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Joined: Nov 14, 2013
Messages: 95
Apache Tomcat/9.0.39

My tomcat_home/lib/ has

#Sun Nov 06 00:33:04 EST 2005
altTraceFile="D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9CCAIQA\logs\tsapi_trace.txt"
trustStoreLocation="D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9CCAIQA\lib\trusted_weblm_certs.jks"

trusted_weblm_certs.jks has the AES certificate in it.

In D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9CCAIQA\webapps\aesconnector\data\log\trace.log I have
03/01/2024 11:40:39:298 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.setTServerWait: TServer wait time is 4
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.init: initing AES connector. Verbosity set at 3
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.init: AES Connector Version is
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.CheckObserverTimeoutSet: Observer timeout interval found: 100
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.CheckObserverTimeoutSet: Provider startup delay found: 4000
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.getConnectionString: No entry for TServer in configuration file
03/01/2024 11:40:39:314 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.initProvider: Look for TServer config in DD application configuration (new method to 4.0)

The runtimeconfig has the following.
<timeout value="4000"/>
<traceverbosity value="3"/>
<tserver name="CGV NP AES" password="redacted” servicename="AVAYA#CUSTOMER#CSTA-S#HOSTNAME" username="CTICCAI">
<extmap channel="1" mappedext="4841870000" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="2" mappedext="4841870001" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="3" mappedext="4841870002" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="4" mappedext="4841870003" observeonstart="true"/>

I have the altTraceFile defined but the logs is in the aesconnector/data/log/trace.log
The TServer is defined
The debugLevel is set higher than 3.

It’s as if the is not being read. I even tried copying it into aesconnector/data
Joined: Nov 14, 2013
Messages: 95
I've tried the non secure link

<tserver password="redacted" name="CGV NP AES NS" username="CTICCAI" servicename="AVAYA#CUSTOMER#CSTA#HOSTNAME">

<extmap observeonstart="true" mappedext="4841870000" channel="1"/>
<extmap observeonstart="true" mappedext="4841870001" channel="2"/>
<extmap observeonstart="true" mappedext="4841870002" channel="3"/>
<extmap observeonstart="true" mappedext="4841870003" channel="4"/>

My has the following:
#Sun Nov 06 00:33:04 EST 2005


and I'm still getting complaints about the TServer not being configured, and the log file isn't matching the altTraceFile. It's just aesconnector/log/trace.log

03/01/2024 13:52:29:263 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.setTServerWait: TServer wait time is 4

03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.init: initing AES connector. Verbosity set at 3
03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.init: AES Connector Version is
03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.CheckObserverTimeoutSet: Observer timeout interval found: 100
03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.CheckObserverTimeoutSet: Provider startup delay found: 4000
03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.getConnectionString: No entry for TServer in configuration file
03/01/2024 13:52:29:279 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.initProvider: Look for TServer config in DD application configuration (new method to 4.0)
Joined: Jan 31, 2020
Messages: 518

" CTIConnectorManager.setTServerWait: TServer wait time is 4 ... CTIConnectorManager.initProvider: Look for TServer config in DD application configuration (new method to 4.0) "

It sounds as the AES/CTI connector is unable to retrieve the configurations from 'ddconfig' for some reason.

- Did you recently upgrade the OD ?
If the answer is YES, did you follow instruction on these docs on page 3 on page 31

"After upgrading Orchestration Designer, you must update to connectors or other dependant
libraries on the application server. You must update the connector applications
icconnector.war and aesconnector.war, and run-time support files runtimeSupport ."

Any chance to see what happens with a fresh installation of the latest OD 8.1.2 ?

- what are the current releases of the OD, the AES/CTI connector and the AES ?

- You already set "debugLevel"=7 in your '' file.
Might you try as follows

a) Take a look at the "tsapi_trace.txt" for the start up attempt. The exact error message should be visible;

b) Set debugLevel back to 0 in your "" when done.

"tsapi_trace.txt" usually resides in your Tomcat root dir.
In the "" file, the 'altTraceFile' needs to be configured in order to collect the tsapi tracing
associated with the client libraries such as JTAPI and CTIConnector. There isn't any default
location or name for the trace file, so you have to specify the absolute path (full path).

- Please, double-check on the "" file if a valid path was configured. I see on your file


Is that correct ? Remember to use the forward slash in the path name for all operating systems.


For more information on JTAPI tracing reference the JTAPI programmer's guide (
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Messages: 95
I was told that the log4j needs to be updated in 8.1.1 and I either need to copy in a log4j1-2 or upgrade to 8.1.2.
OD 8.1.1 has the JTAPI that doesn’t support log4jv2.
Try to upgrade to 8.1.2 or put a log4j 1.2 jar (you can get that from older version of aesconnector or OD) inside the aesconnector/lib

It should give me logging but not remedy my initial issue where the UUI is not getting passed.
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Messages: 518
" I was told that the log4j needs to be updated in 8.1.1 and I either need to copy in a log4j1-2 or upgrade to 8.1.2 .... "

Correct, anyway I always suggest to use a fresh stand-alone OD 8.1.2 (no need to install).

Did you try the Consultation call (see the attached picture) ?
Picture to show you the consultation item:

  • [Thumb - Picture1.jpg]
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Messages: 95
There is an issue even before the UUI. The GetCTICallInfo is failing so we're going to the blind transfer.
Since I'm not getting any JTAPI logging I don't know what the issue is.

I assume that it has to do with this line from the aesconnector/log/trace.log
03/01/2024 18:16:03:712 DEBUG - CTIConnectorManager.getConnectionString: No entry for TServer in configuration file

But the tserver is in the ddconfig.xml
<tserver name="CGV NP AES NS" password="redacted" servicename="AVAYA#CUSTOMER#CSTA#HOSTNAME" username="CTICCAI">
<extmap channel="1" mappedext="4841870000" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="2" mappedext="4841870001" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="3" mappedext="4841870002" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="4" mappedext="4841870003" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="5" mappedext="4691870000" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="6" mappedext="4691870001" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="7" mappedext="4691870002" observeonstart="true"/>
<extmap channel="8" mappedext="4691870003" observeonstart="true"/>
  • [Thumb - image (1).png]
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Messages: 95
This all started because my application trace is complaining about no observer

03/01/2024 14:42:56:782  INFO - 1AF7B07875CC50C527CCB51F6B6CCAC6:/EPTDialogFlow : Capturing exception [com.avaya.sce.runtimecommon.SCERuntimeException].  Message [No observer on extension:4691870001]

03/01/2024 14:42:56:782 ERROR - 1AF7B07875CC50C527CCB51F6B6CCAC6:/EPTDialogFlow : com.avaya.sce.runtimecommon.SCERuntimeException: No observer on extension:4691870001
at com.avaya.sce.runtimecommon.SCESession.throwRTException(
at com.avaya.sce.runtime.Data.evaluateActions(

This led me to look into the tsapi_trace.txt but that didn't exist.
Joined: Jan 31, 2020
Messages: 518
Hi Matthew.

Maybe the issue was caused by the TSAPI. Might you kindly check for the TSAPI version in your AES/CTI connector ?

You can retrieve this value in the 'aesconnector.war' file

1. Download the war file

2. Unzip the war file

3. Find ecsjtapia.jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder.

4. Extract 'ecsjtapia.jar'

5. Unzip 'ecsjtapia.jar'


7. Look for Implementation-Version or something that looks like a build version.


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.13
Implementation-Title: ecsjtapia
Built-By: Avaya

in this case the TSAPI version is

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