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Joined: Nov 16, 2020
Messages: 44
I know we can specify the AES certificate location in the config prop for the server authentication ( to use secure tlinks).
Please, is there an option to create a mutual authentication?

Meaning, JTAPI app to be able to send his certificate as well. Can't find such a property to be mentioned in
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1931
Yes, it is possible to use mutual authentication with TSAPI/JTAPI.

On AES web manager, click the Security -> Host AA -> Service Settings menu. Now, select "Authenticate Client Cert with Trusted Certs" for TSAPI. Click Apply a couple of times and restart TSAPI.

On the client side, you will need to import your ID cert into the Java keystore used by JTAPI. The approximate command for this is:
keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore "myIDCert.p12" -srcstoretype PKS12 -destkeystore "jtapiKeystore.jks" -destkeystoretype JKS

If your ID cert uses a different CA to AES, you will also need to import your CA cert into the AES "CA Trusted Certificates" list.

Joined: Nov 16, 2020
Messages: 44
Cool. Thanks, Martin!
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