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Joined: Nov 5, 2014
Messages: 6
I am looking to automate the build and deployment process for our Experience Portal IVR applications. Has anybody done this? I'm using Subversion, Jenkins CI, and Ant scripts. I figured out how to do a headless build, but have been unable to figure out an easy way to export to a WAR file from the command line. If anybody has done this, I would appreciate any information you can provide.


Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
OD internally uses an ANT script to package the files in a war file. The Export wizard's job is to gather all the necessary files in a particular directory structure and kicks off the Ant script. In OD 7.1 and above you can save the script and use it as a reference. To save the script, check the "Save build file..." option on the Specify Deployment Parameters step in the Export wizard.
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