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Joined: Nov 7, 2013
Messages: 46

i have a lisitener to multi vdn , extension and acd groups.

some times my application stop getting evevts from the dmcc server.

my application is still alive but i do not get events from the pbx.

i have to reset my application.

i do not get any errors.

when it works i get

Reset Application Session Response: 4560 Session ID:37E1CEBE167E924CA64C757695361949-53 Duration: 180

every minute but when it stop i do not get any events or error.

what is going wrong ?


Joined: Jun 20, 2005
Messages: 1141
Location: Rural, Virginia
Start by examining the logs on AE Services in /opt/mvap/logs/dmcc-trace.log.x for the time period when you lost communication with the server. "What the far end think happened" is always a good thing to look at.

Do you have proper monitors set up on the session? There would be exceptions thrown to messages you send as well. Are you catching them (assuming you are using Java or DMCC .NET). if you are using XML then you should be getting error indications back if there is some socket layer issue.
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