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Joined: Mar 17, 2014
Messages: 7

According to documenat "Developer Guide for Proactive Outreach Manager", the PomDesktopAPI should generate some logs:

The library generates its own logs using Apache log4net library. A configuration file is shipped with the library

However, the library zip file contains log4net.dll, but no configuration file. I have tried some configurations but couldn't make the library get to log. I´d like to know how to make the library create the log files.

Thanks in advance
Joined: Jan 28, 2016
Messages: 1
To enable logs please add the following lines to log4net.xml configuration file

<logger name="DotNetPOMAPIDLL">
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender"/>

Please refer to the Apache log4net site for more details around log4net -
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