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Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
This is triggering Agent Login/Logout events. I am not sure this is the right way of doing. If different phones are registered to the same Hunt Group under different instances of the code below and logging of from one of the instances is making all phones loggedoff.

1) serviceProvider.StartApplicationSession
2) OnStartApplicationSessionResponse
   a) GetDeviceID for Phone
3) OnGetDeviceIdResponse   
   a) StartMonitor for Phone
4) OnStartMonitorResponse
   a) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.GetThirdPartyDeviceId for Phone      
   b) Register Terminal Phone
   c) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.GetThirdPartyDeviceID For Hunt Group
5) OnGetThirdPartyDeviceIdResponse
   a) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.StartMonitor for Phone
   b) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.StartMonitor for Hunt Group
6) OnRegisterTerminalResponse
   a) Login

7) This is firing
   a) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.OnAgentLoggedOnEvent
   b) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.OnAgentLoggedOffEvent

So I tried this. I created 2 instances of ServiceProvider. This is not firing AgentLogin/Logout events.

Instance 1:
1) serviceProvider.StartApplicationSession
2) GetDeviceID for For Hunt Group
3) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.StartMonitor for Hunt Group

Instance 2:

1) serviceProvider.StartApplicationSession
2) OnStartApplicationSessionResponse
   a) GetDeviceID for Phone
3) OnGetDeviceIdResponse   
   a) StartMonitor for Phone
4) OnStartMonitorResponse
   a) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.GetThirdPartyDeviceId for Phone      
   b) Register Terminal Phone
5) OnGetThirdPartyDeviceIdResponse
   a) serviceProvider.getThirdPartyCallController.StartMonitor for Phone
6) OnRegisterTerminalResponse
   a) Login

7) No AgentLoggedIn/LoggedOff events

Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
I suggest that you use the DMCC Dashboard to simulate your process. It may show up any flaws in your logic.

I ran through the second scenario (one dashboard monitoring the Huntgroup and another monitoring/logging in the agent's phone). In my case, I did get Agent Login/out events on the Huntgroup dashboard.

Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
I checked with dashboard and it is working. I checked DMCC logs on AES and the xml posted is same from my code and dashboard and still login event is not happening for scenario 2
Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
I tried the same scenario you explained and the events fired on Hunt Group dashboard. Is there a way to get these events on Agent's Phone dash board? I need this information of Agent's side for couple of reasons.

1) I am head set user and if the head set is off, CM will make the phone logged off. The only the applicatiuon knows about this is by getting logged events on agents application.

2) I need to capture some information of logged events.
Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
I tried the same scenario you explained and the events fired on Hunt Group dashboard. Is there a way to get these events on Agent's Phone dash board? I need this information of Agent's side for couple of reasons.

1) I am head set user and if the head set is off, CM will make the phone logged off. The only the applicatiuon knows about this is by getting logged events on agents application.

2) I need to capture some information of logged events.
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
The way to get the Agent Login/out events on the Agent's Dashboard is to monitor the Huntgroup from the Agent's Dashboard.

Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
Sorry, I am confused. This is how I understand this.

In the application from the same instance of service provider start 2 sessions. One for Agent and another for Hunt group. Then the application should get logged events. Right?

Can I can end both sessions at the end when I dispose the service provider object without affecting any other agent logins associated with the same hunt group that are originated from other instances of application.
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
There is no need for two sessions. You can perform all the actions using the same session.

I do not know of any way your application could "accidentally" affect any agents that are not controlled by the application.

Joined: Jan 10, 2014
Messages: 1
If I have 200 agents working on 200 different sessions and all belongs to same hunt group, my code will create 200 monitors on hunt group one per session. Is there any limit on how many monitors we can start on hunt group?

Is there any setting at AES that is affecting other agents when I stop huntgroup monitor from one session that makes other agents logged off
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Is there any limit on how many monitors we can start on hunt group?

- Not that I know of.

Is there any setting at AES that is affecting other agents when I stop huntgroup monitor from one session that makes other agents logged off

- No.
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