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Hello, can anyone provide any estimates on how much time it takes to convert your customized version of the 6.2 chat SDK to use the new 6.3 chat SDK? Is it a complete redo?

Secondly, can one use the 6.2 chat SDK with an AACC 6.3?

I believe the answer to this is no, but can one use the 6.3 SDK with an AACC 6.2?

Joined: Nov 3, 2010
Messages: 131
Existing SP8 (6.2) WebComms clients will work against SP10 (6.3).
The Service Pack 10 release of the SDK includes a number of bug fixes: there are no features changes.
Also to note, there will be a new release of the WebComms SDK due out in the next few weeks.

Hi John, Is there any known configuration update required on SDK 6.3 to work with AACC 6.3. We have upgraded working set up from 6.2 from both yesterday. Having trouble in sending chat text from Webform to AAAD. Otherway works fine though. Any suggestion please ? After removing earlier ExternalSDK from chat server, removed Code etc from HTDOCS and replaced with earlier one after installing latest 6.3 sdk from same Xampp folder.
Joined: Nov 21, 2013
Messages: 14
Thank you, John. Can you also confirm that SDK 6.3 or even the new SDK will NOT work with AACC 6.2? Will the new SDK be released at the same time as AACC 6.4?
Joined: Nov 3, 2010
Messages: 131
The 6.3 sample SDK will in fact work with 6.2, but you will need to modify the server_version in the config file accordingly.
The upcomming SDK will be out before 6.4.
It will have a dependent 6.3 Avaya Aura CC server patch.
This means the upcomming sample in the SDK will not work correclty unless the Avaya Aura CC patch is present.
However, it would be possible to modify the sample in the SDK to avoid certain functionality and the sample would then work no problem.
Thank you
Joined: Nov 21, 2013
Messages: 14
Hi John, is there already documentation on what's new with this new SDK that will be released? Or do we need to wait until it is released? I'm trying to decide whether to advise my customer to wait for it or to proceed with the 6.3 SDK.
Joined: Nov 3, 2010
Messages: 131
There will be documentation provided with the Avaya Aura CC patch and SDK when they becomes available.
Joined: Nov 3, 2010
Messages: 131
the new SP11 SDK is now posted and available:

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