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Joined: Nov 7, 2013
Messages: 97

I have question in case we set CTI Auto invoke CallInfo upon app start = false and In Data node add "CallInfo" with properties initial = True. [CTICallInfo]

In case, it fail connect to AES CTI Server or didn't not get response until time out (4 sec), Do we have to do disconnect using CTI Disconnect in order to clear session?

Please give me any suggestion.

Best Regards,
Chukiat D.
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 902
No, you don't need to manually perform the disconnect. It is rare you would ever need to use the disconnect.
Joined: Nov 7, 2013
Messages: 97
Thank you for response.

However, in case, we cannot get initial call to CTI in this node, we didn't disconnect on the next node.
But we let caller do self-service about 5 minutes and using blind transfer instead of Blind Call.

So the session to AES CTI in this call will hold until end of this call, right?

Please advice.

Thank you.

Chukiat D.
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 902
I didn't follow your scenario, but if you were unable to get CTI CallInfo you couldn't perform any CTI Call operations including disconnect anyway.
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