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Joined: Jan 6, 2014
Messages: 41

We currently have an OD7.1 application with CSR desktops running EMC Desktop 6.4.1. We would like to tie the IVR activity with the activity on EMC Desktop with the UCID, but the UCID in IVR is not matching up to the UCID in EMC Desktop. We have the trunk set to share uui and send ucid to Y as well as AEP application setup to share uui and send ucid to Yes. We have actually tried all combinations, and nothing seems to work. Secondly we have noticed when share uui is set on the trunk the UUI data does not get sent to EMC Desktop. Please advise on this as well. Any help would really be appreciated.

EMC: Logs
Time: 12/15/2017 12:13 PM
AFPSCREENPOPPLUGINNEW.TelephonyEventHandler.XMLStation_StationCallChanged - EventType: CSTAConnectionCleared; ThisStationDN: 1231683; CallAppearance: 1; CallerDN: 1231231234; CalledDN: 1231683; UCID: 00001119381513357997; UUI: ; Key: 31; CallID: 11938; CallDirection: Incoming; EventCause: AgileSoftware.Developer.CSTA.CSTAConnectionClearedEventArgs

IVR Logs:
:session___ani to complex: session:ani as [+1231231234]
:session___calltag to complex: session:calltag as [mppserver1-_SM-1-20173
:session___channel to complex: session:channel as []
:session___dnis to complex: session:dnis as [4823521]
:session___mediatype to complex: session:mediatype as [unknown]
:session___protocolname to complex: session:protocolname as [sip]
:session___protocolversion to complex: session:protocolversion as [2.0]
:session___sessionlabel to complex: session:sessionlabel as [00001117531513357965]
:session___sharedmode to complex: session:sharedmode as [shared]
:session___ucid to complex: session:ucid as [00001117531513357965]
:session___uui to complex: session:uui as [PD,00;F7,000B;F8,0784322501;F5,3837372D3434352D3
:session___videobitrate to complex: session:videobitrate as [unknown]
:session___videocodec to complex: session:videocodec as [unknown]
:session___videoenabled to complex: session:videoenabled as [unknown]

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 2652
This thread was handled off the forum via email. Summary below:
I would verify their call flow. Is the call coming into CM then going to AEP and then back to an EMC agent? That seems to be the case according to their log. If that is the case, then the original UCID is not being passed in from CM because it’s not in the log:

uui to complex: session:uui as [PD,00;F7,000B;F8,0784322501;F5,3837372D3434352D3

I would expect a section with “FA,xxxxxx;” – that is the ucid that would be passed from CM (FA indicates UCID). Maybe the uui is getting truncated. You can specify the size in the trunk-group on CM (screen 3):

You can also specify what order things can passed in UUI, in case something gets cut off (screen 4):

I would have them change the order and make sure UCID is 1 or 2 – it seems like the original UCID is getting cut off and is not making it to AEP.
If you are using a vxml transfer, the UUI needs to be encoded properly and you must be using SIP. If you are using H.323 then you need to do the transfer via AES. See this “Comparison of features supported on H.323 and SIP” in the EP online help.
There is a “PrepareAAI” operation that will build the UUI string for you and take care of everything. If you are already bare handing it

* Service Provider Mode
* 04<hex encoded data>

* Shared Mode
* PD,04;C8,<hex encoded data>;FA,<ucid>
* PD,00;FA,<ucid hex version not decimal>
* PD,04;C8,<hex encoded data>

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