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Joined: Jun 24, 2008
Messages: 1
I ran across this in the FAQ and I think it relates to the problem I am having. " Will CTI work with vector programming (i.e. converse steps, etc.)?

No. If the vector has control over the call, then it will ignore messages from the TServer. "

In production, we are sending calls to VP using vectors based on DNIS. For this script I am transfering to agents using Converse Data Return. In developing a CTI based application, using the same vectors in the switch, I am having issues transferring the calls via CTI. Could the use of vectors be my issue? and what is the proper method to send calls to VP if so?

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
I don't know of any issue between vector and cti. Why do you need to use CTI in the first place? I understand that the call is sent to VP DD application using Converse On. But then you said "what is the proper method to send calls to VP". Do you mean you are transfering the from VP/DD to some place else? Can you post some logs that show the error that you are seeing?
Joined: Jun 24, 2008
Messages: 1
Sorry. should have linked to my other thread.

What is the purpose of this FAQ if there are no issues between vectors and CTI? Maybe I am missing its point.

Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
I am confused. The link you provided has nothing about vector. This is the last comment Neil made on the posting:

"No, sorry. Don't have much domain expertise in that area.

I would mention that the blind transfer issue and voice are probably 2 separate issues. Routing in general could be an issue, but voice specificially may not be."

I can ask Neil if you need more clarification on this.
Joined: Jun 24, 2008
Messages: 1
I am wondering if the way my switch is passing the call, via vectors, could be causing the issue with my CTI connector not passing the call back to the switch properly. Could this be why the CTI transfer is not sending the voice along with the CTI pop?

And can you explain the purpose of that faq? the faq reads like vectors are not the proper method of sending CTI based calls to VP. Is that correct, and if so, what is the proper method?
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
Which faq are you referring to that have the "vectors are not the proper method of sending CTI based calls to VP" comment? I am still not sure which faq you are talking about. I saw a lot of people using the combination converse on and VXML transfer. Maybe you should try VXML transfer instead of CTI transfer unless you to send UUI.
Joined: Jun 24, 2008
Messages: 1
the faq is located under the Dialog Designer/CTI Connector section. We are using UUI to send pop information to CCE.
Joined: Nov 6, 2013
Messages: 3950
I see. Now looking at it, it was an old FAQ. I am really not sure what that really means. I asked Neil; he has no recollection where that was originated from either. We really can't think of a scenario in DD that FAQ applies.
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