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Joined: Feb 21, 2014
Messages: 3
I've been pouring over the docs and I can'd seem to find a way to be able to tell the difference between skill based hunt groups and split based hunt groups using DMCC.

Basically I am trying to monitor hunt groups that agents will log into, and ignore the ones they won't.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Joined: Feb 21, 2014
Messages: 3
Maybe a better way to phrase it would be "tell the difference between hunt groups designated as queues and those that are not".
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1922
Hi Francis,

Skill vs Split based Hunt Groups are configured on a per-switch basis. ie. All Hunt Groups on a switch are either Split based or Skill based. The main configuration difference between the two is the "Expert Agent Selection Enabled?" parameter of the "System-Parameters Customer-Options" table.

There is no way for DMCC to tell them apart.

I am not sure about your differentiation between HGs that agents will log into and ones that they won't. A HG is not much use if Agents don't log into it. How the agent is allocated to a HG is controlled by the switch configuration.

My suspicion is that you want a way of finding out when an agent logs in. The simplest way to do this (with Skill based HGs) is to create a single "dummy" skill which is allocated to all agents (along with their other skills). A monitor on this HG will then receive an AgentLoggedOnEvent whenever any agent logs in.

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