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Joined: Oct 28, 2010
Messages: 4

When a message is being played to a caller and the caller goes on hold, the playback is suspended and no event is raised. In such a scenario, when the caller reconnects, the playback message continues.

Is there a way a timeout can be set so that the station is not occupied for a long time? I tried setting durationLength exceeded as termination criteria during play Message request but then i will have to explicitly find out the length of each message. And I cannot set a message length when an array of wav files are being played

Please kindly suggest an alternative
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1932
Hi Priya,

I cannot see any way of doing that while in Server Media mode. If you require more control, I suggest you use Client Media mode and provide/process the media in your own application.

In fact, in Server mode, the AE Services is processing the media which places a large load on it. This greately reduces the number of stations/agents that it can handle. Client Media mode is much more scalable in a production environment.

Joined: Oct 28, 2010
Messages: 4
Hi Martin,

Thanks for your assistance.

It means this behavior is expected that the playback is paused on hold.

but how would it help if station is registered in client media mode.
I mean, will my application know caller is on hold
Joined: Oct 28, 2010
Messages: 4
Also, why is it that i cannot set playInterval and / or playCount when i am playing a file list (array of wav files)

Thanks & Regards.
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1932
Hi Priya,

I don't see the behaviour you describe when I tested in the lab. When the caller Holds, and then Reconnects, he misses the part of the message being played while he is Held. Can you give some more information on your setup and call flow?

Joined: Oct 28, 2010
Messages: 4
Hi Martin,

This happens when a call is made from an internal station / hardphone with extensions on the same CM for eg.: an agent logged into a staion and a wav file is played to the agent.

Also, there are lot of issues on playing array of wav files.

Thnx a lot!!!!!
Joined: Nov 30, 2009
Messages: 1932
Hi Priya,

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I have checked this on my 5.2 AE Services and everything works as it should. I don't see any of the issues that you have reported.

I have been trying to check this on my 6.2 AE Services but have been having different problems to you. In my case, when I play a message, I hear silence and do not get a StopEvent.

I am working on installing SP 3 to see if that improves matters.

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