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Joined: Oct 21, 2009
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The Security Database is configured to restrict third party call control for a specific CTI user.

If your application does not have any restrictions on the privileges of the CTI user, then I recommend that the CTI user should have 'Unrestricted Access' in the 'Security Database' on OAM.

However the CallCenterProvider.getACDAddresses() API will return the Exception that your CTI application receives.

If you sincerely require the CallCenterProvider.getACDAddresses() API, then you will have to configure the 'Security Database' on OAM appropriately.

If your application can work without using the CallCenterProvider.getACDAddresses() API and there is no restriction on the CTI user, then the 'Unrestricted Access'is the best solution to enable the CTI user to access all resources.

By default, a newly created CTI user does not have 'Unrestricted Access' enabled.

If your application does not invoke the CallCenterProvider.getACDAddresses() API, then the Exception will no longer be reported to your application.
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