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Joined: Jan 6, 2014
Messages: 41

We are currently running on Orchestration Designer version7. We are seeing an issue when a call comes in on our phone switch, and when that call is transferred to our IVR the ANI we receive is the internal phone number that transferred the call and not the original ANI. Any idea how that can be resolved so that we are getting the original ANI and not the internal ANI that transferred the call? We are running in SIP environment.

Here is excerpt of our log.
/CallHandler : Storing :_sipcallid to simple: _sipcallid as [8028bcc894c8e918fc45cf1a4bc00]
/CallHandler : Storing :redirectinfo___presentationinfo to complex: redirectinfo:presentationinfo as []
/CallHandler : Storing :redirectinfo___reason to complex: redirectinfo:reason as []
/CallHandler : Storing :redirectinfo___screeninginfo to complex: redirectinfo:screeninginfo as []
/CallHandler : Storing :redirectinfo___uri to complex: redirectinfo:uri as []
/CallHandler : Storing :session___aai to complex: session:aai as [PD,00;FA,000104C65D53F1DF;FB,000104B65D53F1D7]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___ani to complex: session:ani as [+3191231234]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___calltag to complex: session:calltag as [abc-abc_SM-1-2019226113858]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___channel to complex: session:channel as []
/CallHandler : Storing :session___dnis to complex: session:dnis as [1231234]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___mediatype to complex: session:mediatype as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___protocolname to complex: session:protocolname as [sip]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___protocolversion to complex: session:protocolversion as [2.0]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___sessionlabel to complex: session:sessionlabel as [00001012221565782495]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___sharedmode to complex: session:sharedmode as [shared]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___ucid to complex: session:ucid as [00001012221565782495]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___uui to complex: session:uui as [PD,00;FA,000104C65D53F1DF;FB,000104B65D53F1D7]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videobitrate to complex: session:videobitrate as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videocodec to complex: session:videocodec as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videoenabled to complex: session:videoenabled as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videofarfmtp to complex: session:videofarfmtp as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videoformat to complex: session:videoformat as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videofps to complex: session:videofps as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videoheight to complex: session:videoheight as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videonearfmtp to complex: session:videonearfmtp as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___videowidth to complex: session:videowidth as [unknown]
/CallHandler : Storing :session___vpcalledextension to complex: session:vpcalledextension as []
/CallHandler : Storing :session___vpcoveragereason to complex: session:vpcoveragereason as []
/CallHandler : Storing :session___vpcoveragetype to complex: session:vpcoveragetype as []
/CallHandler : Storing :session___vprdnis to complex: session:vprdnis as []
/CallHandler : Storing :shareduui___id to complex: shareduui:id as [PD |FA |FB]
/CallHandler : Collection Mismatch, going bigger, New size is:3
/CallHandler : Storing :complex: shareduui:id[1] as [PD]
/CallHandler : Storing :complex: shareduui:id[2] as [FA]
/CallHandler : Storing :complex: shareduui:id[3] as [FB]
/CallHandler : Storing :shareduui___value to complex: shareduui:value as [00 |000104C65D53F1DF |000104B65D53F1D7]

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
It is something to configure on CM known as the green feature.
Joined: Jan 6, 2014
Messages: 41
I have shared the information with our telephony team, and he requested that this Avaya case notes- 1-14894417306 and 1-14833858112 be checked.

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
It didn't sound to me at first that the call was transferred in from another extension. I am not sure if CM or EP can do anything. Typically, you would have to get original ANI or other information by using UUI in the transferred call.
Joined: Jan 6, 2014
Messages: 41
Unfortunately the receiving extension that is transferring the call to the IVR is just an extension and not an IVR application. The OD logs don't show the original ANI coming across on the UUI or anywhere else. Are you expecting the originating ANI in the UUI from CM or EP, or were you expecting an IVR to set the ANI in the UUI before being sent to the destination IVR in question?
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
I am expecting the UUI from the party that makes the transfer. but if it's not an app that does the transfer, I am not sure how you could get the information in the UUI. There is no other way in the app to get the original ANI. You would have to consult other folks who know the other parts of the system better.
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