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Joined: Jul 31, 2018
Messages: 4
Location: Riyadh
The error alaram changes to this in ACR, before it was AES
although i installed SMGR certificate in AES again.

Now below errors are my concern

Address 36710 not recognized by TSAPI.
Address 34902 not recognized by TSAPI.
Address 34903 not recognized by TSAPI.
Port 101 Registration failed. Reason: Gatekeeper Reject reason: terminalExcluded
Port 100 Registration failed. Reason: Gatekeeper Reject reason: terminalExcluded
AES TSAPI Service Observation of 100 reports error:CSTAUniversalFailureConfEvent error=invalidCstaDeviceIdentifier
AES TSAPI Service Observation of 101 reports error:CSTAUniversalFailureConfEvent error=invalidCstaDeviceIdentifier
  • [Thumb - acr_error.JPG]
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Ammar Khalid
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1143
Location: Rural, Virginia
I cannot open any of the 43MB of information you sent.
Other than a voluminous amount of logs, here is no further explanation of your problem, no errors, no useful problem statement.
The logs do not even seem to be from the AES tracing capabilities based on their names.
Outside of the time spent uploading the logs, you have spent the bare minimum of time presenting the problem.

Please take the time to put together a comprehensive view of the environment, which version of the DMCC APIs and products you are working with, which language (.NET, java, XML), what you have tried relative to troubleshooting, and what request/response you are seeing. Please also collect the AES side logs for the scenario under test hopefully taking the time to set them to FINEST level of logging.

Please leverage the DMCC Dashboard (contained in the DMCC .NET download) as a starting point to remove connectivity issues. Please review the AES administration documentation for proper configuration for the use of the DMCC API. You can also leverage the sample applications that exist for DMCC.
Joined: Jul 31, 2018
Messages: 4
Location: Riyadh
Sorry Jhon, Appreciate your time though, please have a look to the edited message now.

Ammar Khalid
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1931
"Reason: Gatekeeper Reject reason: terminalExcluded" means that the station is not configured on Communication Manager. The Service Observe error seems to be saying the same thing. I would also interpret the "Address 36710 not recognized by TSAPI." error as meaning the same thing.

So make sure that 36710, 34902, 34903, 100 and 101 are configured on Communication Manager. Assuming they are not, either add them or configure ACR not to use them.

If you need further help with this problem, I suggest you contact your ACR support provider.

Joined: Jul 31, 2018
Messages: 4
Location: Riyadh
struggling with logs
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Ammar Khalid
Joined: Jul 31, 2018
Messages: 4
Location: Riyadh
code files
Filename Desktop.7z.001 [Disk] Download

Ammar Khalid
Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1143
Location: Rural, Virginia
I don't think the problem you are seeing is a result of the IC code you have. From the errors you are providing, our intuition is there is a configuration issue in either IC or Communication Manager.

The extensions that are referenced in the initial posting, 36710, 34902, 34903, 100 and 101 must be configured in Communication Manager. Using the Communication Manager System Access Terminal (SAT), use the command 'display station 36710' to verify extension 36710 is configured. Do the same for the other extensions you list. Extensions 100 and 101 are typically only used on very small deployments. Most likely those extensions would align with something else (like maybe a trunk access code), and would not be something that you could monitor through Applications Enablement Services/IC.

If they are not configured, add a station with that extension, and test to see if the error is not seen.

If the extensions are configured, then the problem may be that the security database on Applications Enablement Services is preventing the CTI user (login the application is using on AE Services to gain access to its services), is blocking the CTI user from performing the operation. The simple test for this is to disable security database checks for the CTI user through the AE Services web user interface. If that unblocks the operations, then it will be necessary to add these extensions to the security database on AE Services and allow access to them for the CTI user that IC is connecting to AE services with. I suggest working with the AE Services administrator on these tasks.
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