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Joined: Oct 10, 2007
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In DMCC we need to be able to identify if the agent has been logged out. I know there are no events that will tell us that currently, but is there a way to press a button and get the current agent state? If we can query the agent state, then we could place a timer in to periodically get the agent state and handle unwanted disconnects or state change.
Joined: Nov 15, 2013
Messages: 780

There is a feature button that can be provisioned to allow an agent to change their state. You can query for the lamp state associated with that button to indirectly derive agent state.

We have targeted our May release to include the explicit query for agent state that is currently supported through TSAPI. We cannot yet commit to delivering that functionality.

Joined: Oct 10, 2007
Messages: 0
Can you give me more information about the feature button? What feature is it? So that we can have that turned on. How can I query the feature without changing state?
Joined: Dec 19, 2005
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I don't think there is a button which shows if an agent is logged in or not. However, there are buttons like auto-in, manual-in, aux-work that show the work state.

You could possibly query those buttons periodically to get the information you need.

Joined: Oct 10, 2007
Messages: 0
Reply, I believe you are right. We use 3 agent states (Manual In, ACW, and Auxillary). If i toggle boolean values for those 3 lamps based on there mode (Off = false, Steady = true), then I can check when all 3 are false and then put the agent ui in a logged out state.

Thanks for your help, it has lead me to determine a workable solution.

FYI, when the new version is published, are clients notified, or do we have to just periodically search the Avaya website? If there is a way to subscribe to updates, how can I do that?
Joined: Sep 6, 2007
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Sorry just wanted to add something. Be careful when querying lamps or AgentStateQuery too often, we have about 3000 stations at one site and it eventually congested the link at 400+/- and caused all kinds of trouble. We tried to load balance it so that we would query but every few seconds or minutes but because agents behavior is not predictable minutes were not acceptable.
Joined: Oct 10, 2007
Messages: 0
I'm not actually querying agent state. I just record agent state activity. So as the phone lamps change, i record whether or not they are currently on or not. Thanks for your warning.
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