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Joined: Dec 19, 2016
Messages: 16

can you please help me give the API or Model details in SMS web servide which can provide the number of waiting calls in Agent Queue and estimated time for call answer.
Joined: Dec 19, 2016
Messages: 16
hi can you please let me know how to check the current calls in queue
Joined: Oct 24, 2013
Messages: 413
Calls in queue is not obtainable with SMS. You can get the information using the TSAPI interface. You would use the Query ACD Split Service. You should be able to get the information with JTAPI or DMCC as well. I would refer to the documentation to find the equivalent method to retrieve the calls in queue.
Joined: Dec 19, 2016
Messages: 16
Hi, can you please provide the details of how it can be implented using JTAPI sample or method details.
Joined: Oct 24, 2013
Messages: 413
The JTAPI SDK comes with a JTAPI exerciser that lets you test out the JTAPI methods. There is a javadoc that you can refer to with the SDK as well. Take a look at the getNumberInQueue() method. The JTAPI programmers guide has a section on using the JTAPI exerciser, so that you can launch it and get a provider (open a TSAPI stream), and play with the JTAPI methods.
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