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Joined: Nov 10, 2013
Messages: 12
I am trying to call the function

It throws an error

com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiPlatformException: listenHold failure
at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TSConnection.listenHold(
at com.avaya.jtapi.tsapi.TsapiTerminalConnection.listenHold(

I tried both LucentV5TerminalConnection.listenhold(LucentV5TerminalConnection).

Both throw errors.

JTAPI logs shows
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} TsapiPrivate ::=
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} {
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} vendor "ECS"
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} data 2 0 43 0 30 1f 30 10 2 2 6 e3 16 7 34 32 35 36 32 36 32 a 1 0 1 1 ff 30 8 2 1 0 16 0 a 1 0
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} tsType 89
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#10} }
08/05/13 17:18:33.452 {JTAPIEventDeliveryThread#4} TP thread returned from callChangedEvent, Unlocked callChangedEvent for CallObserver core.AvayaUser$ACallObserver@11bfcbe
08/05/13 17:18:33.539 <GetEventThread#7> Received invokeID 41 for TSProvider[#1]@44b7f7
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <GetEventThread#7> CSTAUniversalFailureConfEvent ::=
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <GetEventThread#7> {
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <GetEventThread#7> error 3 < VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE >
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <GetEventThread#7> }
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <GetEventThread#7> Putting event CSTAEvent[CSTAUniversalFailureConfEvent]@e361ad. EVENT Q SIZE = 1 MAX Q SIZE = 2 for TSProvider[#1]@44
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <DistributeCSTAEvent#8> Getting event CSTAEvent[CSTAUniversalFailureConfEvent]@e361ad for TSProvider[#1]@44b7f7
08/05/13 17:18:33.540 <DistributeCSTAEvent#8> Handling INVOKE ID 41 for TSProvider[#1]@44b7f7


Joined: Dec 12, 2013
Messages: 21
VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE means the party specified (i.e. the TerminalConnection you are invoking the listenHod API on) is not part of the call or is in the wrong state, for example, still in the alerting state. Check the state of the TerminalConnection before invoking the listenHold API.
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