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Joined: Nov 19, 2013
Messages: 17

I'm developing an Agent Desktop Application for POM which can perform the basic operations of Logon/Logoff, Consult/Transfer/Conference etc. I'm refering POM developer guide. But I'm not getting any idea how my program will get notified about any event of call state change, Agent state change or any notifications like New Call, agent capabilities etc.

What I did till now:-

1. Imported the three dll(s)
2. Wrote a program and initialized the library.
3. Created two classes AgentHandler & ServerHandler which implements POMAgentHandlerInterface & POMServerHandlerInterface respectively.
4. Created an Agent -
POMAgentHandlerInterface agentHandler = new AgentHandler();
POMAgent agent = POMAgentFactory.getPOMAgent(agentID, agentHandler);
agent.AGTLogon(agentExt, pwd, isForce, locale, timeZone, zone);

Now what I've to do and how I will get the response/notifications from the POM/PAM. How to capture in program?

Md Arshad ayub
Joined: Feb 3, 2014
Messages: 3
Hi MdAyub,

Did you figure out how to handle notifications?
If you did, can you share some ideas how to do it?

Joined: Feb 3, 2014
Messages: 3
This is what I did.

POMAgentHandlerInterface is an abstract class so what you can do is create a class and based from it. Then implement all the methods or only the event notifications you are interested.

Sample code snippet:

public class AgentEventHandler : POMAgentHandlerInterface 


public override void AGTLogoffRESP(int result)

public override void AGTLogonRESP(int result)

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