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Joined: Feb 27, 2015
Messages: 3

We are trying to test the web service provided by our client in OD6 and unfortunately, we are unable to map the input or output parameters of web service in variables. We suspect that the issue is within the web service as there are schema that needs to be imported base from the WSDL.

Please see attached WSDL file.

Thanks in advance! :)
Filename WEB Service [Disk] Download
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 351
I believe the problem is that you can't have spaces in the file path. The name of the folder, "Web Service Files", has spaces in it, and it can't resolve the relative paths of each schema. With spaces gone from the folder, "WebServiceFiles", I could load the WSDL and map input/output parameters. This is an issue Apache knows about and it seems like they've fixed it in their very latest release.
Joined: Feb 27, 2015
Messages: 3
Hi Samaresh,

It's not the actual filename, I just zipped it and named it as web service files. Please extract the file and you can find the WSDL of web service. THanks
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 351
I'm confused as to what you mean then. I did have a problem creating the WSOP at first, but changing the folder name fixed that. If that is not the issue you are having, then could you elaborate further? The WSDL defines a relatively complex/nested input, so you have to write Java code to set the request properly. Is that what you mean when you say you can't map values?
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 2652
Please see the attached picture. Notice that the "Use Java Obj" is checked. This means that the WSDL is too complex to automatically map into the OD variable structure which more resembles database records. You will have to write a bit of java as Sam says to extract the values from the java object and place into OD variables of your choosing.
  • [Thumb - Capture.PNG]
[Disk] Download
Joined: Feb 27, 2015
Messages: 3
Hi Guys,

Thank you for your help especially to Sam, we are now able to send request and receive data from web services, however during the process of getting the content of obj response we experiencing this error. cannot be cast to
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 2652
After the web service call did you go to a new module then access that class?
Joined: Nov 7, 2016
Messages: 13
Hi Ross/Ronuald,

As suggested by you both
"The WSDL defines a relatively complex/nested input, so you have to write Java code to set the request properly."

can anyone help with some java code snippet on how to map input and output complex object.

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 2652
There should be many examples of accessing OD variables in code already posted. Search on "getvariable". Or search the online help for "getvariable".
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