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Joined: Jan 5, 2017
Messages: 30
I have created a Snap-in which listens to messages coming over socket on port 6100 from external systems and acts on them.
Following is the code inside properties.xml inside the SMGR tag

<port name="TCP" default_port="6100" description="HL7Listner"/>

I can see my service registered on port 6100 in SMGR.

However when I try to send message over socket from a client, I get error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it to IP:6100 "

When I do telnet to that machine, I get following error "Connecting To 6100...Could not open connection to the host, on port Connect failed"

From what I read over the internet, it seems to be a Firewall issue. If yes, what changes are needed in Firewall for the same ?

Please assist.

Joined: Jun 1, 2015
Messages: 18
Hi Alok,

Snap-in does not need to change any FW rules explicitly, breeze takes care of it.

This problem you've mentioned, can be because of couple of reasons:

1. Breeze cluster/node is in Deny New Service mode:
When either breeze cluster or node is in "Deny New Service" mode, it does not accept any new communications on snap-in opened ports.
Please make sure that breeze cluster and node are in "Accept New Service"
Following command can be used to check whether ports are opened up in firewall or not.

firewall-cmd --direct --get-all-rules | grep 6100

The result should contain "ACCEPT" word. (If the problem is not solved, please post the output of above command in you reply for me to debug further, thanks.)

2. Client contacts wrong interface:
When snap-in requests the port to be opened, breeze opens it on eth1 interface, same port is not reachable via eth0.
Please make sure that your client code is trying to open client socket on <eth1 IP>:6100 and not on <eth0 IP>:6100

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