVM: 1.8.0_171 OD tomcat-8.5.23
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