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Joined: Feb 10, 2021
Messages: 2
Apologize in advance for the length and detail of my recent posts but I have been attempting much pre-research and testing before posting.

Problem: I need to pass call up to AACC with uui (which works) AND I also need to pass aai to next application (which works) as well.

Application A (source app building uui aai string)
I use Prepare AAI node before transfer.
This is sample output after Prepare AAI.
C8 item is hex encoded aai (custom data I need to pass to next application) - hex encoded by prepare step.
FA item is hex encoded ucid (simply selected and included in the prepare options) - hex encoded by prepare step.

Blind Transfer node in source Application A must have Transfer to AACC checked or set to True.

I believe based on a previous post by Wilson Yu that with Transfer to AACC checked the entire string of data passed is hex encoded.
This all works and allows me to pass uui through to AACC. Now my question...I am also passing aai to another application.
When the aai/uui is received by next application I have a hex encoded string which has both elements of aai also hex encoded.
I have to parse that string at the destination decode hex over entire string and then again decode individual elements of that string.

Application B (destination app receiving uui aai string)
This is the sample output of the uui aai string received at the destination application.

After much study and practice here is that same string with spaces/tabs inserted between each section of encoded string:
00C847 50442c30343b43382c 333233303331333133343334333833303337 3b46412c 33313330333033303332333033303330333033313331333633313333333633383333333633333334 FA0827 120001602EDBB2 %3Bencoding %3Dhex

AAI and UCID fields hex decoded once to this:
323031313434383037 3130303032303030303131363133363833363334

And, here is that same string with translation of each section after hex decoding done twice on the AAI and UCID fields:
P D , 0 4 ; C 8 , 201144807 ; F A , 10002000011613683634 {cannot tell what the rest is}

You can paste each of those lines above into a text editor and possibly see how each one lines up for more detailed analysis.

1) Is this normal or expected behavior? - to have to decode hex TWICE to get at aai and ucid value passed this way? I do not see an obvious way around this but I want to verify this point. Currently I have to hex decode the string received and parse to get at the aai and ucid elements and then I have to hex decode again on each of those elements because the prepare AAI step inside the source application hex encoded these individually.

2) I am not able to figure out exactly what this part of the hex encoded string (end portion received at the destination) is:
Does anyone know exactly what this ending section of the string could be?
What are its parts and layout?
Maybe, part hex encoded, or not hex encoded. I just cannot figure it out.

Finally, the hardest question...
3) The above scenario is passing uui aai to another application, which I have working.
What is not working yet is passing that call with UUI/AAI to queued agents. Agents then pick up that call and ultimately transfer that call back into second application. To be clear application direct to application is working as above. When App A source transfers the call to queue, agent handles the call (at AACC or CM maybe?) and then agent transfers the that same call down into App B destination the uui and aai are not present anymore - we are losing it when agent processing comes into the mix. In general, I know my procedure is correct because it works direct from App A to App B. Does anyone know of specific settings required on CM to allow this uui aai transfer? CM traces seem to not be showing the strings passing through from App A to agent and then to App B in this second transfer scenario from App A to agent and then again from agent to App B scenario.

Thanks as always for the help and advice.

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
First let's deal with the double encoding. If you use the PrepareAAI function before the transfer node, the string that comes out of the PrepareAAI is already encoded, and then the transfer node would again encode it the 2nd time. You shouldn't use the transfer node with Transfer to AACC set to true. You should use either the PrepareAAI function or the Transfer to AACC setting, not both.
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