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Joined: Nov 2, 2011
Messages: 0
Hello All,

I know the subject has been answered multiple times, however something I don't understand from the last post about this "applications have to pool for agent state" i read this in the 6.2 documentation

--AgentLoggedOffEvent (Support in 6.1)
--AgentLoggedOnEvent (Support in 6.1)
--AgentReadyEvent (Support in 6.2)
--AgentNotReadyEvent (Support in 6.2)
--AgentWorkingAfterCallEvent (Support in 6.2)

But no events arrive in the listen.
Could you please cleary define your position?

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Hi Christian,

To receive AgentLoggedOffEvent and AgentLoggedOnEvent, you must monitor the Hunt Group extension number. You will not get these events by, for example, monitoring the Agent's extension. This is a common misunderstanding.

The other events (Ready, NotReady etc.) are only available for Avaya applications. They are not available for Third Party applications. The documentation is misleading on this subject and I have asked Development to either remove these events from the documentation or to make it clear that non-Avaya developers cannot rely on these events.

Joined: Nov 2, 2011
Messages: 0
Thank you for your clear answer Martin
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